Topic: MOTL Salvation
MAB_Rapper Member
posted April 13, 2010 04:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by dakrum:
@MAB - why not go after iliketrain for not posting at all? What about the other silents? Also -
It's simple. iliketrain hasn't posted at all... literally. Since 4/7, he has made a total of 3 posts and none of them in General Discussion. (At least according to the "Serach for all posts by iliketrain button", so if that's wrong, sue me.) So he is probably not paying attention. And despite the fact that it does us no good, it's doing us anything bad either. However, Volcanon's two posts do us nothing, especially when he said he would vote for the moderator AFTER he was banned by us. I don't know how much clearer I need to be. This is where my vote is. If you don't like it, too bad. {Summary: Get off my back for my play style and lack of posting due to real life} {Voting: Volcanon} __________________ MOTL's Most Likely to Play in the Pro Tour - Three Years Running for 2007, 2008, and 2009 (My Nationals) Co-Founder of Long Island's Newest Vintage Team - Team of Towers Cracking the Top 100 Ref Count - 4/1/10
Battle_of_Twits Member
posted April 13, 2010 06:17 AM

I apologize but I must resign this game due to real life issues (finals coming up).__________________ Stages of Death: Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, Burial, Decay, Haunting, Revenge, Evil LaughOriginally posted by pyr0ma5ta: When in doubt, always go with the mom joke. It's classy, and you always win. There can be no comeback.
OGB Member
posted April 13, 2010 06:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by MAB_Rapper: It's simple. iliketrain hasn't posted at all... literally. Since 4/7, he has made a total of 3 posts and none of them in General Discussion. (At least according to the "Serach for all posts by iliketrain button", so if that's wrong, sue me.) So he is probably not paying attention. And despite the fact that it does us no good, it's doing us anything bad either.
This must be broken, because he's posted in GD several times in the PFS, also in the MD forums, as well as his own sales and H/W lists. Maybe he just wasn't interested in participating and was in it for the joke on 4/1. So we have several people who aren't posting, people who make non-sensical posts (much like WCFmo did when he was mafia) and now BOT has requested to be replaced. Is this game even worth continuing? I feel like the next 4-5 votes are going to be for silents, and if that's all we have to go on, then frankly that's not very fun. I'm committed to play, but unless people start posting more, this game will go downhill very quickly. Right now, my vote is for Volcanon, and I am keeping all the silents on my suspect list. @FWY - where are you? I feel like you've been way more talkative in the games we've played together in the past. Also, someone who is running a tracker - can you please post post counts? Much appreciated. {SUMMARY: questions whether we should continue, calls out silents, asks for post counts} {SUSPECT: VOL, JAZ, TRA, ILT, FWY} {VOTING: VOL} __________________ Check out OldGhastbot on MTGO to buy and sell cards at ultracompetitive prices!
WCFmo Member
posted April 13, 2010 08:02 AM
So, we settled that case... Nothing like waiting till the 11th hour to realize we were right and you were wrong.@ OGB - FWY's post have been farily short, lot of of things like "hmmm....", etc. Is that out of the norm for him? I can't remember. @ Tranderas - Obviously I think if you had your way you'd like to get Jaz out first, but I think a volcannon vote is better here. Does anyone know if she has been posting outside the thread? I don't recall seeing anything by her, and she most likely started up her census job (IDK, she mentioned she was starting it soon in the last game). She's seemed to be busy lately with life, for what its worth. quote: Originally posted by Zakman86: Pro tip: Using all your resources to find a place to play Legacy in a podunk state is win. Just saying.
Pro tip: Don't live in Alabama.  Let's get some posts going everyone, I'm sending in my vote for volcanon right now unless someone hops out and says they are a troll. {SUMMARY: Discuss FWY, VOLC, JAZ, ZAK} {SUSPECT: ZAK, GAQ} {VOTING: VOLCANNON}
fwybwed Member
posted April 13, 2010 08:17 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCF: @ OGB - FWY's post have been farily short, lot of of things like "hmmm....", etc. Is that out of the norm for him? I can't remember.
Hmmm. Asking questions you already have an answer for??? The way you ask is like you are trying to be sly... You played the last game calling me OOC and inconsistant, so shouldnt you know this already, I have been OOC since the beginning of the game lol.
WCFmo Member
posted April 13, 2010 08:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Hmmm. Asking questions you already have an answer for??? The way you ask is like you are trying to be sly...You played the last game calling me OOC and inconsistant, so shouldnt you know this already, I have been OOC since the beginning of the game lol.
The part about me not remembering is key there bud. Who's trying to be sly now? Also, fwy, have you decided who you are voting for? Why is that? {SUMMARY: Sly FWY}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 13, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 13, 2010 08:47 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: The part about me not remembering is key there bud.
So enlighten us how is that the key and key to what may I cant state an answer with out giving one... You cant say you forgot my playstyle already....or that you dont really know me as a player when you state traits of my playstyle last ww game ...BUT then you switch the tone and try to reverse it by questioning me on my vote...its like you are trying to avoid my question why is that? Just so you know Ill be voting for I pointed out above he seems to be mirrior gwain in responses and posts....
WCFmo Member
posted April 13, 2010 09:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
You cant say you forgot my playstyle already....or that you dont really know me as a player when you state traits of my playstyle last ww game ...BUT then you switch the tone and try to reverse it by questioning me on my vote...its like you are trying to avoid my question why is that?
I never said I knew your playstyle FWY last game, if you remember correctly it appeared as if you were posting OOC to me. So you are saying you are OOC this game, correct? Re: Your question - Considering we only played one round last game, I don't think I've gotten accustomed to your posts quite yet (I'm surprised you think I should) and it is not helping that you are playing OOC. I'm also surprised you haven't said anything like "you're the 4th wolf WCF." As it is, I think you might just be trying to pick a fight here subtly...what gives? I think you've been waiting for an opportunity for me to say something that you can try to pick apart, but you chose a non-sensical one, considering you expect me to know your playstyle? Re: your vote (hypothetical) who would you vote for if you knew zak was a motl user? Re: zak - Having had a chance to actually read more posts by zak (your posts last round prior to you knowing you'd be lynched were close to the vest), he just doesn't appear that helpful this game. I would like to see a rundown of who he thinks is suspicious and why. Either way, it appears he is playing much the same way (I've already stated this) when he was a wolf, so that's why I think he is suspicious. {SUMMARY: FWY is Sly pt. 2, discuss zak}
dakrum Member
posted April 13, 2010 10:01 AM
@MAB - thanks for the clarification. You gave me a reason and a vote - I have no problem with that at all.@OGB - I plan to fight and I'm committed to play this out too. I also want more people to post too, but I don't think that we should be voting for all silents at this point. I think that stopping the game right now is the same as quitting, and I don't want to quit. Based on the data Liq compiled for the mafia 2009 and werewolf 2008-2009 games (from the links he provided), Bernek hasn't been the cop or seer until now. Unless there is data from far before that, my idea about who he could have looked at in the past is a total wash.
I'm going to be honest - I'm suspicious of 8 people at this point. However, my top two suspects are still Gawain and Zakman86. Zakman86's logic against me wasn't very good and he seemed quite concerned when I went after him about iliketrain. I still believe that he's either lying, trying to find a way to vote me off, or trying to destroy my footing. His analysis is also peculiarly sub-par - I would have expected him to have made a better overall effort and to stop whacking around the bush. fwy is also correct in that he actually is mirroring Gawain's post. Gawain's logic in this round wasn't very good either (although I don't think it's OMGUS personally), and the fact that I had to be the first one to mention looking back at Bernek's posts just raises major red flags especially since he was trying so hard to get everyone to look back at Liq last game (although this could be said about more than just him). However, he is correct in that I shouldn't be making assumptions about ryan2754 - that I will give him. Jaz's lack of input is worrisome. She can provide a lot of useful analysis (even if it isn't at this exact point in time) if she is a villager, but this amount of silence is OOC for her and her usual post count. I would like to see how the fwybwed/WCFmo argument pans out before making any further comments about it. {SUMMARY: responds a bit more about suspects}
fwybwed Member
posted April 13, 2010 11:20 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCF: As it is, I think you might just be trying to pick a fight here subtly...what gives?
Im sorry thats the way you see it, You asked a question I answered and asked one of my own...only becuz you answered my question with another question is why I have continued with this. Its like you are saying this to get everyone to look at your post and see me as and agitator or over defensive player... I am totally OOC in my previous posts....I wanted to see who would jump at the chance to mention it. It bothers me when we get players who rush in on ROUNDS 1 and 2 and start spewing off suspicions as you did in the previous doesnt help us at all...I SAY lets just vote a couple of rounds out while asking our questions then go form there.....but we get these know it alls who go by previous games and status...oh so and so is a good player why is he still here...or oh so and so is not playing like last game so they have to be cuz they are OOC.... lame reasons so soon in the game... I would watch anyone who hates on the random vote...
Gawain Member
posted April 13, 2010 12:16 PM

quote: Originally posted by dakrum:
Gawain's logic in this round wasn't very good either (although I don't think it's OMGUS personally), and the fact that I had to be the first one to mention looking back at Bernek's posts just raises major red flags especially since he was trying so hard to get everyone to look back at Liq last game (although this could be said about more than just him). However, he is correct in that I shouldn't be making assumptions about ryan2754 - that I will give him.
I can't really argue with you, I SHOULD have been all over looking back at his posts. Having done so now, I can honestly say it was a bust. He just wasn't around long enough to get a chance to post anything really substantive, and anyone he did suspect would have been based essentially on nothing anyway, as there was just no info to go on that early. And in my defense, I'm REALLY busy right now. It's about all I can do to get on here and post once or twice a day. I'm the best man in my buddy's wedding this week, the phase of the Census I'm working on requires hours and hours of paper work, which I can only do on my free time from my regular job, and the house is a disaster which I find myself responsible for cleaning, 'cause my GF is even busier than me if that's possible. So, there's an unfortunate discrepancy between what I would like to be able to do, and what I actually have time for. My apologies for that, but there's not much I can do about it. As to suspicions at this point, Volcanon, Jaz, and Zakman are all raising red flags for me. As has been pointed out already, Zak has mirrored a few of my posts, which I'm sure we all remember was how he was nabbed R1 a few games ago. He's a smart guy though, I have to wonder if he would make the same mistake twice. That aside, he is nonetheless generally non-contributory at this point and I've got my eye on him. Jaz is just plain quiet, but that could be the Census thing. Jaz, can you confirm whether or not your new job has started up yet? Then we have Volcanon. I don't think the statement he made regarding lynching Bernek (the mod) AFTER his death was as much of a tell as everyone else seems to, because that would be one monolithic slip-up for a Troll, but I am still getting funky vibes from him. This in particular caught my eye: quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: I bet the salvation troll is Tranderas. Just analying his text it looks like he is hiding something.{SUSPECT: TRANDERAS, he's hiding something} {VOTING: TRANDERAS}
I don't know enough about Tran's playstyle to make a judgment call based on the few posts he has made so far, but this sounds to me like someone who is pretty convinced he's onto something. So...where is the evidence? Where is the analysis? It's just bold, declarative statement with nothing to back it up, and coming from a guy whose post-count makes mine look positively prolific this game. Unless something comes up to sway me otherwise, my vote is for Volcanon this round. {SUMMARY: Lists suspects, explains low post count, calls out Volcanon} {SUSPECT: Zak, Jaz} {VOTING: Volcanon} P.S. I think everyone is right that iliketrain just "joined" as a gag and didn't expect to actually play, but are we gonna just let him cruise through to the end dead-weight style? Might be a candidate for a replacement if not necessarily a lynch.
PlasteredDragon Member
posted April 13, 2010 02:17 PM

I'll volunteer to replace either ILT or BOT, if Josh agrees. I *have* been a member of the zombie club, but the discussion there has been extremely limited. Since Josh is also a member, he can look at the e-mails and make his own call.{SUMMARY: Steps up and offers to be replacement for ILT or BOT}
ryan2754 Member
posted April 13, 2010 04:48 PM
MM, thank you for clarifying, that's all I ask.I as well despise silents, but there are a few classes - those who normally don't post and aren't posting, those who don't seem to be paying attention at all, and those who normally do post and aren't posting. First group: BoT (asked for replacement) Second group: iliketrain, Trand, Volcanon Third group: Jaz Of the following, I don't like Jaz's silence. I understand people have reallife issues, but I have the worst time getting a read on her. I like my chances that if Tran, Volc, and ILT start posting that I can get a semi-decent read, as they all have done something in just two rounds when they do post of possibly building their own grave. {VOTING: Jaz (silence/inability to read)} __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [184] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5255] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val) Mafia/Werewolf Record: 2-1 as Mafia 6-5 as Cit
MeddlingMage Member
posted April 13, 2010 05:13 PM
Here is my vote count. Hope I didn't miss anybody.Player ~ their vote zakman ~ tranderas tranderas ~ jazaray volcanon ~ tranderas MAB ~ volcanon OGB ~ volcanon WCFmo ~ volcanon gawain ~ volcanon ryan ~ jaz I think thats everone that has posted, in order they posted. Volcanon has been pretty silent, so I can understand some votes towards him. However, I bet there is a bandwagon jumping troll in there. My guess, and my vote is going to be for WCFmo. I have been suspicious of him for a bit now. However, IU am still slightly suspicious of ryan still. His voting for Jazaray, after all the announced votes for Volcanon seems to be purposely avoiding the pile on. {Summary: Thinks WCFmo is a troll, ryan is on radar still} {Voting: WCFmo} ~MM __________________ I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner.MafiaBass (9:48:50 PM): sorry my keyboard is sticky MeddlingEric (9:48:56 PM): ewwww MafiaBass (9:51:43 PM): FTR, I did not show you my e-pee-pee
dakrum Member
posted April 13, 2010 06:03 PM
Since Zakman86 hasn't posted since yesterday, I am going to be voting for him over Gawain. I would like to take a fresh look at everything once this round is over, but I think this is where my analysis stands for right now.I won't draw on Gawain or Zakman any further. I'd be much more concerned about Jaz if she didn't post much next round or managed to get a vote in for this round without giving a good bit of analysis, but I will stick my argument and principles in that I hate policy lynches and I will not be voting for Jaz at this time. fwy's logic behind this vote doesn't make much sense either. He's concerned about the way other people bring information about previous games into account in the early rounds and then votes for Zakman86 based off of him mirroring ONE post. I think it is a bit hypocritical, but it could just be fwy trying to make a point about other players' posts and logic as well. Combined with his reasoning for the last vote though, I am suspicious of him. quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: but we get these know it alls who go by previous games and status...oh so and so is a good player why is he still here...or oh so and so is not playing like last game so they have to be cuz they are OOC.... lame reasons so soon in the game...
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Just so you know Ill be voting for I pointed out above he seems to be mirrior gwain in responses and posts...
At this point, these are my suspects:
Med to Med-Low: Zakman86 (reasons stated above), Gawain (reasons stated above) Med-Low: Jazaray (complete silence) Low: fwybwed (arguments) {SUMMARY: reveals list} {SUSPECT: Gawain (med - previously stated reasons)} {SUSPECT: Jazaray (med-low - complete silence)} {SUSPECT: fwybwed (low - logic behind both votes)} {VOTING: Zakman86 (med - previously stated reasons)}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by dakrum on April 13, 2010]
Jazaray Moderator
posted April 13, 2010 06:26 PM

Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I haven't been around. My training for being a Crew Leader for the Census Bureau started on Monday. I was out all day Saturday, and then spent Sunday trying to get everything read for Monday and taking the kids to their bible class, then rushed around with them, trying to find a b-day present for Tom (his bday was Monday). I had forgotten it was Sunday, so most of the stores were closed, we ended up going to CVS. It's been pretty exhausting for me, as I haven't really worked in the past two years. Here's an example: Monday - Got up, went to training, got out, rushed to go sign the kids up for camp, went home, slammed down dinner, took the kids to karate, took Amala's friend home from karate, went home, helped the kids finish their homework. Amala didn't get done until after 11pm with hers. After I sent her to bed, I went right to bed myself. Honestly, I really could have gone to bed at 10 I was so beat! I haven't even read anything on this since Sunday, I just got home from taking the boy to scouts and I really don't think I have the time to catch up, or the ability right now. I'm really tired as it is.
Gawain, I'm sure you could sympathize, heh. I'm really liking it so far though, I can't wait to start training my crew! Anyways, what this all boils down to, is, could you guys find a replacement for me? If you can't, I'll try my best to catch up when I can, I just don't think it's something I can do at this moment. LMK, ok Josh? I'm really sorry, if I had known that it was going to be this grueling, I wouldn't have signed up for the game. Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Very interesting idea from a friend of mine.
iliketrain Member
posted April 13, 2010 07:03 PM
I am actually interested in participating but em....I have never played a game like this before...and all the analysis people were doing was just way over my head , i don't understand...
JoshSherman Member
posted April 13, 2010 09:29 PM
Deadline is extended until tomorrow night at the same time. If I don't have everyone's vote PMed to me by that time, I will end this game. Only one person gets to jerk me around and it isn't any of you.I'll look for replacements for BoT and jazaray. While it may or may not be either of your individual faults, I am not even the slightest bit happy about this. You know what happens when you anger the GM, don't you? @iliketrain: you use the information you have at hand to try to determine who you think might be a Salvation Troll. As for what sort of information there is... it's really not my place to say given that I'm the GM this game. Perhaps a player would be so kind as to try to help enlighten you (hint, hint). __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
iliketrain Member
posted April 14, 2010 03:54 AM
ok....just spent a long time reading all those posts again...but I have to say I never expect playing this game like reading a psychiatry paper... As to explaining my vote....em....I just don't like the logic he have been using? And lastly, what is policy lynch?? {Vote:Gawain (Poor logic)}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by iliketrain on April 14, 2010]
WCFmo Member
posted April 14, 2010 06:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by iliketrain: ok....just spent a long time reading all those posts again...but I have to say I never expect playing this game like reading a psychiatry paper... As to explaining my vote....em....I just don't like the logic he have been using? And lastly, what is policy lynch?? Vote:Gawain (Poor logic)
A policy lynch (my definition) is a vote whereby you aren't really trying to nab a bad guy (here, salvation trolls) but are voting someone off for their playstyle as it is "detrimental to the players." Typically you see this invoked where players (like you were) are very silent, and because you don't say anything many people will not have suspicions of you (i.e. the more you post, the more likely someone will think you are suspicious). That's my take on it, and I wouldn't take too much offense to it as I've heard people ask for policy lynches for all sorts of nonsensical reasons. @ Josh - Don't do that Josh, I think this game is running a little slow but we have quite a few more silent types in this game then usual. Also, is BoT out of the game? Who is taking his spot? {SUMMARY: My explanation of policy lynch, discuss game state} edit - you have to PM your vote to Josh by the way
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 14, 2010]
JoshSherman Member
posted April 14, 2010 07:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: @ Josh - Don't do that Josh, I think this game is running a little slow but we have quite a few more silent types in this game then usual. Also, is BoT out of the game? Who is taking his spot?
Still looking. AFAIC, until they are replaced, they are still playing. __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn
[Edited 1 times, lastly by JoshSherman on April 14, 2010]
Gawain Member
posted April 14, 2010 08:16 AM

quote: Originally posted by iliketrain: ok....just spent a long time reading all those posts again...but I have to say I never expect playing this game like reading a psychiatry paper... As to explaining my vote....em....I just don't like the logic he have been using? And lastly, what is policy lynch?? {Vote:Gawain (Poor logic)}
Would you care to elaborate?
dakrum Member
posted April 14, 2010 11:26 AM
Since I’m at work, this is going to be short (and hopefully sweet).OGB asked everybody earlier what they thought about policy lynches. Could I get everybody to answer that question please (if anybody has any further questions about policy lynches, I will try my best to answer them), then? There is something that should have happened last night but didn’t and I have a new suspect because of it. I promise that I will explain when I am get home, but I would to hear at least some people answer this first. {SUMMARY: proposes question to all players}
Zakman86 Member
posted April 14, 2010 11:55 AM

quote: Originally posted by dakrum: Since I’m at work, this is going to be short (and hopefully sweet).OGB asked everybody earlier what they thought about policy lynches. Could I get everybody to answer that question please (if anybody has any further questions about policy lynches, I will try my best to answer them), then? There is something that should have happened last night but didn’t and I have a new suspect because of it. I promise that I will explain when I am get home, but I would to hear at least some people answer this first. {SUMMARY: proposes question to all players}
Personally, I'm not a fan. Not only does it let wolves hide within the policy lynch, it stifles communication and doesn't allow for thoughtful conversation during a round because the outcome's already determined.
JoshSherman Member
posted April 14, 2010 11:57 AM
Both Battle_of_Twits and Jazaray have been replaced. I will announce by whom tonight at the end of the vote tally. That means it's their votes I will be counting this round, not their replacements.VOTES DUE TONIGHT, 9PM MOTL TIME You may change your vote until that time. If you have not voted yet, you'd better. __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn
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