Topic: Rulings Thread, part 26: Post ALL Rules Questions here!
mulder Member
posted August 05, 2004 08:00 AM
I'm going to a type 1 tournarment in a few weeks, and I can loan a beta lotus from a friend. Naturally, I don't want anything to happen to the card. Is it legal to show it to the judge and then play with a proxie?
Pail42 Member
posted August 05, 2004 09:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by mulder: Is it legal to show it to the judge and then play with a proxie?
Strictly speaking, no. If you know who the judge is going to be email him about it ahead of time.
nderdog Moderator
posted August 05, 2004 09:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Pail42: Strictly speaking, no. If you know who the judge is going to be email him about it ahead of time.
And if he says it's okay and it's a DCI-sanctioned tournament, then report the judge. Per DCI Universal tournament rules: "Proxy Cards The use of proxy cards is not permitted except under the following conditions: „X If a card becomes accidentally damaged or excessively worn through play in the current DCI-sanctioned tournament, the judge may provide a proxy replacement card at his or her discretion or require the player to sleeve all of his or her cards before play continues. „X If a card opened out of sealed product for use in a Limited tournament is misprinted, miscut, or otherwise damaged in a way that would cause the card to be marked, the judge may provide a proxy replacement card at his or her discretion. Players are not permitted to create a proxy. When a judge creates a proxy for a player, it is included in the playerˇ¦s deck. The original card is kept close at hand during the match. When the proxy is in play, replace it with the original. When the original card returns to the playerˇ¦s deck/hand, swap it with the proxy. This replacement method helps ensure that the opponent is able to clearly see the intended card and to avoid confusion. The term ˇ§proxyˇ¨ includes counterfeit cards or any card that is not a genuine game card. Counterfeiters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." "Proxy Card: A card used during competition to represent another card (also counterfeit cards or any card that is not genuinely produced by the gameˇ¦s manufacturer)." __________________ Warning! Check this link for info on a nasty impersonator before trading! Brought to you by the Emergency BTA Broadcast Network. ---------- Ask me about getting FREE Magic cards!There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by nderdog on August 05, 2004]
wile_e_coyote Member
posted August 05, 2004 12:27 PM
is armageddon restricted?__________________ The fling of the string opens up many possibilities. Much like life, it takes patience and determination to succeed in the art of Yo.
Drexus Member
posted August 05, 2004 12:44 PM
is fizzling a proper magic effect? in a tournament if u have an illegal target for your spell does it fizzle? if the answer to the above is yes then surely u can (for example) cast terror on a black creatue like skulking fugitive(i think?) who has the ability that if its targeted it dies...some1 plz clarify that plz
orcishartillery Member
posted August 05, 2004 01:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by wile_e_coyote: is armageddon restricted?
No, Armageddon is not restricted.
orcishartillery Member
posted August 05, 2004 01:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Drexus: is fizzling a proper magic effect? in a tournament if u have an illegal target for your spell does it fizzle? if the answer to the above is yes then surely u can (for example) cast terror on a black creatue like skulking fugitive(i think?) who has the ability that if its targeted it dies...some1 plz clarify that plz
"Fizzling" is not an official Magic term. It's used casually to refer to a spell being countered by the game rules.When a spell is would resolve, if all of its targets are illegal, then the spell is countered by Rule 413.2a. For example, if you cast Magma Jet on an opponent's creature, and in response your opponent sacrifice's the creature, the Magma Jet will be countered (and you won't get to scry). If a spell has multiple targets, and at least one is still legal, the spell will resolve and will do as much as it can. However, you cannot declare an illegal target when you play a spell. Terror can only target non-black, non-artifact creatures, so you cannot play Terror targetting a Skulking Fugitive.
waldoman57 Member
posted August 06, 2004 10:31 AM
Well its not really a ruling question, but when does onslaught roatate out? -Thanks
Iabtu Member
posted August 06, 2004 11:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by waldoman57:
Well its not really a ruling question, but when does onslaught roatate out? -Thanks
Onslaught Legions and Scourge will all rotate out on Oct. 20th of this year, Champions of Kamigawa becomes legal on that date as well. __________________ "In an ominous note for American players there were no Amercians in the Top 8 at the end of the day. The highest finish by an American player was eleventh place by the relatively unknown Michael Stranc." - Sideboard Online, PT Kobe Day One Wrap-upPro player, lvl 2 judge, TO, I even have a fan club.
Raatcharch Member
posted August 07, 2004 04:08 PM
I was recently looking at "Vision Charm"-Color: Blue Type: Instant Cost: U Sets: VI(C) Text(VI+errata): Choose one - Target artifact phases out; or target player puts the top four cards from his or her library into his or her graveyard; or all lands of one type become the basic land type of your choice until end of turn. [Oracle 2003/10/01] By "all lands of one type becomes the basic land type of your choice until end of turn," what constitutes a "type"? Can you name "Non-Basic" as a type? Can you choose "basic land" as a type? Or can you only choose a specific type like "Mountain", or a name like "Volrath's Laboratory"? __________________ Originally posted by Ashella: Stop this immediatly, you are acting like children. Originally posted by Lord Titi: Welcome to MOTL.I am the Beast who shouts "I" at the heart of the world. Remaining unbanned since August 23, 2000!
drk New Member
posted August 07, 2004 06:55 PM
There are currently 10 (maybe I missed some) land types: the 5 basic land types, Locus, Lair, and the three Urza lands.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by drk on August 07, 2004]
olliehighzero Member
posted August 08, 2004 10:29 AM
Hello. I have two questions. First with fact or fiction. The player reveals all 5 cards then seperates them into two face up piles. Are the piles like 1 or 2?1) l----------l l-----------l l----------l l-----------l l----------l l l l l l l l l l l l l l-----------l l----------l Or 2)
l-----------l l--------------l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l-----------l l--------------l
And the second question...what the heck happens when a player has lifeline and endless whispers in play when one of his creatures dies?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the 'art'. Dave __________________ I am no one, but I'm well known, for I am the man with the dogs. Stare at you shopping, watch while you're walking, my dogs run around your toes.
Master Member
posted August 08, 2004 10:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by drk: There are currently 10 (maybe I missed some) land types: the 5 basic land types, Locus, Lair, and the three Urza lands.
Artifact? Legendary?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Master on August 08, 2004]
Lunk Member
posted August 08, 2004 10:48 AM
[edit]: Simplifying the question a bit. Lots of needless and confusing details in the last one  My opponent has an arbitrarily large amount of mana in their mana pool, say 3 billion, but cannot generate any more mana beyond that 3 billion, and an Ambassador Laquatas in play (i.e. they just completed the Worldgorger Dragon loop). I have a Gaea's Blessing in my library. If my opponent completely empties their mana pool into Laquatas' ability (milling me 1 billion times), what is the proper way to carry this out, without actually having to carry it out? Is there some sort of accepted way to simulate 1 billion millings, without actually doing about 8 days worth of shuffling? Thanks!  __________________ "As below, so above and beyond, I imagine, Drawn beyond the lines of reason."AIM: Lunk42 E-mail: Looking for a T1 MWS opponent? IM me!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Lunk on August 08, 2004]
samus_ssp Member
posted August 08, 2004 12:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by olliehighzero: Hello. I have two questions. First with fact or fiction. The player reveals all 5 cards then seperates them into two face up piles. Are the piles like 1 or 2?And the second question...what the heck happens when a player has lifeline and endless whispers in play when one of his creatures dies?
I do not understand your artwork what so ever. All you need to know about the piles of Fact or Fiction: There are two piles made up of anywere from zero to five cards. You can know what piles the cards are in and you can see each of the five cards when you are choseing which to put in your hand/graveyard. When a player controls two conflicting triggured abilitys (like in your second question) He choses which resolves first. (ie, which one will have its effect) If a player has both Lifeline and Endless whispers, and a creature dies, he chooses which effect will take place, regardless who controled the creature when it died.
__________________ Proud owner of 20 Flying men, and the entire Urza's Saga & 6th Eddition foil sets. Somewhere in Texas A village is missing its idiot.
Kage Member
posted August 08, 2004 02:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Raatcharch: I was recently looking at "Vision Charm"-Color: Blue Type: Instant Cost: U Sets: VI(C) Text(VI+errata): Choose one - Target artifact phases out; or target player puts the top four cards from his or her library into his or her graveyard; or all lands of one type become the basic land type of your choice until end of turn. [Oracle 2003/10/01] By "all lands of one type becomes the basic land type of your choice until end of turn," what constitutes a "type"? Can you name "Non-Basic" as a type? Can you choose "basic land" as a type? Or can you only choose a specific type like "Mountain", or a name like "Volrath's Laboratory"?
Vision Charm says "basic land type", so you can only choose plains, island, swamp, mountain, or forest.
olliehighzero Member
posted August 08, 2004 06:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lunk: [edit]: Simplifying the question a bit. Lots of needless and confusing details in the last one  My opponent has an arbitrarily large amount of mana in their mana pool, say 3 billion, but cannot generate any more mana beyond that 3 billion, and an Ambassador Laquatas in play (i.e. they just completed the Worldgorger Dragon loop). I have a Gaea's Blessing in my library. If my opponent completely empties their mana pool into Laquatas' ability (milling me 1 billion times), what is the proper way to carry this out, without actually having to carry it out? Is there some sort of accepted way to simulate 1 billion millings, without actually doing about 8 days worth of shuffling? Thanks! 
My recommendation, talk to the judge at hand on how many times a shuffle is necessary or a stalling penalty might come into play. If you are at your kitchen table however, its up to you, but I assume your opponent would like you to shuffle alot. BTW, thanks samus for the reply, the artwork looked fine on the reply page... Dave
__________________ I am no one, but I'm well known, for I am the man with the dogs. Stare at you shopping, watch while you're walking, my dogs run around your toes.
GMontag Member
posted August 08, 2004 08:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kage: Vision Charm says "basic land type", so you can only choose plains, island, swamp, mountain, or forest.
There are two type choices to be made on vision charm. The first just says type, so you can choose any of the 12 land sub-types currently in existence (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, Desert, Urzas, Mine, Tower, Power-Plant, Locus, and Lair). The second says "basic land", so you have to choose one of the five.
quote: Originally posted by Master: Artifact? Legendary?
Vision Charm lets you choose a land type (i.e. a sub-type). Artifact is a regular type like Land and Creature, Legendary is a supertype like Basic.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by GMontag on August 08, 2004]
orcishartillery Member
posted August 08, 2004 08:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kage: Vision Charm says "basic land type", so you can only choose plains, island, swamp, mountain, or forest.
Vision Charm actually refers to land type twice: "all lands of one type become basic lands of one type of your choice until end of turn." It appears that, although you have to choose a basic land type for the second part, you can choose any land type for the first part.Also, Master: artifact and legendary are not land types. Artifact is a card type, and legendary is a supertype. (Edit: More than six hours later and we end up posting at the same time!)
[Edited 1 times, lastly by orcishartillery on August 08, 2004]
derekthered08 Member
posted August 08, 2004 09:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lunk: [edit]: Simplifying the question a bit. Lots of needless and confusing details in the last one  My opponent has an arbitrarily large amount of mana in their mana pool, say 3 billion, but cannot generate any more mana beyond that 3 billion, and an Ambassador Laquatas in play (i.e. they just completed the Worldgorger Dragon loop). I have a Gaea's Blessing in my library. If my opponent completely empties their mana pool into Laquatas' ability (milling me 1 billion times), what is the proper way to carry this out, without actually having to carry it out? Is there some sort of accepted way to simulate 1 billion millings, without actually doing about 8 days worth of shuffling? Thanks! 
I asked this question awhile ago, and eclinchy reccommended using some dice to determine how many cards you're milled for if a judge is not handy. That way there is some randomness is involved.
LennyButtacup Member
posted August 08, 2004 09:56 PM
if you pay 1 mana to turn Mishra's Factory into a 2/2 assembly worker, and then while it is a creature, enchant it with Rancor, or any creature enchantment for that matter, will the creature enchantment go to the graveyard at end of turn since it no longer has a legal target?EDIT: quote: Originally posted by Lunk: [edit]: Simplifying the question a bit. Lots of needless and confusing details in the last one  My opponent has an arbitrarily large amount of mana in their mana pool, say 3 billion, but cannot generate any more mana beyond that 3 billion, and an Ambassador Laquatas in play (i.e. they just completed the Worldgorger Dragon loop). I have a Gaea's Blessing in my library. If my opponent completely empties their mana pool into Laquatas' ability (milling me 1 billion times), what is the proper way to carry this out, without actually having to carry it out? Is there some sort of accepted way to simulate 1 billion millings, without actually doing about 8 days worth of shuffling? Thanks! 
depending on the Judge, I would say that the game would have to be called a draw, because you couldnt suffer a stalling penalty for creating a loop that ends, and the stall is only half faulted to the active player, the player with the blessing in his library is equally at fault for the stall, and most sanctioned games have time limits, making it impossible to mill 1 billion times within the time limit. A dice roll hardly sounds fair, and playing the rest of the game out would be impossible, so I would think that it would have to be a draw.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by LennyButtacup on August 08, 2004]
princeloki New Member
posted August 08, 2004 10:09 PM
i play worldgorger and i am pretty sure the only way to stop the gorger combo is to remove the gorger or kill the enchantment now sum buddy where i play says no that if u terror it, it will remove all my stuff but i say that u hav to kill the enchantment or remove gorger. if i am right please giv me a link to an offical ruling ,wizards will not e-mail me back. thx edit:mistake
[Edited 2 times, lastly by princeloki on August 08, 2004]
orcishartillery Member
posted August 08, 2004 10:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by LennyButtacup: if you pay 1 mana to turn Mishra's Factory into a 2/2 assembly worker, and then while it is a creature, enchant it with Rancor, or any creature enchantment for that matter, will the creature enchantment go to the graveyard at end of turn since it no longer has a legal target?
The Rancor will go to the graveyard because it is not enchanting a legal permanent. Local enchantments only target while they're on the stack, not when they're in play.
GMontag Member
posted August 09, 2004 01:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by princeloki: i play worldgorger and i am pretty sure the only way to stop the gorger combo is to remove the gorger or kill the enchantment now sum buddy where i play says no that if u terror it, it will remove all my stuff but i say that u hav to kill the enchantment or remove gorger. if i am right please giv me a link to an offical ruling ,wizards will not e-mail me back. thx edit:mistake
If your opponent Terrors your Worldgorger while its CIP ability is still on the stack, its LP ability will go on the stack and resolve before the CIP ability does. This means that all permanents you control will be returned to play (there's nothing to return yet), and *then* all permanents you control will leave play. You will be left with nothing in play and your Gorger in the graveyard.
Goaswerfraiejen Member
posted August 09, 2004 06:34 PM
I was watching a draft the other day, and Sundering Titan came out. Anyhow, I was wondering... do you get to splotch two of your opponent's lands as well? Because the way the card reads, you should only be splotching your own. Or so it seems to me.__________________ "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. EliotRIP Ari
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