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Author Topic:   The Post for Video Games 9: Consoles and PCs become ONE!
posted March 21, 2011 01:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for shaselai Click Here to Email shaselai Send a private message to shaselai Click to send shaselai an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Malice327:
@ tranderas

1- it's shoddy hit detection. I am pretty sure I can tell the difference between bullets "having no effect" like I said and lots of hit markers

2- it takes barely anything to kill someone in homefront. I kept dying in 2-3 assault rifle shots from med to long range

3- the story is predictable and covered so much before it's impossible for them to surprise you. Just replace Americans with Jews and Koreans with Nazis and poof you have you homebrew resistance story

and the fact the story is them getting xyz into abc so ghi can happen is just silly

posted March 21, 2011 01:24 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmostGrown Click Here to Email AlmostGrown Send a private message to AlmostGrown Click to send AlmostGrown an Instant MessageVisit AlmostGrown's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AlmostGrown's Have/Want ListView AlmostGrown's Have/Want List

Sorry, it just seemed to fit with the theme of letters in order.

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posted March 21, 2011 01:39 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
I've been watching 3 people play the game for a total of 15 hours and none of them have had the problems you're having.
posted March 21, 2011 02:25 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MeddlingMage's Have/Want ListView MeddlingMage's Have/Want List
Originally posted by AlmostGrown:
Anyone else still play World at War? Aside from the occasional MP40 freaks and Tanks I'm still really enjoying it.

I just got this brand new for Wii and played a bit the other night.

I assume you're on a different console...


Edit: For 9.99

I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion, 2007 Captain N award winner, 2010 Marlboro award winner.

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[Edited 1 times, lastly by MeddlingMage on March 21, 2011]

posted March 21, 2011 05:06 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmostGrown Click Here to Email AlmostGrown Send a private message to AlmostGrown Click to send AlmostGrown an Instant MessageVisit AlmostGrown's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AlmostGrown's Have/Want ListView AlmostGrown's Have/Want List
Originally posted by MeddlingMage:
I just got this brand new for Wii and played a bit the other night.

I assume you're on a different console...


Edit: For 9.99

i got it for $15 on the 360.

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posted March 22, 2011 05:38 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for mattw Click Here to Email mattw Send a private message to mattw Click to send mattw an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View mattw's Have/Want ListView mattw's Have/Want List
I've been rocking the kinect lately and just wanted to throw it out there, that Deca Sports Freedom was pretty awful. Any suggestions for kinect games? I already got kinect adventures, kinect sports and fighters uncaged.

Its pretty much for getting wasted and hanging out with friends so even dance games are an option. Anything that can make someone look like an a**

posted March 22, 2011 07:31 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Our_Benefactors Click Here to Email Our_Benefactors Send a private message to Our_Benefactors Click to send Our_Benefactors an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Crysis 2... 43% finished on Steam...
posted March 22, 2011 08:27 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Malice327 Click Here to Email Malice327 Send a private message to Malice327 Click to send Malice327 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I think i am ruining some of my FPS fun lately with expectations set too high. I can go most of a day without having a game below 3 KD, and i think it's starting to become commonplace. went 1.6+ last night, and 2.5 and i was raging at how "terrible" i was doing. I used to switch to my goof around account, but after i got that up to 2.6+ kd, i started taking that one too serious as well.

I finished DA2, so I need a new game to screw around on when my FPS gaming makes my blood pressure rise... anyone tried crysis 2 yet?

posted March 22, 2011 08:42 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Thanos Click Here to Email Thanos Send a private message to Thanos Click to send Thanos an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
With all the things I'm anal about, thankfully KDR isn't one of them.

posted March 24, 2011 11:17 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Malice327 Click Here to Email Malice327 Send a private message to Malice327 Click to send Malice327 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Gave crysis 2 a rent, and I am actually enjoying the online multiplayer. It's no COD killer, but it's still pretty fun. It plays like a cross between Halo and Cod, with the speed of kills in Cod (almost) but some of the cool gadgets and stuff from Halo. There is a decent amount of customization. There are connection issues just like in any other fps. If you're looking for something to tide you over till battlefield 3 or MW3, give this a shot
posted March 25, 2011 05:29 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
I definitely prefer Homefront over Crysis 2. Crysis is another cod clone; homefront is more akin to BC2.

I played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare as part of my "give games i hated originally a second chance" Gamefly queue, and can honestly say this experience was marginally better than the last. I don't want to flame every kid that talks about the game anymore...

...except I do still want to flame every kid that says this is the best FPS ever. It's not close. The single player campaign has an interesting story and the overall flow of the gameplay makes more sense than MW2 or BO, but it's still not fun to have infinitely-respawning enemies to deal with. Why do I have to run three feet from where enemies are spawning to get them to stop doing that? It makes no sense... if I find a juicy sniper perch, I should be able to thin out the enemy ranks ahead of rushing in. Not possible in CoD4.

The multiplayer was better than my first experience with it, but still not great. The maps aren't any better than in MW2 or BO and you still have most of the same issues- poor spawns, major host advantage, unbalanced weapons, etc. You don't have as many issues, I suppose. I hate 3 frags more than OMA tubes as a tier 1 perk, though.

I talked to my circle of FPS players that I join up with on a regular basis, and this was their insight on the problem: For many of the younger generation, CoD4 was their first FPS. They remember it fondly, and only really compare it to MW2 and BO, forgetting that a lot of the BS in those games also happens in CoD4 because it's been so long since they played the latter.

For twitch-speed shooters, Unreal Tournament is far superior. I'm old enough to remember 16-person Quake LANs and 16 people gathering in one teenager's basement to hook up 4 TVs and 4 xboxes for some Halo 1. I've played the gems of the genre, like Tribes (a game I feel like people forgot...everyone was complaining about jetpacks going into Reach but I pointed out the fact that Tribes did jetpacks just fine), the original Doom, Team Fortress 2, the first two Halos, and the aforementioned Quake and Unreal. CoD4 doesn't hold a candle to any of these games.

My "give old games a second chance" queue just got interrupted, though; despite having it last on my Gamefly queue, the company decided to send The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii for my next game, skipping over two Bioshocks and Gears 1. I will return CoD4 this weekend and hopefully get one of those three games next week.

posted March 25, 2011 07:14 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Our_Benefactors Click Here to Email Our_Benefactors Send a private message to Our_Benefactors Click to send Our_Benefactors an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Tranderas:
Crysis is another cod clone

It's really not. The flexibility and strategic options presented by the nanosuit make it a very different experience. I can't speak to homefront as I haven't played it.

posted March 25, 2011 01:04 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for flophaus Click Here to Email flophaus Send a private message to flophaus Click to send flophaus an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
You prolly forgot about Goldeneye 007, huh?
posted March 25, 2011 01:17 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
I realized when i was driving to class after posting this that I forgot Goldeneye, although I probably forgot it because I considered Perfect Dark (the original, not the horrible Perfect Dark Zero) superior in every way.
posted March 25, 2011 01:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmostGrown Click Here to Email AlmostGrown Send a private message to AlmostGrown Click to send AlmostGrown an Instant MessageVisit AlmostGrown's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AlmostGrown's Have/Want ListView AlmostGrown's Have/Want List
I got Perfect Dark for the XBLA and it's pretty well done.

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posted March 26, 2011 09:46 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for flophaus Click Here to Email flophaus Send a private message to flophaus Click to send flophaus an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Tranderas:
I realized when i was driving to class after posting this that I forgot Goldeneye, although I probably forgot it because I considered Perfect Dark (the original, not the horrible Perfect Dark Zero) superior in every way.

Superior? Perhaps. Which came first? Goldeneye... by far, IIRC. Also, Perfect Dark had the expansion pak, 007 did not.

I'm just sayin' 007 is like a father to PD, and a great-greandfather to all these newer FPS's.

posted March 26, 2011 09:55 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmostGrown Click Here to Email AlmostGrown Send a private message to AlmostGrown Click to send AlmostGrown an Instant MessageVisit AlmostGrown's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AlmostGrown's Have/Want ListView AlmostGrown's Have/Want List
Originally posted by flophaus:
Superior? Perhaps. Which came first? Goldeneye... by far, IIRC. Also, Perfect Dark had the expansion pak, 007 did not.

I'm just sayin' 007 is like a father to PD, and a great-greandfather to all these newer console FPS's.

Truth, in it's purest form (after fixing it, of course)!

send ref checks, paypal payment or any questions to the email in my profile!
Serra Angel Count: 268
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PlasteredDragon - Gone but not forgotten

[Edited 1 times, lastly by AlmostGrown on March 26, 2011]

posted March 26, 2011 11:13 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for flophaus Click Here to Email flophaus Send a private message to flophaus Click to send flophaus an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by AlmostGrown:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by flophaus:
Superior? Perhaps. Which came first? Goldeneye... by far, IIRC. Also, Perfect Dark had the expansion pak, 007 did not.

I'm just sayin' 007 is like a father to PD, and a great-greandfather to all these newer console FPS's.

Truth, in it's purest form (after fixing it, of course)!


Agreed =) PC's were doing their FPS thing long before 007 came out. (Doom or Duke Nukem anyone?)

posted March 26, 2011 11:22 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Malice327 Click Here to Email Malice327 Send a private message to Malice327 Click to send Malice327 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I really can't see how you can say Crysis is a cod clone in any way shape or form. It's like saying Halo Reach is a cod clone.

Other than the fact that you "have guns and shoot people" there really isn't TOO much to compare.

I really like how sprinting in Crysis 2 takes energy, so you cannot just sprint around and then trigger stealth or armor.

Edit: I still think that if they could fix BO's connection issues, it would deserve it's title of top selling game. It's balanced, the levels and game types are fun, and the company seems to listen to it's customers. But the connection issues.... blah... are grosse. Nothing like going 65 and 4 in one game, and the next one barely going positive because you're shooting feathers at people.
Also, I like their dogtag system. You don't get killstreaks unless you pick the dog tags up, so if you're one of those players who thinks it's "super fun" to sit on a sniper perch killing people while cloaked... you at least can't pick up their dog tags until MUCH later in the game where you have to sacrifice one of your armor abilities to choose the "auto pick up dog tags" one.

Power sliding is fun

Armor uping causes you to glow, which is strategically nice.

Doing the air stomp attack is pretty hilarious too and very satisfying when you jump off a 3 story building and crush someone.

I don't like how useless the mini map is, or how fast your energy refills. There isn't much variety at all for guns, and sometimes its hard to even tell if you're shooting someone.

I'm definitely not buying the game, I don't enjoy it enough, but it was different to the point where i didn't feel like i was playing cod or halo, which was refreshing. I am looking forward to trying BF3, and will definitely be buying Mw3 when it comes out.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Malice327 on March 26, 2011]

posted March 26, 2011 11:48 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
you have killstreaks at 3, 5, and 7. 3 is radar, 5 is a precision-targeted strike from some far-overhead source, 7 is a flying vehicle of some sort that enters the battlefield to shoot enemies. Available attachments to weapons- which must be unlocked- include a grenade launcher, red dot sight, extended mag and a shotgun.

No, nothing like cod at all :eyeroll:

The worst criticism i've heard leveled on this game- coming from a guy who is 15th prestige in BO on two different consoles and plays FPS games on stream- was "This feels a lot like CoD. It looks like they tried to appeal to more gamers, which is fine, but I'm tired of CoD." He stopped playing and went back to Homefront.

Edit: Wait...wait, you think BO is good and that the only problem is the connection issue? Not the hit detection, not the unbalanced weapons, not the CoD community which continues to be 12 year olds talking trash and screaming into the mic? Not the maps that continue to reward corner-camping and are not anywhere near open enough to fix that problem? Just the connection?

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Tranderas on March 26, 2011]

posted March 26, 2011 12:57 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Bugger Click Here to Email Bugger Send a private message to Bugger Click to send Bugger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Tranderas:

Edit: Wait...wait, you think BO is good and that the only problem is the connection issue? Not the hit detection, not the unbalanced weapons, not the CoD community which continues to be 12 year olds talking trash and screaming into the mic? Not the maps that continue to reward corner-camping and are not anywhere near open enough to fix that problem? Just the connection?

Hit detection: I have no idea what you're talking about. I think if you're finding hit detection to be an issue, you might want to improve your aim and burst-fire instead of simply spraying bullets. Yes, weapons have kick.

Weapons: yeah, I thought the galil and ak47 were poorly designed and OP. then I played Homefront. Talk about unbalanced weapons. Honestly I dont understand the complaint about strong weapons, it's like good cards in standard. Yes, if you have the option of either one, you will choose to play a primeval Titan over craw wurm. What's the big deal?

On the community: trolls exist, welcome to the world. BO is the most-played fps atm. Are you really surprised that there is a correspondingly higher number of *******s? They're in any game. Do what I do, when I'm not in a party: plug the mic in, and then leave it on the table so you don't have to hear teammates.

On camping and maps: I would argue if you think camping is excessive and OP you need to learn how to deal with them aside from sprinting in, guns blazing. Personally I love it when there are tons of campers on the other team, it means I get to destroy them and have fun while doing so. Oh, you're in the tower on Kowloon? Okay, I'll run around to your bad side, flush you out with nova gas, and knife you while you run downstairs.

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posted March 26, 2011 01:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Malice327 Click Here to Email Malice327 Send a private message to Malice327 Click to send Malice327 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Tranderas:
you have killstreaks at 3, 5, and 7. 3 is radar, 5 is a precision-targeted strike from some far-overhead source, 7 is a flying vehicle of some sort that enters the battlefield to shoot enemies.

these are generic kill streaks that aren't unique to Call of Duty. Home front has uav's and attack choppers, and hellfire air strikes too, but you aren't comparing that game to cod. The air strike in Crysis 2 is also a giant green energy beam that moves across the map, which is a new twist. You're kill streaks also are not customizable.

Available attachments to weapons- which must be unlocked- include a grenade launcher, red dot sight, extended mag and a shotgun.

as opposed to what in homefront, or any other FPS game.... red dot site... underbarrel shotty... big surprises there. They are in BC2, Medal of honor, MW2, Black ops, crysis 2 homefront.... give me a break


The worst criticism i've heard leveled on this game- coming from a guy who is 15th prestige in BO on two different consoles and plays FPS games on stream- was "This feels a lot like CoD. It looks like they tried to appeal to more gamers, which is fine, but I'm tired of CoD." He stopped playing and went back to Homefront.

ironically, homefront is more cod like than crysis 2 is... and if you want to base your arguements on what ONE person says, feel free to. I don't get people saying things about 15th prestige... 15th prestige doesn't make you good, it just means you play... ALOT. 15th prestige on 2 different consoles = over 30 days played in Black ops... since November... your friend is either unemployed, independantly rich with ridiculous amounts of time on his hands, or pretty much only plays Black ops.


Edit: Wait...wait, you think BO is good and that the only problem is the connection issue? Not the hit detection, not the unbalanced weapons, not the CoD community which continues to be 12 year olds talking trash and screaming into the mic? Not the maps that continue to reward corner-camping and are not anywhere near open enough to fix that problem? Just the connection?

Unbalanced weapons? BO has some of the MORE balanced weapons in FPS games lately. Yes the Famas and Aug shoot faster, but the Commando and AK47 have almost as high dps output due to slower shots, but higher damage per shot. Same with the galil. So you have 5 auto assault rifles that are on the same page, and 2 burst ones that are good in different situations as well. 7 usable assault rifles? Sounds good to me. After they nerf'd the Ak74u, there are plenty of usable SMG's as well. With the damage of the FAL, i'd use that too if the connection wasn't all wonky in the game half the time.

You do realize that EVERYTHING having to do with hit detection in Black ops is CONNECTION based?! The disparity between your connection and that of the person you are shooting at causes issues. The exact same thing with claymores. If you walk around a corner into a claymore placed by someone with a terrible connection, there is a good chance you'll be able to walk past it or far enough that when it detonates you'll live. Reverse the connections though, and the claymore will instantly detonate killing you. That half second delay is a half second the target is moving which isn't represented on your screen. Bullets are hitting the edge of their arms, or are not actually hitting at all, but are registering as hit markers due to your connection. If they fixed the connection issues, poof... the hit detection would be a hell of a lot better.

As far as corner humping... would you rather it be back to commando pro tac knifing? I like the fact that they slowed the game down a bit from MW2. You're still able to run and gun, but not like the silenced UMP, or akimbo shotties style. Play domination in BO, it's completely different than TDM. Get a good team together, and then corner humpers aren't an issue. I've heard complaints that the maps are too hard to post up if you're playing tactically with a team. Every room has 2-3 ways into it MIN. Corner humping is more difficult in BO than in most other FPS games. In homefront you can sit in a bush with a sniper the entire game with the ghost perk, and no one finds you.

@Bugger i'll be playing BO more soon, just been really sick this past 2 weeks, and have gotten into a really good book series lol

I also wish that your killstreaks were attached to your class... would be nice to be able to change to a class not using spy plane when the entire enemy team is using ghost

[Edited 4 times, lastly by Malice327 on March 26, 2011]

posted March 26, 2011 07:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
The fact that he plays a lot of FPS games (and is good at them, as he can prove) tells me that his opinion holds more weight than Casual FPS Player person. When he says "This game has too much in common with Call of Duty", he has the 20 days of play on each CoD to prove he knows what CoD feels like. I'll take him at his word.

I like how you mention the AUG in the same sentence as the FAMAS, because it is worse than that gun by a mile. The only guns worth using in the game are the silenced Spas, the FAMAS, the silenced Galil, and whatever sniper rifle you're most comfortable with. Every other gun is secondary. Some people are still making arguments for the AK74u with grip and rapid fire... i don't know. I'm not seeing it. I'd rather have Sleight of Hand at the tier 2 perk than Warlord on a rush class.

Your entire first paragraph: "Crysis is nothing like CoD except for all these ways that are exactly like CoD." Face it, they changed the fundamental way Crysis works in order to appeal to the mass audience that prefers CoD. They'll likely lose a lot of their fan base by dumbing it down in this way.

The hit detection on BO is not just connection, this is proven by going back and looking at the game in Theater mode (and if you don't want to take my word for it, look for a few minutes on youtube). It's not just connection that's causing the poor hit detection, the game's hit boxes are off.

To answer "Would you rather it be back to commando pro tac knifing?" ...have you seen the lunge distance in BO? You can already do that- marathon lightweight with a ballistic knife is worse than MW2's commando. It's obscene. To further answer, i'd rather have a game series where garbage like this never existed to begin with.

The people I play FPS games with most tell me that they're playing Homefront and not Crysis, and the ones who have played both tell me Crysis is like CoD and homefront isn't. Homefront has big maps and tanks, which make it more reminiscent of Bad Company 2 than Call of Duty in most of my friends' minds (compared to Crysis 2 which reminds them of CoD), and they are playing it because they are tired of CoD style gameplay.

posted March 27, 2011 10:30 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Malice327 Click Here to Email Malice327 Send a private message to Malice327 Click to send Malice327 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Tranderas:
The fact that he plays a lot of FPS games (and is good at them, as he can prove) tells me that his opinion holds more weight than Casual FPS Player person. When he says "This game has too much in common with Call of Duty", he has the 20 days of play on each CoD to prove he knows what CoD feels like. I'll take him at his word.

fair enough


I like how you mention the AUG in the same sentence as the FAMAS, because it is worse than that gun by a mile. The only guns worth using in the game are the silenced Spas, the FAMAS, the silenced Galil, and whatever sniper rifle you're most comfortable with. Every other gun is secondary. Some people are still making arguments for the AK74u with grip and rapid fire... i don't know. I'm not seeing it. I'd rather have Sleight of Hand at the tier 2 perk than Warlord on a rush class.

the famas and the aug are identical weapons. Same ROF, same DPS, same reload time, same clip size, same style of iron site, same attachments, same style of kick and directional movement needed to reduce it.

I don't get how you can say those are the only guns to use... for shot guns the stakeout has the highest damage, with the best spread, and the farthest range. You can't take it silenced, but there are times where you don't need a silenced shotgun.

Galil = Commando = Ak47 plain and simple.

Grip and rapidfire = fail

Warlord is best used with a stealth class, using dual mags and a silencer for obvious reasons.


Your entire first paragraph: "Crysis is nothing like CoD except for all these ways that are exactly like CoD." Face it, they changed the fundamental way Crysis works in order to appeal to the mass audience that prefers CoD. They'll likely lose a lot of their fan base by dumbing it down in this way.

According to developers, they did change the way it works to appeal to a different audience and give COD gamers something different to try as BF3 and MW3 are coming out later this year.


The hit detection on BO is not just connection, this is proven by going back and looking at the game in Theater mode (and if you don't want to take my word for it, look for a few minutes on youtube). It's not just connection that's causing the poor hit detection, the game's hit boxes are off.

Wrong again. Theater mode is about as accurate as the kill cam. Latencies are put into a "happy medium" in theater mode, so it's not remotely accurate. The only way you're going to get a true idea of hit boxes when doing any kind of recording is to have someone use an HD PVR in a lan game. If you watch some of Princefire's pvr records of his MLG team matches, you'll see how spot on the hit boxes are when you're not playing in a match with people from 4 different continents.


To answer "Would you rather it be back to commando pro tac knifing?" ...have you seen the lunge distance in BO? You can already do that- marathon lightweight with a ballistic knife is worse than MW2's commando. It's obscene. To further answer, i'd rather have a game series where garbage like this never existed to begin with.

lunge distances in BO are nothing like MW2... and sorry to beat a dead horse here, but it is again connection based. If you're half a second behind, they are actually half a second closer to you than they appear. MW2 you could tac knife the entire distance of a set of stairs, in a game where there are tons of 2 shot kill weapons at knifing ranges. The balistic knife doesn't increase the range of your lunge, just the speed of recovery after it. The fact that you can shoot it is a bit annoying, but gl with that with connection issues unless you're host.


The people I play FPS games with most tell me that they're playing Homefront and not Crysis, and the ones who have played both tell me Crysis is like CoD and homefront isn't. Homefront has big maps and tanks, which make it more reminiscent of Bad Company 2 than Call of Duty in most of my friends' minds (compared to Crysis 2 which reminds them of CoD), and they are playing it because they are tired of CoD style gameplay.

I hate the tanks... and the constant kill streaks in homefront.... and the bush wookies. Why not just go play BC2 or such, as they do it better than homefront?

posted March 28, 2011 11:15 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Tranderas Click Here to Email Tranderas Click to send Tranderas an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Tranderas's Trade Auction or SaleView Tranderas's Trade Auction or Sale
My friends are playing Homefront. They're not playing BC2. Seems like the best reason to me!

The commando, AK47 and Galil are nowhere close to each other, sorry. the AK has much more recoil than either of the other guns; the commando has almost none at all. The galil's damage falloff with a silencer is at a longer distance than the other two, which, combined with its relatively low recoil, makes it superior silenced. It, or the FAMAS with its ridiculous damage + ROF, is the best silenced weapon.

But I am done playing BO, for reasons discussed. I am selling it to cover the cost of Homefront.


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