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Author Topic:   UBB Gaming discussion thread Part I.
posted January 28, 2010 03:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
Ryan, the big picture you're missing is that this is NOT Mafiascum. It's already been pointed out that the two really don't translate at all, despite the seemingly similar structure of the games.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong ,as I really don't know much at all about Mafiascum, so I'm making some assumptions that are based on the limited info I have.

I suspect part of the reason for the game being "lost in translation" is that the playgroup is pretty small here, so we're playing with fairly known quantities, versus a bunch of people just jumping into a game with strangers and what-not. We see constant references to what player Y did 3 rounds ago and looking at player X's history to see what they usually do in certain situations.

I'm curious what kind of timeframe that Mafiascum uses. My guess is that the days and nights aren't nearly as long there, which really does drastically change how the game is played.

All in all, yes, sure there has been a matter of luck involved in why the Cits have had struggles, but I don't buy that the game here is balanced even without that. We've seen so many iterations of this game, and the Cits have always had a relatively low win percentage, only really having success at the end of the original Mafia structure where the game was mathematically broken. Just because things work well elsewhere, we seem to have a fairly unique playgroup here that makes things not work the way that you think they would based on other forms of the game.

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posted January 28, 2010 03:43 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for dakrum Click Here to Email dakrum Send a private message to dakrum Click to send dakrum an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by nderdog:
I'm curious what kind of timeframe that Mafiascum uses. My guess is that the days and nights aren't nearly as long there, which really does drastically change how the game is played.

The timeframe is weeks per round which can go well into more than a month if the majority can't be met. There is plenty of time to view the decisions people make and for the citizens to talk it all out to figure out who has what role.

The problem is that most of the players here work for a living. Having a round that lasts for two weeks is just going to quickly spell the end of the UBB games here because MOTL isn't getting new members right now, Magic isn't the game it was ten years ago (and the people who would join this probably won't do it for mafia), and people work. There has to be a solid middle ground where you get the cits talking while forcing the action.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by dakrum on January 28, 2010]

posted January 28, 2010 03:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmasterGM Send a private message to AlmasterGM Click to send AlmasterGM an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I agree with Ryan on pretty much everything

Originally posted by nderdog:
Ryan, the big picture you're missing is that this is NOT Mafiascum. It's already been pointed out that the two really don't translate at all, despite the seemingly similar structure of the games.

Scumtells don't translate because people have different styles here. This doesn't mean we couldn't adopt some of Mafiascum's rules and see how they work.

Originally posted by nder:
I suspect part of the reason for the game being "lost in translation" is that the playgroup is pretty small here, so we're playing with fairly known quantities, versus a bunch of people just jumping into a game with strangers and what-not. We see constant references to what player Y did 3 rounds ago and looking at player X's history to see what they usually do in certain situations.

People do that on mafiascum all the time. It is referred to as "meta." Also, although there are many more players, you will still end up playing with the same people with startling frequency (even if it's not the EXACT same group over and over).

Originally posted by nder:
I'm curious what kind of timeframe that Mafiascum uses. My guess is that the days and nights aren't nearly as long there, which really does drastically change how the game is played.

It's actually the opposite - Days/rounds on mafiascum last a maximum two-three weeks, sometimes four. Nights last 48-96 hours. Unlike on MOTL, however, the day ends as soon as a majority vote is reached, so a day can be as short or as long as the town wants it. This makes for some really good gameplay because towns can extend days where they need more time to talk or have quick days if they know what they want to do. I'm not sure if this long of a game setup would actually work on MOTL or not, though. It would have to be discussed.

posted January 28, 2010 03:47 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
Originally posted by dakrum:
The timeframe is weeks per round which can go well into more than a month if the majority can't be met. There is plenty of time to view the decisions people make and for the citizens to talk it all out to figure out who has what role.

The problem is that most of the players here work for a living. Having a round that lasts for two weeks is just going to quickly spell the end of the UBB games here because MOTL isn't getting new members right now and Magic isn't the game it was ten years ago. There has to be a solid middle ground where you get the cits talking while forcing the action.

Interesting, I had assumed it would be shorter as people are there specifically to play the games, so they had more of a commitment to be active. I think it still holds true that the vast difference in the length of a round can really change how things play out.

Originally posted by AlmasterGM:
I'm not sure if this long of a game setup would actually work on MOTL or not, though. It would have to be discussed.

Given the number of people who have asked to be replaced lately due to things coming up, having extra-long days seems like a really really bad idea here.
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[Edited 1 times, lastly by nderdog on January 28, 2010]

posted January 28, 2010 03:53 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ryan2754 Click Here to Email ryan2754 Send a private message to ryan2754 Click to send ryan2754 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ryan2754's Have/Want ListView ryan2754's Have/Want List
Originally posted by nderdog:
Ryan, the big picture you're missing is that this is NOT Mafiascum. It's already been pointed out that the two really don't translate at all, despite the seemingly similar structure of the games.

No, I do understand it. I was just addressing AGM (and others) idea about adding the ability to fakeclaim, and my take on it. Actually, I don't thinkn the structure is at all that similar, because the two games are completely different. I agree they don't translate well together, and that's why I suggested the additional changes for the "fakeclaim" to "work" here. I agree they are different, and I was just showing that if AGM wanted it to work, my take was that other stuff needed to be affected as well. They are indeed to completely different types of games. However, I feel I addressed it by making a theory with some middle ground.

Originally posted by nderdog:
I suspect part of the reason for the game being "lost in translation" is that the playgroup is pretty small here, so we're playing with fairly known quantities, versus a bunch of people just jumping into a game with strangers and what-not. We see constant references to what player Y did 3 rounds ago and looking at player X's history to see what they usually do in certain situations.

On mafiascum, the idea of "metagame (much like magic)" is widely debated. People often ask for links to previous games to get a feel of the other players, but usually you hit a stream of where you have played at least a game or two with 75% of the participants - people seem to play many games in a small span of time, burn themselves out, and decrease the workload (I did the same thing). So yes, on MOTL we have a fairly constant measure of everyone's play, and thus OOC play is much more noticeable, but people do indeed look at other player's meta if they haven't played with them before on mafiascum. Also, There are some "tells of scumminess" over there that can't be applied here, and vice versa, because of the different types of games they are. In essence, since we know people better here, OOC is fairly obvious to some, whereas on mafiascum OOC is nothing to be concerned with at all, because the sameple size is relatively small per person during a given time frame. It all comes down to the format, which changes tells. This topic should be stopped here, because I could honestly write a 25 page essay on compare/contrast MOTL vs. mafiascum and why dynamics/gameplay are influenced the way they are.

Originally posted by nderdog:
I'm curious what kind of timeframe that Mafiascum uses. My guess is that the days and nights aren't nearly as long there, which really does drastically change how the game is played.

Actually, MAINLY due to the nature of how voting works there (a majority with people's votes changing practically every other post), the days usually have a deadline of around 2 weeks to a month, depending on the size of the game. Nights take about the same time here as they do there (I will say one thing though - the participation varies greatly there - sometimes nights take days because the mafia are half way across the world from each other, making talking difficult, where others are on at least twice a day. On MOTL, most people frequent the site a couple times of day, so nights are relatively short all the time). Yes, this does drastically change the way the game is played.

Originally posted by nderdog:
All in all, yes, sure there has been a matter of luck involved in why the Cits have had struggles, but I don't buy that the game here is balanced even without that.

Fair enough - you still don't think the game is balanced. Thus, don't you think it's time for a change? You seem to be agreeing with me on that point.

Originally posted by nderdog:
Just because things work well elsewhere, we seem to have a fairly unique playgroup here that makes things not work the way that you think they would based on other forms of the game.

Sure, we have a fairly unique playgroup, but you said it yourself, the game is unbalanced. Mafiascum uses a variety of setups (mafia:town:neutral) that must be approved, and they seem to be doing well. Why not try and steal a few of their ideas to bring into our games here? Not all, hell there's way too many subtle nuances between the two sites, but a few, to make the game more balanced.
Again, you said it yourself that the game is currently unbalanced, so why not try to balance it with something that it relatively tried and true?

5th in Refs [185] in OH-IO
(Catching up to xion_black)
2nd in Posts [5145] in OH-IO
(Have a long way to go to catch Val)

Mafia/Werewolf Record:
2-1 as Mafia
6-5 as Cit

[Edited 1 times, lastly by ryan2754 on January 28, 2010]

posted January 28, 2010 03:57 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
Originally posted by ryan2754:
Fair enough - you still don't think the game is balanced. Thus, don't you think it's time for a change? You seem to be agreeing with me on that point.

I never said that the game shouldn't be changed. I said (and explained why) the proposed changes seem to make things worse for the Cits, not better, thus it would be tipping the scales the wrong direction. IMO, any changes that would be made should help fix the balance, not make it worse.

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posted January 28, 2010 04:02 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ryan2754 Click Here to Email ryan2754 Send a private message to ryan2754 Click to send ryan2754 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ryan2754's Have/Want ListView ryan2754's Have/Want List
I pretty much said the same think AGM said, ha.
Originally posted by nderdog:
Given the number of people who have asked to be replaced lately due to things coming up, having extra-long days seems like a really really bad idea here.

Actually, it usually improves the situation. Longer days gives people a greater chance of catching up if something comes up in RL, at least in my experience. Say someone has a work deadline on a Friday. Deadlines are usually done on Thursdays. Thus, they can miss one complete round by the RL issue. If the days are lengthened, that gives the person a chance to catch up and post meaningful stuff rather than "Sorry busy" for that round.

And AGM totally brought something to my mind - he is right, the days are as long as the town wants. I have had a 2 nights and 1 day span last 1 RL day before, because we lynched the cop claim, he was cop, they killed one of his confirmed cits, and we lynched his confirmed mafioso all in a span of a day, because it was fairly obvious what was going to transpire. So there are situations where days are drastically shortened. It also eliminates the whole "Mod shortening the day thing if everyone is on the same page" dilemma - when a majority is made, the day ENDS (and the thread is closed, so people don't converse during the night - definitely makes the flavor coalesce better too, as everyone in town is sleeping except mafia doing their hits/cop investigating, doc protecting, etc. - whereas here, people talk during the night, and mafioso talk together, it would be noticed). Again, small point but yeah.

EDIT: Like I said, you would be relatively surprised at how much something that seems to tip the scales into the mafia's hands can help the cits. Not to mention, the unlimited protection of Cop by Doc and Doc being able to reveal his protections helps a lot, too (especially if Doc DOES get someone protected - he can tell who it was [another way of confirming cithood]).

5th in Refs [185] in OH-IO
(Catching up to xion_black)
2nd in Posts [5145] in OH-IO
(Have a long way to go to catch Val)

Mafia/Werewolf Record:
2-1 as Mafia
6-5 as Cit

[Edited 1 times, lastly by ryan2754 on January 28, 2010]

posted January 28, 2010 04:24 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for nderdog Click Here to Email nderdog Send a private message to nderdog Click to send nderdog an Instant MessageVisit nderdog's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View nderdog's Have/Want ListView nderdog's Have/Want List
Originally posted by ryan2754:
Actually, it usually improves the situation. Longer days gives people a greater chance of catching up if something comes up in RL, at least in my experience. Say someone has a work deadline on a Friday. Deadlines are usually done on Thursdays. Thus, they can miss one complete round by the RL issue. If the days are lengthened, that gives the person a chance to catch up and post meaningful stuff rather than "Sorry busy" for that round.

People don't need to be replaced because they might miss a round. They are replaced because of extended absences. The longer the game runs, the greater the chance that something's going to get in the way.

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posted January 28, 2010 06:13 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for ryan2754 Click Here to Email ryan2754 Send a private message to ryan2754 Click to send ryan2754 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View ryan2754's Have/Want ListView ryan2754's Have/Want List
It's a double edged sword really. If people are conscious that games are going to run longr and they see something in the foreseeable future, they won't join. However, shorter absences won't be AS BIG a deal, but yes, there is more chance (timewise) for something to come up.

5th in Refs [185] in OH-IO
(Catching up to xion_black)
2nd in Posts [5145] in OH-IO
(Have a long way to go to catch Val)

Mafia/Werewolf Record:
2-1 as Mafia
6-5 as Cit

posted January 29, 2010 02:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for Zakman86 Click Here to Email Zakman86 Send a private message to Zakman86 Click to send Zakman86 an Instant MessageVisit Zakman86's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View Zakman86's Have/Want ListView Zakman86's Have/Want List
Saw that one coming, for some reason.
posted January 30, 2010 06:35 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for thror Send a private message to thror Click to send thror an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View thror's Trade Auction or SaleView thror's Trade Auction or Sale
HOW DO THEY ALWAYS DO IT!? (in referance to the current WW game, where the angel was killed round zero.)

Seriously, do we need to just double up the cit roles so that we have A CHANCE of getting one past round 2? I think the last game where things didn't go horribly wrong from the start was Mafia7. I know it's luck, but wow.

"He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."

posted January 30, 2010 07:17 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmasterGM Send a private message to AlmasterGM Click to send AlmasterGM an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I think we need to add another protown role. Vigilante might be interesting.
posted January 30, 2010 07:19 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for JoshSherman Click Here to Email JoshSherman Send a private message to JoshSherman Click to send JoshSherman an Instant MessageVisit JoshSherman's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View JoshSherman's Trade Auction or SaleView JoshSherman's Trade Auction or Sale
I thought the current games could not be discussed here.

*MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout*No More Rickrolls!
“Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." -Ayn Rand

posted January 30, 2010 07:21 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for thror Send a private message to thror Click to send thror an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View thror's Trade Auction or SaleView thror's Trade Auction or Sale
Then we shall change the subject. I just wanted to vent.

How does the Vigilante work?

"He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."

posted January 30, 2010 07:35 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmasterGM Send a private message to AlmasterGM Click to send AlmasterGM an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
The Vigilante (aka Vig) can kill one person during the night, just like the mafia. However, they are on the town's side. Vig's are extremely powerful town roles, and are especially useful as lurker/silent cleanup.
posted January 30, 2010 07:58 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for thror Send a private message to thror Click to send thror an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View thror's Trade Auction or SaleView thror's Trade Auction or Sale
That might be a little too much power to dole out. Any ideas for a weaker, yet still useful role?

"He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."

posted January 30, 2010 08:16 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for AlmasterGM Send a private message to AlmasterGM Click to send AlmasterGM an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Eh, there are others, but none nearly as good as the Vig. One way to limit the Vig's power is to only give him a certain number of shots.

Other possibilities:

Masons - Players who know eachother to be protown and can communicate via PM just like the mafia. This role can be interesting, but it usually just ends up becoming a couple of free cop investigations and some endgame mathematics.

Roleblocker - Prevents a player from using their role at night. This works both for and against the town - if the Doctor or Cop is targeted, it's bad, but if the mafia leader is caught, not only is there no NK, but the Roleblocker will have discovered the identity of the mafia leader.

Backup - Takes over the position of Cop or Doctor when that player is killed.

Adding roles involves the domino effect - the more basic roles you add, the more options for additional roles that interact with said roles there are.

posted January 30, 2010 08:26 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for JoshSherman Click Here to Email JoshSherman Send a private message to JoshSherman Click to send JoshSherman an Instant MessageVisit JoshSherman's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View JoshSherman's Trade Auction or SaleView JoshSherman's Trade Auction or Sale
What if the role of vigilante was determined twice-- first to see if there would be one for a round, and once again to determine who it would be?

After R1, GM rolls a die. If it's a 6, there's a vigilante this round. If not, GM rolls after R2. If that's a 6 or a 5, there's a vigilante. Lather, rinse, repeat, but there is only one vigilante round per game

*MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout*No More Rickrolls!
“Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." -Ayn Rand

posted January 30, 2010 08:39 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for thror Send a private message to thror Click to send thror an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View thror's Trade Auction or SaleView thror's Trade Auction or Sale
Maybe 2 vigilante attempts per game (I say attempt because I assume the Doc/Angel could still save.)

One in round 2, an additional in round 5? Gives wolves time to eliminate them as well.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing more minor roles added. It would let people do something useful beyond scumhunt (I know I at least felt a little useless last game).

"He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."

posted February 04, 2010 02:50 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MeddlingMage's Have/Want ListView MeddlingMage's Have/Want List
If we add a vigilante(I'm not saying I like the idea, just want to get is much input about the additional role), would we have to add a few extra villagers too?


Backup - Takes over the position of Cop or Doctor when that player is killed.

I made mention of a deputy type character waaaaay back when.

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[Edited 2 times, lastly by MeddlingMage on February 04, 2010]

posted February 04, 2010 03:10 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for thror Send a private message to thror Click to send thror an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View thror's Trade Auction or SaleView thror's Trade Auction or Sale
Originally posted by MeddlingMage:

Backup - Takes over the position of Cop or Doctor when that player is killed.

I made mention of a deputy type character waaaaay back when.

Would they have access to the previous cops/docs actions? Cop/doctors notes left in their mailbox? Because if not, if could end up as 3 rounds of waste.

"He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."

posted February 04, 2010 04:18 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MeddlingMage's Have/Want ListView MeddlingMage's Have/Want List
I don't really remember what we came up with, but I was thinking along the lines of the following.

If the Cop dies, before "passing his notes" to the Deputy, then the info is lost. The Deputy will not know he is the Deputy, until the cop contacts me, and I PM him the information. The deputy would not ask for future names, b/c then he might as well be Cop #2. If the Deputy is killed before his identity is revealed, then his identity will never be known, having the Wolves/mafia still have to worry about him in some form.

There was even talk of like the Deputy learning part of the Cop's notes. Like if the Cop has say, 3 guesses at that point of his death, the Deputy would "stumble" upon part of his notes. The Deputy would choose a number, in this case between 1 and 3.

Let's say the Cop's notes go like this:
Jazaray - villager
XplicitR - villager
PlasteredDragon - werewolf

If the cop chooses #2 then he gets that information. If that particular player is dead, then no additional help this round.

Remember this idea is kind of in its infancy, just some ideas to float around.

@PD, do you happen to have the W-L record for the first bunch of WW games?


I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!

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posted February 04, 2010 04:27 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for PlasteredDragon Click Here to Email PlasteredDragon Send a private message to PlasteredDragon Click to send PlasteredDragon an Instant MessageVisit PlasteredDragon's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by MeddlingMage:
@PD, do you happen to have the W-L record for the first bunch of WW games?

You mean on a per player basis or on a per team basis?

posted February 04, 2010 04:32 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for PlasteredDragon Click Here to Email PlasteredDragon Send a private message to PlasteredDragon Click to send PlasteredDragon an Instant MessageVisit PlasteredDragon's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I saw an interesting game variant online somewhere where the dead players stayed in the game as "spirits". Once per game the players could hold a seance where a spirit would appear at random and accuse a player (not allowed to say anything, only allowed to point)--the spirit could be a dead WW too. It looked pretty interesting. I'll try to dig it up.
posted February 04, 2010 07:19 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for MeddlingMage Click Here to Email MeddlingMage Send a private message to MeddlingMage Click to send MeddlingMage an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View MeddlingMage's Have/Want ListView MeddlingMage's Have/Want List
Originally posted by PlasteredDragon:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MeddlingMage:
@PD, do you happen to have the W-L record for the first bunch of WW games?

You mean on a per player basis or on a per team basis?


I'm curious of the Won-Loss record in WW's vs villagers.
You know like the Wolves are 9-2 overall, or whatever, so we can see if an additional role is really necessary.

That's why I <3 you Chuck!


I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner, and I approve this siggy!

My entire MtG collection is for sale!
PM me if you'd like a list emailed to you!

[Edited 1 times, lastly by MeddlingMage on February 04, 2010]


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