Topic: MOTL Salvation
Gawain Member
posted April 14, 2010 09:33 PM

Alright guys, I'm going to bed soon. I have to get up early and drive to North Carolina, and I won't be home until Sunday. I have no idea what my internet situation is going to be down there, aside from having access through my phone, so my posting might be rather sparse for the next few days. I'll post as much as I can, but wanted to forewarn you all in case I seem to "disappear," at least somewhat.
JoshSherman Member
posted April 14, 2010 10:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: 3.) WCFmo's vote was said for me, but you have it as Gawain. Did he not PM you his vote change? If so, I don't remember if I PMed you my vote or not, so yeah. Are you taking them from PMs or from declarations in thread. Clarification would be nice because I am pretty sure I never PMed you.I was nice this round, I won't be again. Votes will only be counted by me via MOTL PM from here on out. I double checked all votes and they are accurate.
Oh, the irony, Volcanon. Unlike in Oliver Cromwell's case, one vote has sunk you, and it was your own. You did not PM your vote to me as instructed and I did not count it. Since you're dying to know (I guess that pun doesn't work here, huh?), here is the vote tally: Battle_of_Twits- Tranderas 1 Tranderas- Jazaray 1 WCFmo- Tranderas 2 fwybwed- Zakman86 1 MeddlingMage- WCFmo 1 dakrum- Zakman86 2 ryan2754- Jazaray 2 Volcanon- iliketrain- Gawain 1 MAB_Rapper- Volcanon 1 OGB- Volcanon 2 Jazaray- Volcanon 3 Zakman86- Tranderas 3 Gawain- Volcanon 4

Leshrac received an anonymous tip from hie secret source at MTGS. Rancored_Elf sees what the forum members are doing to MOTL as needless. Why can't more than one Magic board exist? The tip is that Volcanon is a Salvation troll. Leshrac couldn't waste any time with this information, and immediately banned Volcanon. R_E's source is a credible one, however, even the best people get one wrong once in a while (e.g. Explore was supposed to cost G). Inca911 was working late last night, and came up with a way to safely unban two more MOTL members: hilikuS and Liq. Well, he's pretty sure. There's just one problem. A glitch caused Battle_of_Twits and Jazaray to be banned at the same time. Inca was able to deduce a correspondence between BoT and hilikuS, and one between Jazaray and Liq. He now believes that the returning members inherited their respective banned members' statuses. Trolls and Admin- I need names ASAP {SUMMARY: Volcanon banned (was a Regular), hilikuS replaces BoT, Liq replaces Jazaray}
[Edited 2 times, lastly by nderdog on April 15, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 15, 2010 12:47 AM

Dakrum on Volcanon....quote: Originally posted by Dak: his posts are so different and crazy that I don't think it's possible that a group with two other trolls would let him post that.
Yeah he so Krazeeeeee..... quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: I'll play. Because I am winner. Salvation, "What a Suckers!"
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: I hadn't realized we had started yet. {SUMMARY: Didn't know we had started}
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: Voting Bernek77
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: I bet the salvation troll is Tranderas. Just analying his text it looks like he is hiding something. {SUSPECT: TRANDERAS, he's hiding something} {VOTING: TRANDERAS}
can the tracker confirm my posts on Volcanon and add if any I may have forgotten....cuz this is some real crazy posting as Dak states... and he was 90% sure Vol was a MOTLer....and wow from just these posts....the only way you could be that positive is that you know his status...imo. What do you think...? WCF...
[Edited 1 times, lastly by fwybwed on April 15, 2010]
WCFmo Member
posted April 15, 2010 06:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
can the tracker confirm my posts on Volcanon and add if any I may have forgotten....cuz this is some real crazy posting as Dak states... and he was 90% sure Vol was a MOTLer....and wow from just these posts....the only way you could be that positive is that you know his status...imo.
I think DAK is is referencing the after-vote, where after everyone voted VOL said he's voting bernek...which is in your post above, but you don't really get that when you quote it (you need the context). This is all an assumption though FWY. However, I do not think a troll would pull a play like being so obvious as to post so much and then tell everyone he doesn't think someone is a troll out loud like that. My 2 cents. However, when we were discussing the last game, I remember him saying that my posts were different and he liked it and hoped the new games were more like that, seems like he is being honest to me so unless I find out otherwise, I say he's a cit. Anyone interested in the piles? ROUND 1 (stolen from MM, who also didn't do any analysis on the 'other' pile I mention below) ~The Bernek vote pile~ 1. fwybwed 2. ryan2754 3. coolio ~But also, the no vote pile~ 1. Tranderas 2. Volcanon 3. iliketrain Finally (the analysis MM didn't do..hmmm..), the random votes (not they were random, but that they were inconsequential in the grand scheme of things) ----------- 1. Battle_of_Twits - Tranderas 1 2. WCFmo - Gawain 1 3. MeddlingMage - fwybwed 1 4. dakrum - Gawain 2 5. MAB_Rapper - Battle_of_Twits 1 6. Bernek77 - WCFmo 1 7. OGB - dakrum 1 8. Jazaray coolio 1 9. Zakman86 Tranderas 2 10. Gawain MAB_Rapper 1 ================== Round 2 piles Voting Tranderas ---------- Battle_of_Twits- Tranderas 1 WCFmo- Tranderas 2 Zakman86- Tranderas 3 Voting Volcannon ---------- MAB_Rapper- Volcanon 1 OGB- Volcanon 2 Jazaray- Volcanon 3 Gawain- Volcanon 4 Voting Other ---------- Tranderas- Jazaray 1 fwybwed- Zakman86 1 MeddlingMage- WCFmo 1 dakrum- Zakman86 2 ryan2754- Jazaray 2 Volcanon- iliketrain- Gawain 1 Things I found interesting so far in no particular order, from memory - 1. MM becoming more active, then dropping after I mention he is more active. He then votes me. 2. I think the trolls will not be in the non-vote pile R1 (at a max 1 troll)...there would probably be 1 in the VOL pile. Out of the people who voted for VOL, the most suspicious (to me) are GAW, MAB, OGB, Jaz (in that order). 3. OGB deleting his post. He then quickly responded to my question about its deletion. 4. Zak - needs to go I think. Playing way too much like he did as a wolf, IMHO. 5. FWY and MM connection - wolves tend to do this the first round, they vote for each other...could be something, could be nothing...I will be watching them though. 6. GAW's whole shtick about "oh, I didn't want to vote with crazy suspicions R1" and then he votes that way R2 (obviously he will disagree with this). 7. Ryan's Jaz vote bothers me - since I don't think Jaz to be a troll, the fact that a good player thinks she is feels just like last game where we lost Jaz for no reason. I'm increasing my suspicion of him again, but by a little. Alright, I gotta go put on my suit. {SUMMARY: Responds to FWY, discuss game state}
hilikuS Member
posted April 15, 2010 06:12 AM
I see WCFmo is still driving the conversation. Good to see . Otherwise, what's up guys?
WCFmo Member
posted April 15, 2010 06:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo:
Also, I would like to note, we still don't have a NK yet...which is odd, considering the amount of people who have posted so far. Could be our doc is holding us up, or it could be that the trolls are holding us up. Without actually going back to check, I don't really recall seeing much from the following people - Battle_of_Twits, iliketrain, Jazaray, zakman86. I apologize if I'm incidentally calling out our doc, but one of those people is the wolf leader IMHO. Out of those, zak hasn't really been posting much (much as he did when him, mystic and XPR were mafia), that'd be my guess as of now.
Still think one of those people is the wolf leader, my guess zak. Hey there HILI
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 15, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 15, 2010 09:57 AM

Ill "Hmmmmmm" you one better  You say "5. FWY and MM connection - wolves tend to do this the first round, they vote for each other...could be something, could be nothing...I will be watching them though."
quote: Originally posted by WCF: Finally ([b]the analysis MM didn't do..hmmm..), the random votes (not they were random, but that they were inconsequential in the grand scheme of things) ----------- 1. Battle_of_Twits - Tranderas 1 2. WCFmo - Gawain 1 3. MeddlingMage - fwybwed 1 4. dakrum - Gawain 2 5. MAB_Rapper - Battle_of_Twits 1 6. Bernek77 - WCFmo 1 - Look at this vote....hmmmm 7. OGB - dakrum 1 8. Jazaray coolio 1 9. Zakman86 Tranderas 2 10. Gawain MAB_Rapper 1[/b]
Look its my top 3 suspects ....and the Mod that got banned...well with my help too but his poor play cost him....BUT look who he voted for....
What I find curious is why yu came out on B77 in R1 and had a back and forth with him but voted for Gawain...its like you start this spark then let gain life of its own... NOW...look at the next piles as per WCF's theivery....each one of my suspects is neatly positioned in each pile.....
quote: Originally posted by WCF: Round 2 piles Voting Tranderas ---------- Battle_of_Twits- Tranderas 1 WCFmo- Tranderas 2 Zakman86- Tranderas 3Voting Volcannon ---------- MAB_Rapper- Volcanon 1 OGB- Volcanon 2 Jazaray- Volcanon 3 Gawain- Volcanon 4 Voting Other ---------- Tranderas- Jazaray 1 fwybwed- Zakman86 1 MeddlingMage- WCFmo 1 dakrum- Zakman86 2ryan2754- Jazaray 2 Volcanon- iliketrain- Gawain 1 2. I think the trolls will not be in the non-vote pile R1 (at a max 1 troll)...there would probably be 1 in the VOL pile. Out of the people who voted for VOL, the most suspicious (to me) are GAW, MAB, OGB, Jaz (in that order).
Makes me wonder if Im been hacked this very minute...
WCFmo Member
posted April 15, 2010 11:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
What I find curious is why yu came out on B77 in R1 and had a back and forth with him but voted for Gawain...its like you start this spark then let gain life of its own...
You were the one who started the wagon on him FWY if I remember correctly, I said this quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: quote:Originally posted by Bernek77: I also believe he is trying to get a rise out of me due to the fact that I called out his playstyle. Not trying to get a rise out of you, just merely pointing out your post didn't make sense man. You said you checked the thread and now you expect me to know you don't read anything besides the first post? LOL. Like I told Monty (a wolf last game), I call them how I see them and I don't pull punches. Do I think you are a Salvation Troll? No idea man, probably not though. Last game we went at it for no reason b/c you wouldn't answer my questions (we were both cits), let's avoid that this time. Re: your questions about the funny stuff, I think I've consistently used a little levity and humor when posting, but you may see it different (you actually gotta read my posts to see it :P )
quote: Originally posted by FWY: NOW...look at the next piles as per WCF's theivery....each one of my suspects is neatly positioned in each pile.....Makes me wonder if Im been hacked this very minute.. won't be hacked if your a troll you know...FYI FWY. But seriously, Ima let you finish... Ok, back to being serious, does anyone else find FWY's post odd regarding having a suspect in each pile? Finally, regarding ryan and dak...if both of them are alive at the end, kill ryan first, would be my suggestion. Also, trolls...come on give us the kill. Take your best shot, :P {SUMMARY: Ima let you finish} edit - Also, this FWY quote: Originally posted by WCFmo:
Surprised no one has latched onto it yet, but bernek was our 'cop'/'seer' and he voted and suspected me. Rather than beat around the bush about it, if the players think that bernek scry'd me and I am a MOTL salvation troll then so be it, I don't want to wait to get booted till the end. If you have any suspicion of me at all then please let me know, but I'm not gonna spend X rounds stating the obvious again and hurt the MOTL users chances of winning. If I need to be lynched, LMK.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 15, 2010]
Zakman86 Member
posted April 15, 2010 01:47 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Still think one of those people is the wolf leader, my guess zak.Hey there HILI
If I was the Troll Leader, the Hack would have been in already. I've been busy, but not so busy that I'd hold up the game, especially since I was on right about the time the ban got posted. When it comes to you, WCF... I like that you're playing, I don't like that you try to herd everyone. Waiting for the NK to post any further analysis.
fwybwed Member
posted April 15, 2010 02:34 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCF: You were the one who started the wagon on him FWY if I remember correctly, I said this
Really....hmmm can you show this instants...where I was wagoning for B77...  quote: Originally posted by WCF: won't be hacked if your a troll you know...FYI FWY. But seriously, Ima let you finish...
Hmmm, I never sed I would be hacked...but I "WONDERED" cuz its all like this: If I am on to something here: 1: I could be hacked to shut me up or 2: I could be left alone to create suspicion upon my person by the trolls... as for my post been odd, why is it odd...I jes stated all my suspects seemed to have been put into each pile here "Conviently" i may add... quote: Originally posted by WCF: Finally, regarding ryan and dak...if both of them are alive at the end, kill ryan first, would be my suggestion.
and as for your suggestion....after all my lil pokes at you and Dak you would want ryan out....I am sure Ryan is a threat to any one in this game no doubt....but to come out and openly SUGGEST we lynch ryan over Dak "first" after you state this to Dakrum: quote: Originally posted by WCF: Huh? I don't suspect you, I don't see that much suspicion on you...what gives?
Are you stating Dak "second" as per your words on ryan "first"....? Are you saying that if ryan goes and is an MOTLer that we should go with Dak next.....or are you saying that if ryan is a troll we should still go with Dak second...even tho you dont suspect him....are you 90% sure lol as Dak was about Volcanon.... WCF....are you willing to go on the block next round....and "maybe" sacrifice yourself for the good of MOTL.... LOL as Dak was trying to do...but failed cuz he knew he wouldnt have the votes.....
dakrum Member
posted April 15, 2010 04:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: LOL as Dak was trying to do...but failed cuz he knew he wouldnt have the votes.....
Which is why you still voted for Zakman86 right? You just didn't want people to get suspicious of you - is that it? You want the truth? Here it is. The only reason Zakman86 is still in the game and Volcanon is gone is because I didn't focus my attention to the two main suspects I had and I didn't make adequate cases early enough. It doesn't get any simpler than that. You know what else fwybwed? I don't think Jaz/Liq is a troll either because I don't think an active Jaz would have come to the conclusion to vote Volcanon. IMHO, there are four outcomes for the reason that Jaz voted Volcanon here: 1) She believed that Tranderas was a villager and was neutrally suspicious to somewhat suspicious of Volcanon. 2) She knows that Tranderas is a troll (which means that she is a troll) and voted him to get us off his case. 3) She didn't participate in the game since Sunday and submitted her vote either at an earlier time or based on what she had from then. 4) This was a ploy to get us on Tranderas' case. Jaz is a pretty intelligent woman and I think that if she was playing to her full or near-full extent that she would have made a much trickier vote or made her spin or push on somebody else. I'm not saying that 4 isn't possible, but 2 makes little sense and 1 would have possibly meant that she would have given us at least some more data to work with (or a vote declaration at the least).
If Tranderas is a troll, I think we stand a good chance of figuring that out on our own - he can't hide forever anyway. I would think that Jaz would know this. Thus, I'm leaning on Liq being an MOTLer at this stage. This cut my suspicion of Liq to about half, so I'm about 85% sure that he's clean now. @fwy - I want you to tell me why you are suspicious of me - it has to be more than just my stance on Volcanon since you've been goading me for a day now. I'm saying that another person is a villager again too!
Tranderas Member
posted April 15, 2010 04:37 PM

quote: Originally posted by dakrum: If Tranderas is a troll, I think we stand a good chance of figuring that out on our own - he can't hide forever anyway.
I don't have anything to hide. I'm around, I just don't really have more to add, and am interested in seeing how the WCFmo - Ryan fight resolves. I'm relatively new to the game, having only played a couple rounds years ago, so I am incapable of making the same sort of deductions that, say, you or Zak can make. My only option is to see what happens with the arguments that go on. That said, I think it's odd that WCFmo continues to react to Ryan the way he does. Don't take it so personally, man. It's just a game... {SUMMARY: Calm down, man.}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Tranderas on April 15, 2010]
dakrum Member
posted April 15, 2010 04:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: You assume that I'm hiding. I just don't really have more to add, and am interested in seeing how the WCFmo - Ryan fight resolves. I'm relatively new to the game, having only played a couple rounds years ago, so I am incapable of making the same sort of deductions that, say, you or Zak can make. My only option is to see what happens with the arguments that go on.That said, I think it's odd that WCFmo continues to react to Ryan the way he does. Don't take it so personally, man. It's just a game... {SUMMARY: Calm down, man.}
There's no worries here. The truth is that I don't think that Jazaray would leave you to become the center of attention (of course, everything is speculation but you get the idea), and I think that contributing is the best thing you can do at this point. New players make mistakes and everybody does really dumb things sometimes (hint, me <-----). However, I do want to win this and change the mindset of the way these games are played for the better (well, at least a little bit on the games played part anyway). It should be a fun game no matter what, but why not try to add your own spin to it while you're at it? EDIT: realized I was implying that I was one of the "best" and that's not right. I apologize for that. {SUMMARY: explains stance}
[Edited 2 times, lastly by dakrum on April 15, 2010]
ryan2754 Member
posted April 16, 2010 03:37 AM
Trand, you really don't seem to be paying attention.My feud/back and forth recently has been with dakrum, not WCFmo. WCFmo and gawain continue to suspect me, but I have already defended myself from them. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [184] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5255] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val) Mafia/Werewolf Record: 2-1 as Mafia 6-5 as Cit
hilikuS Member
posted April 16, 2010 06:12 AM
Granted I just got here and haven't had much time to analyze, the first thing that jumps out at me is Trand's posts. First of all, when does he "not have something to say" about any thread in the GD. Secondly, he's following but he's getting names mixed. Second probably is an honest mistake, but I suspect him none the less.
Tranderas Member
posted April 16, 2010 07:17 AM

quote: Originally posted by hilikuS: Granted I just got here and haven't had much time to analyze, the first thing that jumps out at me is Trand's posts. First of all, when does he "not have something to say" about any thread in the GD. Secondly, he's following but he's getting names mixed. Second probably is an honest mistake, but I suspect him none the less.
When you go from having very little in your life, to doing school full-time on top of a major petition drive and multiple fundraisers for charity, other things become more important than what you say in a thread on a forum dedicated to Magic  Coincidentally, i'll be at one of those fundraisers today. It's pretty well-known that i mix names up, though, as I'm terribly absent-minded. I apologize to WCFmo, Ryan and dak. However, ryan, I was terribly put off by your conduct during the early game. I think that's the issue at hand. You overreacted to some simple comments... quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Makes me wonder if Im been hacked this very minute...
I don't like the logic behind this statement, and think it's just a ploy to try to paint a big "I'M NOT A TROLL" sign on yourself. It's the kind of thing people with something to hide would say. If you don't get hacked, you will be my main suspect. {SUMMARY: Explains that life > MOTL, discusses Ryan's conduct, reveals suspect.} {SUSPECT: fwybwed}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Tranderas on April 16, 2010]
hilikuS Member
posted April 16, 2010 07:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by Tranderas: When you go from having very little in your life, to doing school full-time on top of a major petition drive and multiple fundraisers for charity, other things become more important than what you say in a thread on a forum dedicated to Magic 
I would have considered that, but you said it yourself you've been following the thread closely. Not to mention it took you an hour to respond to my post.
I haven't played games with you before, so your behavior here might be normal. I thought it was something worth noting regardless. EDIT: Isn't Zakman a little bit more postative usually? Or is he keeping quiet because he's been getting lynched early a ton lately?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by hilikuS on April 16, 2010]
JoshSherman Member
posted April 16, 2010 07:32 AM
It feels like so long ago... the last time we played out a doomsday scenario on MOTL. But that was just a drill. Werewolves aren't real. Trolls are, and they are coming to destroy MOTL. Leshrac is running out of time to figure something out. He woke up this morning to discover another hacked account. During a discussion on the next course of action, Liq went off the deep end quote: Originally posted by Liq: Ok kid. Hey go **** yourself. Now I remember why I stopped coming to this peice of **** site. I'm out.GUESS I'M GUNNA GO STALK THIS KID AND RAPE HIS ****ING FAMILY OR SOMETHING. ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
Liq has been hacked. Leshrac did find an old email address for ThaPStulio, but hasn't received a reply. Will he ever? VOTES DUE MONDAY 9PM MOTL TIME {SUMMARY: Liq hacked, votes due Monday night} __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn
WCFmo Member
posted April 16, 2010 07:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
WCF....are you willing to go on the block next round....and "maybe" sacrifice yourself for the good of MOTL....
Not quite what I meant FWY. I say I'd rather die now then later when it will cause the cits a loss. Would a sacrifice do any good for the town? Probably not, as when it turns out I'm a user, the first person everyone will be suspicious of is you (if they think logically). Now I don't know whether you are a troll or a user, but if you are a user...that's a double cit loss in a row if they vote us off consecutively. Sacrifice? No, but I'd rather die now than give the trolls a chance to use it against me later. =========================================== Current guess as to the trolls (gut) --> GAW, ZAK, ILIKETRAIN Likewise, there will be two trolls (at least) in the R1 random pile. 1. Battle_of_Twits - Tranderas 1 2. WCFmo - Gawain 1 3. MeddlingMage - fwybwed 1 4. dakrum - Gawain 2 5. MAB_Rapper - Battle_of_Twits 1 6. Bernek77 - WCFmo 1 7. OGB - dakrum 1 8. Jazaray coolio 1 9. Zakman86 Tranderas 2 10. Gawain MAB_Rapper 1 Since this is all based on what I think to be the case now, bolded names for who I think could possibly be a troll. =========================================== Other things 1. GAW and ILIKETRAINs back and forth - felt fake 2. MAB - dead to the world right now, moving him up my suspicious list. 3. We need more posts from Liq and HILI, now.  4. MM's absence again =========================================== Also, I'm glad everyone has stopped worrying about the NK so much, there's no reason to shut up - the trolls are trying to use everything they can to use against us, and we can't help that, but why should that stop us from talking? After we get the NK, let's take some serious looks into who and why they haven't contributed, something is going on here. =========================================== Re: Zak, that doesn't really mean much that you were on when the kill came in. Question for Zak, why didn't you mention Tranderas' absence R1 because he didn't know it was a game? Also, you mention herding the players, how am I herding the players? =========================================== quote: Originally posted by ryan2754: Trand, you really don't seem to be paying attention.My feud/back and forth recently has been with dakrum, not WCFmo. WCFmo and gawain continue to suspect me, but I have already defended myself from them.
I think Tranderas means this quote: Originally posted by WCFmo:
@ Ryan, I hate it when players hate trite things.
Which was my response to your "I hate it when players say 'if I survive.'" Also, in regards to suspecting people, I suspect darn near everyone in the game, save a few. I have low suspicions of you (R1 Vote, Only analyze when you were goaded to, etc) that you may have defended (in your mind). However, this is the game of excuses, everyone's got one...doesn't mean I buy it. {SUMMARY: Still waiting for NK, discuss game, question Zak} edit - well, Liq's dead. guess we won't be hearing from him. Anyone want to analyze Liq/Jaz's suspicions and posts? Gotta get back to work.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 16, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 16, 2010 09:22 AM

I had asked if you are willing to go up on the sed:
quote: Originally posted by WCF: Not quite what I meant FWY. I say I'd rather die now then later when it will cause the cits a loss. Would a sacrifice do any good for the town? Probably not, as when it turns out I'm a user, the first person everyone will be suspicious of is you (if they think logically). Now I don't know whether you are a troll or a user, but if you are a user...that's a double cit loss in a row if they vote us off consecutively. Sacrifice? No, but I'd rather die now than give the trolls a chance to use it against me later. this a yes or a NO...seems like a no to me...cuz to me you say Im not willing but if I have to I will... Im sure if you were a MOTLer and you believed in the site you should have just sed yes... you could argue that you can ask the same of me and if I were under the gun and to prove my innocents I would say yes to relieve some suspicion and place it else where... and show my gratitude to the site in which I utilize for free (Brown nose a bit) But in all seriousness your answer should have been yes and yes alone....your tentativeness leads me to suspect you more. As for your new you not suspect me...? Where are the posts I asked for in which you stated I was "WAGONNING" for Bernek77...where are they? quote: Originally posted by WCF: edit - well, Liq's dead. guess we won't be hearing from him. Anyone want to analyze Liq/Jaz's suspicions and posts? Gotta get back to work.
Yes Liq has been hacked....good analysis...I suspected as much...I figured the kill this round would be far and away from anything been talked about in all discussions... Voting WCF...
WCFmo Member
posted April 16, 2010 09:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Yes Liq has been hacked....good analysis...I suspected as much...I figured the kill this round would be far and away from anything been talked about in all discussions...Voting WCF...
Nice sarcasm. Also, didn't you say you thought you were the one who was going to be hacked? "Ima let you finish, but Ima gonna be hacked this NK." Re - My suspicion of you. So you're saying I should be suspicious of you, then you vote for me? Huh? If you'd like to read my post, I state I'm pretty much suspicious of everyone, save for a few people. You've been trying to throw weak suspicions on since YOU lynched bernek. quote: Originally posted by FWY: But in all seriousness your answer should have been yes and yes alone....your tentativeness leads me to suspect you more.
Re - Sacrifice - So if I'm lynched, are you gonna sacrifice yourself because I'm a cit? Also, how is the only answer to your question, "yes." Is this the whole you're either with us or against us argument? Here's what I said if you care to read it again "Sacrifice? No, but I'd rather die now than give the trolls a chance to use it against me later." I'm here to play the game and get a win for the cits, currently there are only two people suspecting me (you and MM), how would a self-sacrifice right now (when everyone thinks zak is a troll) do to help the town? Tell me that? {SUMMARY: Bad Logic FWY, Bad}
dakrum Member
posted April 16, 2010 10:03 AM
That's just something else. Volcanon AND Liq are now gone. Jazaray didn't post much so there isn't much more to analyze than what I posted from earlier I'm afraid.I have two questions for right now though: quote: Originally posted by Gawain: As was mentioned earlier, trolls/scum/woofs tend to post only as much as is necessary to appear to be active, and tend also to take a more reactionary than proactive role, and this fits Volcanon's playstyle perfectly right now.Even if either ryan or dakrum turn out to be trolls, I feel that the conversation they're creating right now provides a plethora of useful information, both now and for later stages of the game. I would be more interested in an info lynch of one, the other or both later on than a shot in the dark scum-hunting lynch right now.
What is your opinion of OGB and MAB? They've posted enough to "appear" active at this point, right? In addition to that, how can two info lynches help the town over taking shots in the dark? All of the villagers/MOTLers votes are essentially shots in the dark anyway (although every MOTLer tries to make the best vote that they can of course).
fwybwed Member
posted April 16, 2010 10:44 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Nice sarcasm. Also, didn't you say you thought you were the one who was going to be hacked? "Ima let you finish, but Ima gonna be hacked this NK."
Hmmm once again you are putting words into my mouth....for others to hear....I stated that "I WONDER IF IM BEEN HACKED" I never once stated that I WOULD be hacked.... quote: Originally posted by WCF: You've been trying to throw weak suspicions on since YOU lynched bernek. sed this already... oh "I" lynched him huh and me alone....where are these posts you talk of in regards to me wagoning on him..... I AM STILL WAITING....I know you wont answer this one... quote: Originally posted by WCF: Re - Sacrifice - So if I'm lynched, are you gonna sacrifice yourself because I'm a cit?
I will put myself up on the block YES..if those who believe that I am a troll can vote there decision...hence me saying if you put yourself up and "MAYBE" sacrifice yourself becuz it would be up to the people... You see the people decide on our fates if we are on the block...if you believed enuff to say you are a MOTL and provided any and all good arguments to the cause you could save yourself or #2 you could say "well if it will help by me getting lynched and showing a vote pattern then I will do it...I learned this along time ago with my own selfishness and went against my own then....I failed to see the logic...and it cost me... quote: Originally posted by WCF: Also, how is the only answer to your question, "yes." Is this the whole you're either with us or against us argument?
Its basic...if you are a MOTLer you would be strong and brave in knowing that if you felt you were been a distraction and that you needed to get out of the way  quote: Originally posted by WCF: Here's what I said if you care to read it again "Sacrifice? No, but I'd rather die now than give the trolls a chance to use it against me later." I'm here to play the game and get a win for the cits,
I read it...and it doesnt change a thing....and am I not trying to win for the sake of MOTL too... :*( quote: Originally posted by WCF: currently there are only two people suspecting me (you and MM), how would a self-sacrifice right now (when everyone thinks zak is a troll) do to help the town? Tell me that?
Everyone...REALLY!?!?! Hmmm Volcanon and Trand were up last round...where was "everyone" then....  I would hate to think Im distracting everyone from the game with our back and forth... but I just cant get WCf to answer some questions and he seems to avoid them or come at me with his own sarcasm or finger pointing but Im not on his suspect list but says things to make me suspicious... LIKE: - I(fwy) got bernek77 lynched - Saying that I(fwy) stated I would be the NK - That MM and I(fwy) are connected but has only the R1 vote to show this - Asking the board if they find my posts "ODD" and thats WEIRD......
WCFmo Member
posted April 16, 2010 11:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
- I(fwy) got bernek77 lynched - Saying that I(fwy) stated I would be the NK - That MM and I(fwy) are connected but has only the R1 vote to show this - Asking the board if they find my posts "ODD"
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: So we haven't heard from Tran, Volc, Coolio, Train, B77, and Zak.
Bernek posts, 6 minutes later you post this - quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Funny...When you mention those who havent appeared on the board they all come out of the wood work...hahaa
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: HmmmmVoting Bernek77
When you voted for bernek, only ryan had declared a vote on him, at some point in time coolio voted for him...all that was needed was one person to follow you in the early round (as bernek already had one vote on him) to be enough to lynch someone. Your vote was after I already told Bernek that a) I wasn't voting for him b) I believed that he wasn't a troll c) and after I pled with him to see logic. See below VVV quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Last game we went at it for no reason b/c you wouldn't answer my questions (we were both cits), let's avoid that this time. {SUMMARY: I missed you too bernek}
- Saying that I(fwy) stated I would be the NK
Own up to your words FWY, how often do cits come out and say "oh, gee golly, I think I might be the NK this round." - That MM and I(fwy) are connected but has only the R1 vote to show this quote: Originally posted by WCFmo:5. FWY and MM connection - wolves tend to do this the first round, they vote for each other...could be something, could be nothing...I will be watching them though.
Trolls usually always include in their suspect/votes one other troll in case they get caught, so it isn't obvious if they go down that the non-voted/unsuspected people are the other wolves. - Asking the board if they find my posts "ODD" What's wrong about asking questions? The only person who doesn't like questions asked about them are trolls. Go back and look through the thread, I ask people I'm not suspicoius of questions, I ask people I am suspicious of questions, etc. Also, this -->
quote: Originally posted by FWY: I would hate to think Im distracting everyone from the game with our back and forth...
Really? You've been egging me on for the past three pages hoping I play your game, I'm done playing with you FWY either you are an XPR cit like last game or a BB wolf like last game, you can either man up and decide maybe I'm telling the truth or you can tunnel, your choice bud. So this is the point where I plead with you to see logic, if you don't so be it. As it stands, YOU are causing the distraction, if you don't think it's odd stating that you might be the NK and that you were the first person to vote bernek based on what we said (after I said I thought he was a cit) then you need to reassess your sanity level. So, I'm gonna ask nicely, do you want to find a troll FWY or do you want to create a distraction? As of right now, you are the one causing the distraction and I am half tempted to say that you are doing it on purpose because you want to create some kind of chaos. Also, it's funny how you not listening to me caused Bernek (our cop) to die. Maybe this time you should. Question for FWY - who are your other suspects? List them, state cases for each and then state why aren't voting for them this round. {SUMMARY: Not responding to FWY anymore}
fwybwed Member
posted April 16, 2010 11:59 AM

You call those 2 measly which was not even individually directed towards Bernek77 WAGONING....oh man that is weak... Show me where i stated I would be the NK....I know you cant..yet you say I did... as for the rest of your post...nice try to reverse the role hahaha I am so voting you.... and you know who my other suspects why ask...
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