Topic: MOTL Salvation
OGB Member
posted April 08, 2010 11:48 AM
Neither Tranderas nor junichi are on the GD UBB player list, so it's unlikely that any of us have played with either of them before, at least on MOTL. They were probably just lured here by the thought of Salvation-bashing, which is perfectly acceptable in its own right.  I've run all your names through the RandoVote 9000, and dakrum, you're the lucky winner. {SUMMARY: points out TRAN and JUN are possibly new, declares random vote} {VOTING: dakrum} __________________ Check out OldGhastbot on MTGO to buy and sell cards at ultracompetitive prices!
MeddlingMage Member
posted April 08, 2010 01:29 PM
FTR, they have both played games before that player list came about.~MM __________________ I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner.MafiaBass (9:48:50 PM): sorry my keyboard is sticky MeddlingEric (9:48:56 PM): ewwww MafiaBass (9:51:43 PM): FTR, I did not show you my e-pee-pee
WCFmo Member
posted April 08, 2010 01:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Battle_of_Twits: I can't recall whether I have or not. I was just going by this post.
I aksed because I was mostly curious, I haven't been playing long enough to know whether he used to play or not. @ MM - you remember which ones off the top of your head? Not sure if and when I will have time to read any of them, but wouldn't hurt to see some of the older games. Don't worry if you don't remember, I can look them up as well. {SUMMARY: Respond to BoT, ask MM question}
MeddlingMage Member
posted April 08, 2010 04:34 PM
Tran played a long time ago, and how since asked to be banned by us for all future rounds of games (save this one).I glanced over my old WW Notes (The 1st Season) and didn't see their names anywhere...maybe they played mafia? Liq, any help here? ~MM __________________ I am MeddlingMage...YOUR Motl Survivor 11 Champion and 2007 Captain N award winner.MafiaBass (9:48:50 PM): sorry my keyboard is sticky MeddlingEric (9:48:56 PM): ewwww MafiaBass (9:51:43 PM): FTR, I did not show you my e-pee-pee
dakrum Member
posted April 08, 2010 05:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by MeddlingMage: Tran played a long time ago, and how since asked to be banned by us for all future rounds of games (save this one).I glanced over my old WW Notes (The 1st Season) and didn't see their names anywhere...maybe they played mafia? Liq, any help here? ~MM
This is the only game of Tranderas I've found by doing a post history search (it was a WW game) so take it as you will: To post something more relevant and to not clutter this thread with information only, I have a suspect, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to reveal that player. Besides, it's too early to make any great distinctions since there are 15 or so posts to go on.
Where is everybody anyway? {SUMMARY: has a suspect, where is everybody?}
ryan2754 Member
posted April 08, 2010 07:00 PM
I played with junichi back before Mafia was originally broke by Liq. He was a very good player. Have't played with Volcanon, coolio, Trand, or iliketrain. Voting Bernek because he hasn't said anything, and because he's a Duke fan and my Butler Bulldogs lost. {VOTE: Bernek (damn the blue devils)}
__________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [184] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5255] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val) Mafia/Werewolf Record: 2-1 as Mafia 6-5 as Cit
WCFmo Member
posted April 09, 2010 06:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by dakrum:
Where is everybody anyway?
I haven't looked it over, but I know I've seen at least one person post something besides in this thread, could be something, could be nothing. Below are all the posts from players (doesn't count Josh or PD's posts) 1). Battle_of_Twits - 6, 8 2). Tranderas 3). WCFmo - 1, 7, 11 4). fwybwed - 2 5). MeddlingMage - 10, 12 6). dakrum - 3, 13 7). ryan2754 - 14 8). Volcanon 9). coolio 11). iliketrain 12). MAB_Rapper - 4 13). Bernek77 14). OGB - 9 15). Jazaray - 5 16). Zakman86 17). Gawain - 8 So we haven't heard from Tran, Volc, Coolio, Train, B77, and Zak. edit - summary tag {SUMMARY: Discuss who we haven't heard from}
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on April 09, 2010]
MAB_Rapper Member
posted April 09, 2010 07:24 AM
Just out of curiosty, where did those Summary tags come from? I only did mine before as a joke.__________________ MOTL's Most Likely to Play in the Pro Tour - Three Years Running for 2007, 2008, and 2009 (My Nationals) Co-Founder of Long Island's Newest Vintage Team - Team of Towers Cracking the Top 100 Ref Count - 4/1/10
JoshSherman Member
posted April 09, 2010 07:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by MAB_Rapper: Just out of curiosty, where did those Summary tags come from? I only did mine before as a joke.
Here's a bit of an explanation. It's for the tacker PD created and several people use. __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
Gawain Member
posted April 09, 2010 08:16 AM

Hmmm, maybe people just haven't realized that we're actually playing? I honestly thought the whole thing was an April Fools joke until we actually fired it up :/{SUMMARY: People still think it's a joke?}
Volcanon Member
posted April 09, 2010 08:21 AM

I hadn't realized we had started yet.{SUMMARY: Didn't know we had started}
JoshSherman Member
posted April 09, 2010 08:50 AM
Votes are due at 9PM MOTL time tonight.Don't make me send ThaPStulio after you. The internets from the Stone Age isn't very good. __________________ *MafiaBass*Joshweek*Letter Bombs!*Prices*Gatherer*Logout <Tranderas> damn wendy's made me sleepy and this chair is comfy.. <JoSherman> Wendy makes me sleepy too. BTW, carpet matches curtains
WCFmo Member
posted April 09, 2010 09:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain: Hmmm, maybe people just haven't realized that we're actually playing? I honestly thought the whole thing was an April Fools joke until we actually fired it up :/SUMMARY: People still think it's a joke?
Actually, I'm still not convinced one way or the other  I would laugh my --- off if Josh started the game and there were actually no enemies (so all of us are in the game's terms MOTL users, and there are no Salvation trolls). Seriously, not really much to go on this round (even littler information than the round before). {SUSPECT: JoshSherman} {SUMMARY: Shenanigans}
coolio Member
posted April 09, 2010 09:16 AM

quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: I hadn't realized we had started yet.{SUMMARY: Didn't know we had started}
ditto.. huh.. {Summary: I've got no clue what's going on.. } © __________________ Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. -Christopher HitchensReligion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. -Seneca the Younger
[Edited 1 times, lastly by coolio on April 09, 2010]
dakrum Member
posted April 09, 2010 09:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: Don't make me send ThaPStulio after you. The internets from the Stone Age isn't very good.
Then can we send something to iliketrain and Tranderas since they are posting elsewhere and might be under the same impression? (WCFmo: if you were referring to somebody else, I haven't paid that much attention to the other threads so I wouldn't know.) {SUMMARY: knock knock to other players?}
Zakman86 Member
posted April 09, 2010 10:26 AM

This game seems like it's going to be random and all over the place.Voting Tranderas because... well, it's Trand, he's a troll, and in the context it just makes sense. No real analysis to make at this time, unfortunately. 
Bernek77 Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:09 AM

Wow I checked this the other day and there was nothing, now today there is a bunch of posts. I will try and see where I stand.EDIT: OK so good thing there wasn't alot to read over. WCFmo's kidding around is similar to the kind of joking around when he was a wolf. Voting the only Cleared cit left in the game. Now he suspects JoshSherman???? That is the type of things that get you looked at. As regards to Junichi and Trand, they are old school Mafia. Junichi was a player hard to read and very good at getting reads. Not surpised by that kill. This kinda makes me wonder if this was random or and old school vet remembering this. __________________ How many times do I have to have a secret rendezvous with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bernek77 on April 09, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:15 AM

Funny...When you mention those who havent appeared on the board they all come out of the wood work...hahaa
Bernek77 Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:23 AM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Funny...When you mention those who havent appeared on the board they all come out of the wood work...hahaa
You also have to remember that at first this was thought to be an April Fools Joke. I checked on Monday and still nothing. Game posted 4/1 and filled very quickly and didn't start till 4/7. People are very likely to suspect that this wasn't really a game..... __________________ How many times do I have to have a secret rendezvous with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships 2010 NCAA Bracket Winner.....GO DUKE!!!!!!
WCFmo Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: I checked on Monday and still nothing. Game posted 4/1 and filled very quickly and didn't start till 4/7. People are very likely to suspect that this wasn't really a game.....
quote: Originally posted by JoshSherman: As you might have noticed, the players list is simply a list of people who have posted on the thread. If not, well there you go. It seems like there might be enough interest for me to run this even though I didn't actually intend to. Listing players was intended to be part of the April Fool's joke (I got a lot of you with that haha). I'll give this a real shot after PD's werewolf game ends. BTW, don't expect the same awesomeness he has injected into his WW game, but I'm sure I'll come up with something cool 
His message was posted April 01, 2010 09:40 PM (Monday was the 5th of April) {SUMMARY: Lucy, someone's got some 'splaining to do}
Bernek77 Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:50 AM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: His message was posted April 01, 2010 09:40 PM (Monday was the 5th of April){SUMMARY: Lucy, someone's got some 'splaining to do}
OK I will try to put this in simple terms that even you would understand. When these games are filled we wait for the post of OK roles have been assigned and waiting for names. I am pretty sure you know how that works. So when I DO NOT SEE that, then to me I am not looking at the game. Had I not looked in the boards today since I have nothing to do, I wouldn't of posted or voted. Where would of that left me. __________________ How many times do I have to have a secret rendezvous with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships 2010 NCAA Bracket Winner.....GO DUKE!!!!!!
Gawain Member
posted April 09, 2010 11:54 AM

quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: OK I will try to put this in simple terms that even you would understand.
Whoa, touchy much?
Bernek77 Member
posted April 09, 2010 12:00 PM

quote: Originally posted by Gawain: Whoa, touchy much?
Nah not touchy but I say that I hadn't known the game started. I checked on Monday and there was nothing. How much more does one need to say for someone to understand what I am trying to say. I also believe he is trying to get a rise out of me due to the fact that I called out his playstyle. Due to its exactly like it was when he was a wolf. He voted for Masterwolf when he was cleared and caused a huge uproar. Now he says he suspectes JoshSherman and has made a few jokes. It is just about a repeat performance if I have ever seen one. __________________ How many times do I have to have a secret rendezvous with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships 2010 NCAA Bracket Winner.....GO DUKE!!!!!!
OGB Member
posted April 09, 2010 12:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bernek77: Nah not touchy but I say that I hadn't known the game started. I checked on Monday and there was nothing. How much more does one need to say for someone to understand what I am trying to say. I also believe he is trying to get a rise out of me due to the fact that I called out his playstyle. Due to its exactly like it was when he was a wolf. He voted for Masterwolf when he was cleared and caused a huge uproar. Now he says he suspectes JoshSherman and has made a few jokes. It is just about a repeat performance if I have ever seen one.
Are you referring to the game when he went nuts and got a 1 game ban? __________________ Check out OldGhastbot on MTGO to buy and sell cards at ultracompetitive prices!
Bernek77 Member
posted April 09, 2010 12:05 PM

quote: Originally posted by OGB: Are you referring to the game when he went nuts and got a 1 game ban?
Exactly, don't get me wrong he told Me and MM what he was gonna do and we thought it was hysterical. Still Don't think he should of gotten the suspension. But, that is not up to me. But if u look at his posts so far this game he is trying to be funny and that is how he was playing before he went off the wall. Trying to be funny. __________________ How many times do I have to have a secret rendezvous with your mom before you realize we have something special.2007-08 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! 2008 MOTL Fantasy Football Champ! 2008-09 MOTL Fantasy Hockey Champ! B2B championships 2010 NCAA Bracket Winner.....GO DUKE!!!!!!