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Author Topic:   World Trade Center blown up.
posted September 11, 2001 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for   Click Here to Email     
Originally posted by Type1isFun:
Right on man, your absolutely right, Clinton deploys our army all over the world but leaves you guys out.
And your right! Very well put, i love the sarcasm, satre, and irony that you used.
Finally a post that hasn't depressed me, but has instead uplifted me. Not to mention Irish's, his were thoughtful as well.

or Spain (Basque country) where we have terrorism EVERY DAY...

posted September 11, 2001 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Type1isFun   Click Here to Email Type1isFun     
yup, spain too

i used to live there.

posted September 11, 2001 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gbs3769   Click Here to Email gbs3769     
Originally posted by Traitor:
Most of those are ASSUMED. Do you work for the FBI? Are you a terrorist? How do YOU know? Hmmmm? How do you know it wasnt a foreign Gov? YOU are jumping to conclusions, just as all of us are. It's just chaos

Except it isn't chaos. Nothing about it has been chaos. I would love to work for the FBi, but at the moment I am just an informed American.

- Matt

Matt Tobia
AIM: TobySU03
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#2 Poster in Syracuse, NY (Does anyone live in Syracuse, NY?)

posted September 11, 2001 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Goku_Dragonball79   Click Here to Email Goku_Dragonball79     
An another Tower is fall. live now on 23:26 italian time (Should be tower n°7, the side of the NY first emergency - there should be no died).


posted September 11, 2001 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yip_boy   Click Here to Email yip_boy     
Guys, today was a terrible tragedy, but right now there IS NO ww3

first off, we dont know WHO exactly the terrorists are, and their reason.

that reason alone ensure that there cannot be ww3.

"I am alpha and omega, the beginning, and the end." - Xenogears

"To those who know me, I am a seed upon the earth from which all is derived. And to those who dont, I am but a speck in the sun that casts a shadow across their face." - ME

posted September 11, 2001 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Type1isFun   Click Here to Email Type1isFun     
!!! just an idea for you guys to point your fingers at instead of terrorists, drug dealers, or the mafia. !!!

Maybe it was......


Official Mike Long Minion

posted September 11, 2001 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Valmtg   Click Here to Email Valmtg     
Originally posted by gbs3769:
Okay. I just wanted to clarify a few things that seem to be spreading throughout this thread.

1. The Pentagon is not gone. The Pentagon isn't even half gone. The plane crashed into one of the 5 sides. It crashed into the army wing of the Pentagon. This does not mean that the US Army or the US Government is no longer functioning. All that it means is that it is temporarily relocated to a different location. The streets are not going to be run by tanks and stuff like that.

2. A foreign government most likely did not do this. Most governments have already denounced this event as a cowardly attack against not only the US, but the world.

3. This is not WW3, it is not the end of the world. This is a terrorist act. A large act that has cost thousands of people their lives. It is something that will be swiftly dealt with by the government of the United States.

4. There is a lot of speculation about how has done this act. People blame the PLO. Others Bin-Ladin. Still others say that it is a foreign government that attacked the US today. This is all just speculation. Do not jump to conclusions. Do not say "towel-head" and other racial slurs when speaking of who did this. An act of violence now against any racial group is completely uncalled for. Those who did this will be found, and will be punished. It is not up to the people to punish others because of their nationality.

As for the other 7 planes that were reported in Italy, I am not certain if this is true or not. People I have been talking with have been saying that they heard this as well, but there hasn't been anything on the news at all about more planes missing. The US military is in a high state of alert right now, and the military around NYC has been ordered to shoot down any unidentified planes, so I do not think that is something to worry about at this point.

Once again, if you have an opportunity to help out in any way, beit consoling others, donating blood, working with the rescue officials, do it. I cannot stress this enough, please everyone work together not against each other. This is how you show the terrorists that they cannot stop a nation by attacking it.

- Matt

You are so right, I was just about to say these same things.

Very, very true. Racial slurs are not only demeaning to the people you meant them on, it is degrading yourself. "Towel-Heads" and "Sand Monkeys" are not acceptable.

The thing that kinda made me mad was (I don't remember who said this, just heard from my boss) that an Arabic official stated that their country wouldn't have had the money to do such things sine they are such a poor country. BUT nevertheless you need very little money to carry out the plan. All you need is a plane ticket and a weapon. Simple as that.

This was very well planned, unfortunately. The plane that crashed out of Pittsburg had the destination to go to Camp David but there was a problem so the pilot had a bad altercation and it nose-dived. What is scary is that there was a man (earlier I thought it was a woman) that called 911 from the bathroom of it saying they were being hijacked.

Talk about a crazy world with crazy people...

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posted September 11, 2001 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cerberus   Click Here to Email cerberus     
Im going out of town for a couple of nights. I live RIGHT next to O'Hare airport which often is a target of terrorist activity due to the size of the place and the massive ammount of people that go in and out of it daily. Plus the fact that ther are about 12 gasoline/oil tankers behind my house. It's really not a good idea to stay here for the next couple of nights, with all the chaos going on.

Hope everyone's ok, keep cool, and keep safe.


"Every man dies ignorant."
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cerberus (Sur-Buh-Rus)

The one and only MOTL "Name That Band" Champion.
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posted September 11, 2001 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gbs3769   Click Here to Email gbs3769     
Originally posted by Valmtg:
You are so right, I was just about to say these same things.

Very, very true. Racial slurs are not only demeaning to the people you meant them on, it is degrading yourself. "Towel-Heads" and "Sand Monkeys" are not acceptable.

The thing that kinda made me mad was (I don't remember who said this, just heard from my boss) that an Arabic official stated that their country wouldn't have had the money to do such things sine they are such a poor country. BUT nevertheless you need very little money to carry out the plan. All you need is a plane ticket and a weapon. Simple as that.

This was very well planned, unfortunately. The plane that crashed out of Pittsburg had the destination to go to Camp David but there was a problem so the pilot had a bad altercation and it nose-dived. What is scary is that there was a man (earlier I thought it was a woman) that called 911 from the bathroom of it saying they were being hijacked.

Talk about a crazy world with crazy people...

About the country stating that it didn't have the money to pull off this, I believe you are refering to what the Taliban from Afghanistan said earlier. Top leaders in the Taliban stated that they did not think that Osama Bin-Ladin had the resources to pull such an act off. They also went on to say that the people of Afghanistan poor and that they didn't have the money to pull off such a thing.

- Matt

Matt Tobia
AIM: TobySU03
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#2 Poster in Syracuse, NY (Does anyone live in Syracuse, NY?)

posted September 11, 2001 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Goku_Dragonball79   Click Here to Email Goku_Dragonball79     
Probably the planes that crush near philadelphia was destroyed.

Camp David is a large place, so probably if the plane felt down on Camp David, only few houses will be destroyed.

terrorist have to find important items. probably if a plane fly near San Francisco, the first item will the the bridge.


posted September 11, 2001 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azeme   Click Here to Email Azeme     
you know whats really crazy is that those are no fly zones for three miles within the pentagon so that plan should have been shot down before it got there.

as for my safty i'm fine only an idiot would wreak a plane in new mexico it would be a waste of a plane bomb whatever.

Radiant’s eyes flashed “ go then the angel spat at serra and leave this world to those who truly care”
----- catastrophe

Time Walk
posted September 11, 2001 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Time Walk   Click Here to Email Time Walk     
WOW!!! I feel stupid posting this late! BUt man!! Was i surprised..
It felt like a dream, a nightmare. I just wish this was only a dream but darn...

This is such a horrible event and will never be forgotten (At least for me). I have just been to the WTC in August. I had a good time there, it was a nice place....well built and now? Nothing? Man thats just crazy.

I live in Canada, but i will very very much feel for those who have innocently died. Man this is such a large event! Bigger than Titanic, possibly Pearl Harbour, i dunno how to put this....

I just gotta hope they dont start WW3!
This fact has shaken all parts of country int he world and today when i was in skool, once the office found out...then froze us in the hallways immediately...all teachers had to return to class IMMEDIATELY. Then we found out and we were all so sad.

When i got home, and my mom told me about it even more, i saw it on TV, it was massive! It seems like the WTC was made out of Cardboard. MAN was this crazy!

I got on ICQ, Msn, Aim later and realize everyone talkin to me about it than i got on MOTL and found it has 12 pages in one day. Man this is crazy!

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4nd in most References in Ontario, Canada.
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posted September 11, 2001 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for   Click Here to Email     
Originally posted by Time Walk:
WOW!!! I feel stupid posting this late! BUt man!! Was i surprised..
It felt like a dream, a nightmare. I just wish this was only a dream but darn...

This is such a horrible event and will never be forgotten (At least for me). I have just been to the WTC in August. I had a good time there, it was a nice place....well built and now? Nothing? Man thats just crazy.

I live in Canada, but i will very very much feel for those who have innocently died. Man this is such a large event! Bigger than Titanic, possibly Pearl Harbour, i dunno how to put this....

I just gotta hope they dont start WW3!
This fact has shaken all parts of country int he world and today when i was in skool, once the office found out...then froze us in the hallways immediately...all teachers had to return to class IMMEDIATELY. Then we found out and we were all so sad.

When i got home, and my mom told me about it even more, i saw it on TV, it was massive! It seems like the WTC was made out of Cardboard. MAN was this crazy!

I got on ICQ, Msn, Aim later and realize everyone talkin to me about it than i got on MOTL and found it has 12 pages in one day. Man this is crazy!

Titanic? Pearl Harbor? What are you talking about? Do you know how many people die EVERY DAY in Africa or India because of famine?

posted September 11, 2001 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Type1isFun   Click Here to Email Type1isFun     
What makes it bigger than Titanic, Waco, Pearl Harber????

The death Count...?

To all people that do not live in the USA
I must apologize to you for our ignorence.
Our schools fail to metion things like that.

Yet they have day care centers (in school)
for the pregnant, or the people with children.

Did I fail to mention that they also hand out condoms and birth control to children without letting the childs' parents know about it.

Just thought you should know...

Official Mike Long Minion

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Type1isFun on September 11, 2001]

posted September 11, 2001 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mighty_Oak     
the authorities are repoting an ESTIMATE OF 30'000 people dead! This may go down as one of the worst acts in history by ANYONE, let alone by terrorists. Personally, I hope the US finds who did it and makes them into a big greasy smear on the map

there's no afterlife. We are but pawns in the gods game of chess

Valmtg is the goddess! I think I'm in love!

posted September 11, 2001 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anthony   Click Here to Email anthony     
Originally posted by Type1isFun:
What makes it bigger than Titanic, Waco, Pearl Harber????

The death Count...?

yes i think so..and who extecped(sp?) this?

I need hull breaches..i have 366

posted September 11, 2001 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kung_Fuscious   Click Here to Email Kung_Fuscious     
Originally posted by spaepiper:
We all need to hold on. First things first:

1) There will be no nucleur war.
2) There will be no nucleur war.
3) There will be no nucleur war, BECAUSE it would be Allies (USA, England, Etc.) vs. Unknown Middle Easterners. Last time I checked, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and others do not have Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. This means that they cannot nuke us, because they cannot get to us.
4) It was not a country that did this, it was a terrorist group. If it was a country, their first step would be to eliminate George Bush and the Vice President, leaving us without a leader for a short perion of time. They are both fine.
5) Any country (especially the Middle Eastern ones) would be crazy to go to war with us, unless they use biological warfare. That is pretty much the only way that they can hurt us. And if they did, we would nuke them, and they would cease to exist. End of any wars.

Think about it. We are the most powerful country in the world. WE need no fear other countries. We SHOULD fear terrorists. I am very sorry if this offends anybody.

SerraAngel and all others- I am very sorry about your friends and family. Very sorry.

That is almost spot on. Well said.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families right now. Deepest sympathies to anyone who lost someone in this terrible tragedy.

New Member
posted September 11, 2001 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CursedVolrath   Click Here to Email CursedVolrath     
I think the one that crashed in PA was shot down by the FBI or CIA. I bet the plane went just a little off course and they thought it was a threat to one of their precious land marks. The media will run this into the ground. Politicians will fight about what need to be changed. and in the end nothing will be done. Look at what happened at columbine high. I lived in colorado when it happened and all was on the news and in the paper was columbine this and columnbine that. The media will run it down and people will get sick of it and stop caring. There were many issues raised to protect high schools and stuff about gun control, but what happened???? NOTHING!! This is exactly what will hapen with this whole situation. they will talk and talk and nothing will get done.

posted September 11, 2001 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Type1isFun   Click Here to Email Type1isFun     
HanSolo, they just aired the footage with a woman screaming "JESUS ****ING CHRIST, OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!" "insert crying" "insert more cussing"

Mighty Oak: nice sig....
there's no afterlife. We are but pawns in the gods game of chess

Official Mike Long Minion

posted September 11, 2001 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kung_Fuscious   Click Here to Email Kung_Fuscious     
Volrath: This is on a whole different SCALE to columbine. Things will have to be done, because this affects the whole world, not just a community or country.

The economic repercussions are going to be huge, but that's to think about later on.

British Kavu
posted September 11, 2001 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for British Kavu   Click Here to Email British Kavu     
my dad was in the world trade center when the first plane hit. he got out tho.

You are SUCH a Britard you son of a BRIT =-O

no offense

Avatar of Might
posted September 11, 2001 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Avatar of Might   Click Here to Email Avatar of Might     
CNN reports missiles are now hitting Afghanistan...

Maybe one of the many retaliations that will occur?


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-Anything that can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible moment.
-All generalizations are false
ICQ# 121503916
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[Edited 1 times, lastly by Avatar of Might on September 11, 2001]

posted September 11, 2001 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Atreides   Click Here to Email Atreides     
Here is the speculation me and a group came to:

1) This operation was planned very meticulously, with incredible attention to detail.

2) Not any run of the mill terrorist organization could have done this. The cost of communication gear, weapons, large aircraft pilotry training, aircraft systems management etc. are astronomical. I say aircraft systems management because the aircraft are run near-entirely by computers during flight, and a computer will act to override any manual command when the plane's radar detects any structure nearby, therefore, the computer systems had to be brought down without hampering control, cabin pressure or any other system.

UPDATE: CNN: Bombs have been reported exploding in Kabul, Afghanistan.

posted September 11, 2001 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kung_Fuscious   Click Here to Email Kung_Fuscious     
Retaliations already. Not good.

Avatar of Might
posted September 11, 2001 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Avatar of Might   Click Here to Email Avatar of Might     
Bush is addressing the Nation on 21:00 Eastern time, we'll hear what he has to say


-We had creative differences: i was creative and he was different
-When i say "Jump!", you say "How High?"

-Anything that can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible moment.
-All generalizations are false
ICQ# 121503916
MOTL Reaches 20000 members! (Screenshot)

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Avatar of Might on September 11, 2001]

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