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Author Topic:   Need a Ruling?.. Come on in... part 3... the never ending post
posted July 02, 2000 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolio   Click Here to Email coolio     
for those who've started my third for me.. thanks.. but pls just leave it to me?

thanks tho..
I sense there is some confusion among the masses when I'm not the one to be opening the new one. guenhwyvar opened one.. and after that.. juzamdjin opens his.. so pls ppl.. leave the opening of a new topic to me..

guenhwyvar will still be answering as I see its helpful to him.. for practice before the test.. I will still be around to answer the more confusing ones.. and also to help correct kevin (guenhwyvar) if he made any mistakes.


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Rules Question Post #1
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posted July 02, 2000 04:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GogettaEX   Click Here to Email GogettaEX     
Alright, I'm first! Okay so, here is the thing. Some guy has a temporal aperture in play. He uses it and gets a plague wind. He then plays the plague wind. I try to return my palinchron to my hand in response but he says I can't. Is he right? Also, the same guy, plays a searing wind using Temporal Aperture. He says I cant counter it. He then plays another one next turn with the aperture, killing me. I could have countered both. Next game he does the same thing by hitting me with two apertured Searing Winds that I could have countered. Funny, seems very odd that he got all those searing winds with only four in his deck... that and the fact that he wouldnt let me cut his deck every time he used it. Help me if you can Mr. Coolio!

"WE ARE SUPER-SAIYJIN!!!!" - Super Gotenks

posted July 02, 2000 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
I dont know myself but i can guess:

second turn my opponent plays duress and chooses my ancestral recall it goes on the response i tap my island and cast the i draw my 3 cards first,or is this not legal because duress is going to resolve first.

my guess:

i think that id get to draw my 3 cards and duress would fizzle because duress goes on the stack and i play something in response and mine goes on the stack on top and mine resolves first,then duress has not legal target and fizzles

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GogettaEX   Click Here to Email GogettaEX     
If he chose the Recall that means the Duress already resolved, meaning you cant do anything in response to it. Your recall is gone. (Can i respond to people's questions as well? Ill delete this if not.)

posted July 02, 2000 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kworb   Click Here to Email Kworb     

If he has already chosen your recall then it means that Duress has already resolved so say goodbye to the recall.
You can however, in response to Duress, play the Recall, then you first draw 3 cards before he chooses which card he removes from your hand.

posted July 02, 2000 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolio   Click Here to Email coolio     
gogettaex: answer is yes you can respond
he's lying and cheating
yes you can counter the wind.. even if its gotten from aperature.. he's cheating yet again.. and still lying.. (smack him hard)
he wouldnt let u cut the deck? (kick him underneath the table.. I would) he's a BAD cheater.
juzamdjin.. when he sees your hand.. duress is already in resolution..
cant do nothing with ancestral by that time

as for responses.. unless you clearly know you are right.. pls try not to add confusion to the mix.. thats all I ask.. if you know your answers are correct.. sure.. post them..


DCI Certified Level I Judge
Rules Post #3
Rules Post #2
Rules Post #1

posted July 02, 2000 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
ok thank you for the ruling and Kworb's reply:that's wha i meant to say is if i play ancestral in response to duress but i was in a rush.

now my next question:

If i play ancestral it goes on the stack and my opponent uses duress in response.It goes on the stack on question?will my ancestral resolve first or will duress resolve first and my opponent discards my ancestral.

my guess:

no my ancestral will be discarded because duress goes on the stack ontop.i really need to know for other timin rules..not that i have an ancestral recall or anything.

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolio   Click Here to Email coolio     
when did we play sorceries in response to instants?


DCI Certified Level I Judge

posted July 02, 2000 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
well whats wrong with ancestraling on my opponent's turn?so what happens....

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Greven_volrath_killer   Click Here to Email Greven_volrath_killer     
ok, I've been waiting a while to ask this so here goes...

My friend had this idea that, since it's untargetable, Blastoderm's fading counters don't go anywhere. He says since it's an activated ability. I've told him over and over that he's wrong, and he doesn't play it that way agianst me, so I'm happy, but I want it in writing. Why would they give it fading? Thanx

Do ya bury me when I'm gone
Do ya teach me while I'm here
Just as soon as I'm alone
Then it's time I disappear
~Metallica "I Disappear"

posted July 02, 2000 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juzammn   Click Here to Email juzammn     
i know this has pobubly been asked before but. if i play hatred and pay 19 life and my opponent counters it do i still loose the 19 life?

El Relampago hace 3 puntos de a una critura o jugadon objetivo.

posted July 02, 2000 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selvaxri   Click Here to Email Selvaxri     
question on wording:
Rhystic Lightning: it says RL deals 4 damage to target player or creature unless that creature's controller or player pays 2. If they do, RL deals 2 damage to that creature or player. WTF?!? who'd want to deal additional damage to themselves or a creature they control?!? please clarify this cools. thanx

next question:
i have a Jolrael out an announce i'm going to activate her ability. in response, my opponent humbles Jolrael. what happens? do my lands become 3/3 creatures or not?

I have a hella big Rushwood Elemental in play. my opponent uses the Soul Sculptor's ability turning the rushwood into an enchantment, then he casts Opalessence. now my was-hella-big Rushwood enchantment into a 5/5 creature. what happens if a creature were to be cast?

my opponent uses Scent of Nightshade on my creature, enough to render it's toughness in the negatives. If i cast Blood Lust, will my creature survive the scent?

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Selvaxri on July 02, 2000]

posted July 02, 2000 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
if hatred is countered and the life paying is resolved then you lose the life.thats why you need artifact mana sorces to get it out early enough.

the rhysthic lightning thing belongs in Kworb's wording post but here:rhysthic lightning exactly reads:Rhysthic Lightning deals 4 damage to target creature or player unless that creature's controller or player pays 2.If he or she does,Rhysthic Lightning deals 2 damage to the creature or player.

It does not do 2 extra damage to themeselves it simply is reduced by 2 damage.

When the Joreal ability is played it goes on the stack.then your opponent plays humble in response.the humble will resolve first because it goes on top of the ability to resolve first so you will not get 3/3 creatures out of your lands.

ok your rushwood would become a 5/5 because the opalessence came into play first.but then again if you played opal essence and you played a creature then the creature goes on the stack and resolves if the creature was played in response to the opal then yes it would become a normal rushwood...but with no counter.but if opal essence was cast first youd have a 5/5 nothing instead.

since blood lust is not a creature enchant ment and even if it was the only thing blood lust prevents is the fact that th+4/-4 cant make it bo below one.if your opponent later scent of nightshades the creature then it still dies.or if the nightshade goes first then in response you play blood lust.your creature doesnt die.this is because if the creature's toughness it 0 and it gets the -4 then it goes beklow 1.since it can go below one then it would become 1.

hope i helped!

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kworb   Click Here to Email Kworb     
Originally posted by JuzamDjin:
well whats wrong with ancestraling on my opponent's turn?so what happens....

You can play Ancestral Recall on your opponent's turn, but he can't response to the Recall with a sorcery.

posted July 02, 2000 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
dang i cant find anydiscard spells that are instants that you get to choose..oh well

lets say that duress was an instant or interrupt.

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 06:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Goblin_Snowman   Click Here to Email Goblin_Snowman     
Juzamdjin stop trying to make impossible hypetheticals! Morgan and Kevin answer legit questions please don't ask them something just to see if you can confuse them.If your looking for an instant hand destruction the only one is Greel. sorry Morgan I know you are more than capable of handling yourself but Juzamdjin you are getting rediculous.

MY questions
1) I have an opal acrolith in play.
My opponent vicious hungers it. I respond by turning back into an enchantment. He then responds by terroring it. May I respond to his terror by turning it into activating the acrolith again?

2) I afterlife my false prophet. Do I get a token?

posted July 02, 2000 06:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for da-odd-templar   Click Here to Email da-odd-templar     
let me have a go at snowman's thing:

the afterlife resolves. false prophet hits graveyard, and you get a token. then false prophet's ability triggers, token and everything dies.

Also, here's a message to JuzamDjin...when you ask questions like that, think about it, then think what other people will say to you about it, then just don't do it.

"Is Santa Claus so jolly because he knows where all the naughty girls live?"

"Whose cruel idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?"

"That's the daddy says I can't go in the deep end."-Ralph Wiggum

posted July 02, 2000 06:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
ok sorry..i didnt mean it!now what happens if my opponent uses greel .my only card in my hand is my ancestral.if i play my ancetral in response to the greel before it resolves my ancestral resolves then greel i still have to discard a card at random?LMK thanx!

ant to goblin snowman..i didnt understand the first one but the second one my friend did..the game was back in the old days when we had about 7ft tall decks and i had about litterally 30 creatures in play.then my friend played afterlife on my false prophet and it was about an hour before every-wai what the heck am i saying!all i meant to say was it happened to me and yes the token goes away because:

afterlife destroys the false prophet and resolves to puts a 1/1 flying token in play.then the prophet is put into a graveyard and the ability now the token goes and so does all other creatures

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 06:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheFireStarter     
Coolio just wondering... wouldn't it save time, and posts if you posted simple rules and such or a FAQ?

I'm gonna try to take a judgeing test soon... so I want to see if I am able to figure out a hard "Stack Question"

My question is this:
(Mirrior Decks...)
I actavaite my Treetop Village, and my opponent humbles it. In response to the humble, I use soul sculptor to turn it into a enchantment. And my opponent then trys to erase or disenchant my village when sculptor resolves. I cast a Simion Grunts as a instant.
(I think that this setup would work...)
So stack is:
Just cast-> down: Grunts, Erase, Sculptor, Humble,

Would it work out going:
Grunts Resolves (Back to creature), Erase Fizzles, Humbled Village?

Oh, and a second question is if I Sculptor a creature, Then I cast a Monk Realist, is the Creature/Enchantment destroyed?

I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag...

posted July 02, 2000 07:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
I dont wanna seem like im full of myself but hey its fun answering these:

allright this is pretty hard first the treetop village resolves and then your opponent humbles it but you soul the humble fizzles then your opponent responds by trying to disenchant it but in response you cast simian grunts(or vine dryad).the disenchant goes on the stack then the simian grunts goes on the stack on the thing on top resolves first and then it goes down to the last thing.well since the simian grunts resolve first the treetop village is now a creature again and the disenchant fizzles.thats a lot of trouble for just 1 treetop village!

the second one:

no the monk realist will not destroy it.the creature goes on the stack,resolves and when the creature resolves the "soul sculpted" creature is turned back into a creature and the ability of the monk realist is finally activated and the creatre-that-was-an-enchantment is now a creature again and cant be targeted.

hope i helped you!

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 07:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for *Tedman*   Click Here to Email *Tedman*     
I got a skill-testing question for Kevin:

How many Scryb Sprites are needed to block and kill a Sengir Vampire with First Strike? I heard somewhere that this is on the test, so it must be tough...

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posted July 02, 2000 07:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
also the treetop village wont be humbled anymore because after being an enchantment it is just coming into play again as a creature.just like crater helion would smack each creature on the board for 6 if the same situation happens.

i wont answer the scryb sprite thing because *Tedman* directed it to someone...excuse me Ted

"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


posted July 02, 2000 07:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for *Tedman*   Click Here to Email *Tedman*     
You are excused.

posted July 02, 2000 07:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolio   Click Here to Email coolio     
greven_volrath_killer: fading isnt targetted.. fading is very specific.. meaning.. it comes into play with X counters where X is printed on the card.
its triggered at beginning of upkeep.. remove a counter from THIS not target) card.. if you cant.. sac it.

juzammn: life payment on hatred is a part of cost.. and all costs have to ebe paid at casting. whether before or after declaration of spell onto the stack.

selvaxri: Rhysic lightning.. it doesnt deal 6.. it says it deals 4 unless.. if they do.. then it deals only 2.. read it like that.. should be easier
2. yes.. once its on the stack.. the removal of the source doesnt stop an effect.. rule 402.6
3. mind you.. the rushwood.. being turned into an enchantment.. it still has the +1/+1 counters.. just as an enchantment.. it does nothing.. however.. with opalesence in play.. they count again.. if a creature were to be cast.. it reverts back to its 4/4 with all the counters.. if no creatures cast... then its a 5/5 with its counters..
4. no.. blood lust only prevents its own effects from dropping your creatures toughness.. or anyone's creatures toughness below 1 (no matter which resolves first.. lets say your bloodlust.. sure.. then the shade.. toughness below 1? SBE *state based effects* check.. dead creature. if shade resolves first? SBE dead creature.. bloodlust no longer has legal target.. counters itself.)

juzamdjin: I dont think anything seriously belongs in kworb's wording question post..
as I said.. only answer if you know you are correct.. u just gave selvaxri a wrong answer on the nightshade/bloodlust question.. and now that I re-read your answers.. all of them are wrong.
402.6.. ability on the stack isnt gone if the source of the effect is removed and whatnot.. once its on the stack.. unless countered.. it stays there..

also.. no if's or whatnots.. and let's suppose's.. I like things they way they are..

goblin_snowman.. thanks =)
1. yes
2. yes.. but it is removed when prophet's ability resolves.. afterlife is resolving.. prophet is put into the graveyard..prophet's ability goes on the stack.. meanwhile.. afterlife is still resolving.. put the creature 1/1 flyer into play.. now spell is resolved and put into graveyard.. prophet's abiltiy resolves.. remove token creature from game.

juzamdjin: I'll be refusing to answer any more discard/ancestral questions from you.

thefirestarter: ya know.. I have al the links to all the FAQ's and rules one would need.. ever.. ppl seem not to use them..

anyways.. yer question..
so.. treetop resolves.. uhmble is on stack.. then you turn to enchantment.. resolves.. then erase on stack.. then grunts on stack.

grunts resolve.. village is back to a creature.. erase/disenchant is countered humble resolves on the village.
2. depends how u stack the come into play abilities as controller of both effects.. stack sculptor first.. then realist.. enchantment dies.. if the other way around.. realist's ability is countered.

and tedman: I know the answer..


DCI Certified Level I Judge

posted July 02, 2000 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuzamDjin   Click Here to Email JuzamDjin     
well hey im trying..some of my answers were right like the hatred one and the blood lust one was too confusing..ure an actual a kid whose been playing for 3 or 4 years..and i know what youre going to say "Well if ya don't know the right answer then don't say it at all." well i want to try!! and the treetop village one i thoght that it would lose the humble and it would fizzle but now i see why:

the sould scultper resolves then disenchant goes on the stack,simian grunts goes on the stack ontop resolves first,then no legal target for disenchant so it goes to the graveyard and then after all that the humble is soooorrry! if i got that one little part of it wrong.but i totally admitt to the bloodlust one...i was soooo confused so that won't happen i know dont answer it if im confused.sorry coolio and ferget it i already got most everything down and good about "the stack" i want more to take a shot at!


"Expect my visit when the darkness comes.The night I think is best for hiding all."


[Edited 1 times, lastly by JuzamDjin on July 02, 2000]

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