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Author Topic:   The Post For Magic Stuff #74
posted November 13, 2012 03:22 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for rats60 Click Here to Email rats60 Send a private message to rats60 Click to send rats60 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View rats60's Have/Want ListView rats60's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Vegas10:
legacy will be fine as long as it is supported by SCG or someone of the like if SCG is ever silly enough to drop it someone else will pick it up.

SCG is sitting on way too many duals to ever stop supporting Legacy. The only reason Legacy is so expensive is because of SCG. If it starts to wane, dealers can just release some of their stock.

As far as those crying about the price of Tarmogoyf, they should have picked them up for 20.00 when they left type 2. All those cry babies are being shortsided. Even more than collectors, dealers and stores would be hurt by massive reprints. WOTC doesn't need stores closing because their inventory is now worth 10% of what it was yesterday because WOTC decided to do away with the reserved list and reprint cards like YuGiOh.

posted November 13, 2012 07:22 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for FleeceItOut Click Here to Email FleeceItOut Send a private message to FleeceItOut Click to send FleeceItOut an Instant MessageVisit FleeceItOut's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by rats60:
SCG is sitting on way too many duals to ever stop supporting Legacy. The only reason Legacy is so expensive is because of SCG. If it starts to wane, dealers can just release some of their stock.

As far as those crying about the price of Tarmogoyf, they should have picked them up for 20.00 when they left type 2. All those cry babies are being shortsided. Even more than collectors, dealers and stores would be hurt by massive reprints. WOTC doesn't need stores closing because their inventory is now worth 10% of what it was yesterday because WOTC decided to do away with the reserved list and reprint cards like YuGiOh.

yeah all of this i completely agree with, modern masters should help a little

posted November 13, 2012 08:31 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Vegas10 Click Here to Email Vegas10 Send a private message to Vegas10 Click to send Vegas10 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Vegas10's Have/Want ListView Vegas10's Have/Want List
Originally posted by rats60:
SCG is sitting on way too many duals to ever stop supporting Legacy. The only reason Legacy is so expensive is because of SCG. If it starts to wane, dealers can just release some of their stock.

As far as those crying about the price of Tarmogoyf, they should have picked them up for 20.00 when they left type 2. All those cry babies are being shortsided. Even more than collectors, dealers and stores would be hurt by massive reprints. WOTC doesn't need stores closing because their inventory is now worth 10% of what it was yesterday because WOTC decided to do away with the reserved list and reprint cards like YuGiOh.

I never said they would drop legacy just responding to MRC comment of legacy dying, and was laying down why I don't believe it will, and was using a hypothetical of even if they did a tourney regualrly getting 200 plus will easily get picked up by another company.

posted November 13, 2012 09:02 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.C Click Here to Email Mr.C Send a private message to Mr.C Click to send Mr.C an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mr.C's Have/Want ListView Mr.C's Have/Want List
IIRC SCG hosted Vintage events too, once upon a time. When Legacy picked up steam, they switched.

You're delusional if you think SCG won't pick up Modern if it gets more popular, keyword if.

If Modern for some reason does not get more popular, Wizards will be forced to reexamine the reserve list. I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

posted November 13, 2012 09:53 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for FleeceItOut Click Here to Email FleeceItOut Send a private message to FleeceItOut Click to send FleeceItOut an Instant MessageVisit FleeceItOut's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Mr.C:
IIRC SCG hosted Vintage events too, once upon a time. When Legacy picked up steam, they switched.

You're delusional if you think SCG won't pick up Modern if it gets more popular, keyword if.

If Modern for some reason does not get more popular, Wizards will be forced to reexamine the reserve list. I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

i always thought they should do modern, at least every few event if not every other event

[Edited 1 times, lastly by FleeceItOut on November 13, 2012]

posted November 14, 2012 04:50 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Vegas10 Click Here to Email Vegas10 Send a private message to Vegas10 Click to send Vegas10 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Vegas10's Have/Want ListView Vegas10's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Mr.C:
IIRC SCG hosted Vintage events too, once upon a time. When Legacy picked up steam, they switched.

You're delusional if you think SCG won't pick up Modern if it gets more popular, keyword if.

If Modern for some reason does not get more popular, Wizards will be forced to reexamine the reserve list. I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

They may do that, start rotating that and legacy at opens, or if they do drop legacy altogether(unlikley and not the same as vintage) someone else will pick it up (TCG player perhaps)

posted November 14, 2012 06:33 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for rats60 Click Here to Email rats60 Send a private message to rats60 Click to send rats60 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View rats60's Have/Want ListView rats60's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Mr.C:
If Modern for some reason does not get more popular, Wizards will be forced to reexamine the reserve list. I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

They won't reexamine the reserve list until the game dies. As some have said before, that would be a last cash grab of a dying game. WOTC is much more concerned about the stores that carry Magic than a bunch of cheap players who want cheap cards. WOTC makes their main profit off of printing new cards, not reprinting old ones. They aren't going to risk the former to do the latter recklessly.

posted November 14, 2012 09:22 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for stu55 Click Here to Email stu55 Send a private message to stu55 Click to send stu55 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I wonder when ppl will realize WoTC barely, barely cares about hardcore tournament players?
choco man
posted November 14, 2012 09:38 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for choco man Click Here to Email choco man Send a private message to choco man Click to send choco man an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View choco man's Have/Want ListView choco man's Have/Want List
Originally posted by stu55:
I wonder when ppl will realize WoTC barely, barely cares about hardcore tournament players?

huh? So crying isn't going to get people what they want?

Cards are expensive, get over it. If you can't, go to salvation and cry some more.

Besides, which specific Legacy staple cards on the reserved list are so limited that people can't play? SCG goes around the country non-stop each week and plenty of people play in the open. I think SCG stopped Vintage before Legacy picked up.

posted November 14, 2012 10:36 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for iccarus Click Here to Email iccarus Send a private message to iccarus Click to send iccarus an Instant MessageVisit iccarus's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View iccarus's Have/Want ListView iccarus's Have/Want List
Originally posted by choco man:
I think SCG stopped Vintage before Legacy picked up.

I think that's right, but I'd have to dig up dates and it's too much work.

I'm pretty sure what killed the SCG vintage series was allowing more proxies to be used in events. It suddenly became pointless to buy all the cards for the format when you could just proxy the bigger ticket items. I imagine SCG makes more off singles at events than it does on entry fees, so not forcing people to make those last minute purchases of cards probably ate into profits too much.

Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!

I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by iccarus on November 14, 2012]

posted November 14, 2012 10:42 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
I think they may have been called The Manadrain opens when they were still vintage but i may be incorrect.

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[Edited 1 times, lastly by WeedIan on November 14, 2012]

posted November 14, 2012 04:33 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Mr.C Click Here to Email Mr.C Send a private message to Mr.C Click to send Mr.C an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Mr.C's Have/Want ListView Mr.C's Have/Want List
Originally posted by stu55:
I wonder when ppl will realize WoTC barely, barely cares about hardcore tournament players?

On the internet? Are you kidding?

People need to have one look at stuff like Lord of the Undead and Doubling Season to see who really drives demand...

Lord Crovax
posted November 14, 2012 08:37 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Lord Crovax Click Here to Email Lord Crovax Send a private message to Lord Crovax Click to send Lord Crovax an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by stu55:
I wonder when ppl will realize WoTC barely, barely cares about hardcore tournament players?

Never, people only see what they want to and hold steadfast to that. Many would sooner die then admit being wrong.

This is all of course IMHO and based on what I have personally seen.

Also Modern Master's looks to be amazing and I'm very much looking forward to it..

I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"

posted November 14, 2012 11:14 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Mr.C:
On the internet? Are you kidding?

People need to have one look at stuff like Lord of the Undead and Doubling Season to see who really drives demand...

The fact that i was able to trade in a stack of cards for $130 store credit (meaning i was taking 55-65% of TCG player) that i thought were bulk shows that casual players still drive the market.

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posted November 15, 2012 12:09 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for flophaus Click Here to Email flophaus Send a private message to flophaus Click to send flophaus an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Casual people make casual stuff... They use cheaper cards even though there are more expensive ones that do even more for less mana.

Casual players/Collectors make sets.

Casual players aren't usually too in the know about all the newest, hottest cards/decks.

They just like to have fun and are not ruthless and are more irrational in the way they spend their $$ on MTG.

My take anyways.

posted November 15, 2012 04:40 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for wayne Click Here to Email wayne Send a private message to wayne Click to send wayne an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View wayne's Have/Want ListView wayne's Have/Want List
Why does no one have a playset of blasting stations or do they just not bother listing them?
posted November 15, 2012 06:53 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for Volcanon Click Here to Email Volcanon Send a private message to Volcanon Click to send Volcanon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by wayne:
Why does no one have a playset of blasting stations or do they just not bother listing them?

It's an old, terrible card.

posted November 15, 2012 07:18 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for hilikuS Click Here to Email hilikuS Send a private message to hilikuS Click to send hilikuS an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View hilikuS's Trade Auction or SaleView hilikuS's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by wayne:
Why does no one have a playset of blasting stations or do they just not bother listing them?

Mine always end up getting sold whenever I get em.

posted November 15, 2012 11:55 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
Originally posted by wayne:
Why does no one have a playset of blasting stations or do they just not bother listing them?

Super good EDH card.

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posted November 15, 2012 03:55 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for skizzikmonger Click Here to Email skizzikmonger Send a private message to skizzikmonger Click to send skizzikmonger an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Modern will be a FNM supported format starting January 2013
(Source: MTG's facebook page)
posted November 15, 2012 05:03 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Vegas10 Click Here to Email Vegas10 Send a private message to Vegas10 Click to send Vegas10 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Vegas10's Have/Want ListView Vegas10's Have/Want List
Originally posted by skizzikmonger:
Modern will be a FNM supported format starting January 2013
(Source: MTG's facebook page)

Should have done that the moment it became a format

posted November 15, 2012 06:12 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for JoshSherman Click Here to Email JoshSherman Send a private message to JoshSherman Click to send JoshSherman an Instant MessageVisit JoshSherman's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View JoshSherman's Trade Auction or SaleView JoshSherman's Trade Auction or Sale
I liked that FNM was limited to recent constructede events, and I'm still mad about the Modern banned list.

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posted November 15, 2012 11:30 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for WeedIan Click Here to Email WeedIan Send a private message to WeedIan Click to send WeedIan an Instant MessageVisit WeedIan's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View WeedIan's Have/Want ListView WeedIan's Have/Want List
Sold off my Recall, down to one piece of power. So happy.

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posted November 15, 2012 11:57 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Volcanon Click Here to Email Volcanon Send a private message to Volcanon Click to send Volcanon an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by WeedIan:
Sold off my Recall, down to one piece of power. So happy.

Might as well sell of the last piece. It's not like there's anywhere you can actually play anything except twister in Ontario. And not like you'd want to. T1 is teh suck.

AEther Storm
posted November 16, 2012 04:25 AM   Click Here to See the Profile for AEther Storm Click Here to Email AEther Storm Send a private message to AEther Storm Click to send AEther Storm an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View AEther Storm's Have/Want ListView AEther Storm's Have/Want List
Originally posted by Volcanon:
Might as well sell of the last piece. It's not like there's anywhere you can actually play anything except twister in Ontario. And not like you'd want to. T1 is teh suck.

It used to be great though, back in the day. It's crap the format is so narrow right now. I miss playing MUC (especially) and R/G Zoo competitavely (spelling?).
I sold and traded off my power this year. Best choice I made. Legacy is better IMO.

/Thunder in the wind/No rain/Peace mourns its passing/

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those
who mind don't matter and those who matter don't
mind." -Dr. Seuss


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