Topic: MOTL Salvation
coolio Member
posted April 01, 2010 10:39 PM

sure sure.. i'm in..© __________________ Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. -Christopher HitchensReligion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. -Seneca the Younger
junichi Member
posted April 01, 2010 10:41 PM

in.__________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
ryan2754 Member
posted April 01, 2010 11:52 PM
Holy ****balls batman...junichi and coolio? This is gonna be good...__________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [184] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5215] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val) Mafia/Werewolf Record: 2-1 as Mafia 6-5 as Cit
Myy Member
posted April 02, 2010 08:29 AM

wow, got a bunch of celebrities here... I'll be spectating. ~Myy
WCFmo Member
posted April 02, 2010 08:43 AM
I thought this was mostly an April Fools joke, if not, this is gonna be fun.
iliketrain Member
posted April 02, 2010 06:55 PM
I am in, although I have never been good at these games...should be fun
JoshSherman Member
posted April 07, 2010 06:39 AM
I'll assign roles when I get home from work.__________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
JoshSherman Member
posted April 07, 2010 01:55 PM
Roles are assigned. If you did not get a PM from me, you are a regular board member. I will post the first hacking around the time I receive it. Stay vigilant, and don't be jerks to each other  Also, if you have any questions regarding how I'm running this game, feel free to ask. As I didn't copy/ paste anything, I'm sure I forgot something  Also, really read the rules. There is a significant change you need to know about. __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
[Edited 1 times, lastly by JoshSherman on April 07, 2010]
JoshSherman Member
posted April 07, 2010 02:28 PM
I was asked some questions via PM.quote: The way the rules state right now, this is what I am reading:1. The mod/admin get their actions first round. 2. If the mod reveals his IPs, then the admin can still save him until the admin is gone. 3. Anyone can pose as anybody (which means we could have a troll/mod showdown). 4. The vigilante does not get hacked once he selects his target - only the target goes. 5. Liq's methodology of using private voting to separate the trolls into piles to guarantee victory is still applicable. Is this all correct?
1. Yes 2. If the mod is named by both the trolls and the admin in the same round, I will out him/her and they will no longer be eligible for saving. I did explain this to the admin. Until the mod is hacked or saved from a hacking, there will be no way to know who's really the mod. 3. Yes. 4. If the target is a troll, they will both go down in flames. If the target is a mod or admin, ThePStulio is banned. Otherwise, ThaPStulio's target is flamed to the Stone Age. I realize this is a bit different from what I posted and will change it. 5. I don't know, and probably wouldn't tell you if I did because that sounds like game advice to me  __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
Liq Member
posted April 07, 2010 02:43 PM

quote: 5. Liq's methodology of using private voting to separate the trolls into piles to guarantee victory is still applicable.
quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: 5. I don't know, and probably wouldn't tell you if I did because that sounds like game advice to me 
I'd assume this means voting by MOTL PM. __________________ <Jazaray> LIQ! <Jazaray> you broke MOTL <Liq> totally <BoltBait> Don't make me kick you <Slinga> Have no fear, MOTL's janitor is here! <nderdog> So we're all agreed, it's Liq's fault, right? <Leshrac> let me deal with that * Liq has been banned
JoshSherman Member
posted April 07, 2010 03:12 PM
Votes will be by MOTL PM.__________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
JoshSherman Member
posted April 07, 2010 07:44 PM
It started in the PFS. Something wasn't quite right. junichi seemed... off. We chalked it up to having a bad day. But then it happened. junichi's box of Stronghold had no rares. We had to act quickly. Leshrac, wielding the mighty MOTL Banhammer, asked junichi one question before the deed."So, who am I really banning" "Does it matter? Your time is running out, Leshrac. Long live Salvation!" And the hammer was thrown down. Votes are due FRIDAY APRIL 9 by 9PM MOTL time. {SUMMARY: junichi hacked, votes due Friday} In case anyone is using the tracker (I am not)  __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
junichi Member
posted April 07, 2010 08:14 PM

Salvation noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  __________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
WCFmo Member
posted April 07, 2010 08:31 PM
{SUMMARY: Obligatory suspicious first post}edit - in other words, got nada. Anyone remember the last time the first ban, kill, etc. wasn't random?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 07, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 07, 2010 08:56 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: {SUMMARY: Obligatory suspicious first post}edit - in other words, got nada. Anyone remember the last time the first ban, kill, etc. wasn't random?
Hmmm Obligatory huh... Well I go second to create noise...and everyone knows that not like me  Hmmm, so open, yet so suspicious...almost as to laugh at us MOTLer's. Word on the boards are that you actually have a H/W list over Salvation.... Makes me wonder....Oo
WCFmo Member
posted April 07, 2010 09:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
Word on the boards are that you actually have a H/W list over Salvation....
Really? :P {SUMMARY: Anyone watch South Park tonight?}
PlasteredDragon Member
posted April 07, 2010 09:39 PM

People wishing to join MTGBrainStar after they die (or people outside the game who want a private place to spectate and chat about it) should send an e-mail to zc_request{at} the e-mail include your MOTL handle, your real name (first and last), and the e-mail addy you want added to the mailing list. The mailing list e-mail itself will be MTGBrainStar{at} {SUMMARY: MTG Brain Star instructions}
dakrum Member
posted April 08, 2010 02:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: {SUMMARY: Obligatory suspicious first post}edit - in other words, got nada. Anyone remember the last time the first ban, kill, etc. wasn't random?
If my memory serves me right, the last time was mafia 8 (when I was the mafia leader and semi-randomly selected). I think there has been at least some discussion on or thought pattern to all of the first nightkills since that point. Well, that counts only if a semi-random kill counts, otherwise I have no idea.
MAB_Rapper Member
posted April 08, 2010 04:12 AM
{SUMMARY: Obligatory random die roll for first round}Dang it, why do I keep rolling 12? __________________ MOTL's Most Likely to Play in the Pro Tour - Three Years Running for 2007, 2008, and 2009 (My Nationals) Co-Founder of Long Island's Newest Vintage Team - Team of Towers Cracking the Top 100 Ref Count - 4/1/10
Jazaray Moderator
posted April 08, 2010 04:15 AM

Well, I had TJ pick for this game, and.. Sorry Coolio, but he's chosen you.  Welcome to the game! Voting Coolio Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Very interesting idea from a friend of mine.
PlasteredDragon Member
posted April 08, 2010 07:13 AM

NOTICE TO PLAYERSI will be tracking this game for Josh to assist him. To that end you can help him out by using SUMMARY, VOTING, SUSPECT, TRUST tags in your posts as appropriate. Keep in mind that votes will not be auto-tallied as they were in WW-II. You still need to PM your vote to JoshSherman. SUMMARY summarizes your post, keep it short. VOTING is an indication of a vote. SUSPECT is an indication of suspicion. TRUST is the cancellation of a vote of an indication of trust. SUSPECT, VOTING and TRUST tags all follow the same basic format {TAGNAME: target (optional reason)}. Examples follow: simple: {SUSPECT: Joe} with a reason: {SUSPECT: Joe (for this reason)} multiple players: {SUSPECT: Joe,Frank} multiple players with a reason: {SUSPECT: Joe,Frank (both for this same reason)} multiple players with different reasons: {SUSPECT: Joe (for reason 1)} {SUSPECT: Frank (for reason 2)} Note, for the VOTING tag, you obviously can't vote for multiple players in one tag--so {VOTING: Joe,Frank} is obviously invalid. Things you DON'T need to do: (1) You don't need to issue a TRUST tag if you are just switching your vote from one player to another. (2) You don't need to issue a SUSPECT tag for a player you are voting for. (i.e. {SUSPECT: joe} {VOTE: joe} -- this is meaningless, the tracker will ignore the suspicion in favor of the vote.) TL;DR: Use tags. You still need to PM your votes to Josh. Thanks. {SUMMARY: I am tracking for Josh. Use tags. You still need to PM votes to JoshSherman. Thanks.}
[Edited 2 times, lastly by PlasteredDragon on April 08, 2010]
Battle_of_Twits Member
posted April 08, 2010 08:17 AM

For someone wanting to show off his epic trolling skills, Tranderas hasn't posted yet. I would say this is OOC, so he's my vote for now.__________________ Stages of Death: Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Burial, Decay, Haunting, Revenge, Evil LaughOriginally posted by pyr0ma5ta: When in doubt, always go with the mom joke. It's classy, and you always win. There can be no comeback.
WCFmo Member
posted April 08, 2010 10:13 AM
Jaz - doesn't Amaale (sp?) usually pick? Why'd TJ get to pick this time? LOL@ BOT - you ever played a UBB game w/ Tranderas before? {SUMMARY: A couple of questions, serious/nonserious}
Gawain Member
posted April 08, 2010 11:22 AM

Bleh....I forgot how much it sucks to work when you're sick. Couldn't miss anymore days though, so no choice  So far nothing has really grabbed my attention, but that's no surprise. I'm gonna refrain from announcing a vote until we have more information, probably the day before the deadline. Anyone have any thoughts on the Junichi kill? I've never played with him before, and have no idea what his playstyle is like, so it's hard for me to determine whether it was random or not :/
Battle_of_Twits Member
posted April 08, 2010 11:42 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: @ BOT - you ever played a UBB game w/ Tranderas before?
I can't recall whether I have or not. I was just going by this post.
quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: You have no idea how much i wanted this to be real so i could finally live up to my image as an motl troll.Because, you know, i've yet to do that. Well played, Josh...
__________________ Stages of Death: Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Burial, Decay, Haunting, Revenge, Evil LaughOriginally posted by pyr0ma5ta: When in doubt, always go with the mom joke. It's classy, and you always win. There can be no comeback.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Battle_of_Twits on April 08, 2010]
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