Topic: Mafia 13 : The Turkey Conspiracy
Gawain Member
posted November 18, 2010 10:40 PM

I just came to a realization.Look at the last two NK's....Jack Spade, and Jaz. I called them BOTH as Cits before they were killed, and they turned out to be Cits. Think long and hard about this, those of you that truly are Cits...what kind of Mafioso double bluffs a double bluff? Have you EVER seen a scumbag with stones like that??? I submit to all of you that I am, indeed, a Citizen. OH MY GOD, I've claimed my role!!! That said, think about it...if I were scum, why would I put myself out there TWICE for two players whose roles had not been claimed or confirmed? Look long and hard at those who are quick to indict me, 'cause they smell the scent of the easy kill and are moving in hard. I've suspected Junichi all game, that's where my vote is going. {VOTE: Junichi}
yakusoku Member
posted November 18, 2010 11:02 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: We can't all agree on who are mafia, possibly all 4 including OGB but it just seems a bit too easy for me. IDK, yak what are your thoughts?
As far as Gawain goes, this is totally reminiscent of OGB, but far more out there. If I'm Mafia, you probably aren't going to declare me a Citizen. If thror is Mafia, he's probably not going to declare you a Citizen, and especially not let you go around as the cop. If you're Mafia, then you've pulled off an amazing feat, fooling thror, me, and junichi at the very least into believing you. It's conceivable, and possible. And it's also possible that the four of us could all play our respective lotteries and win tomorrow. But, probably not likely. Although, I appreciate the fact that Gawain gives us such good odds at pulling this amazing feat off. As far as the three of us deciding on a single person, there's lots of ways to do that. We can list our top three and if any one name appears on all lists, that seems like the easy choice. If one name appears twice, that still seems like a fairly obvious choice. We can even do ranked voting and if the first choices don't give us a result, go to second and third choices. My top 3 at this point would be: 1. Gawain 2. OGB 3. rayragnarok I'd be fine with choosing any of these three.
junichi Moderator
posted November 18, 2010 11:08 PM
From Gawain's action, I can almost tell he is trying hard to persuade LA3 to take his side, which I believe is a cit by deducing Hili and OGB 's action. Monty could in fact be the last mason as well, which I don't doubt as much at this moment. __________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
yakusoku Member
posted November 18, 2010 11:33 PM

quote: Originally posted by Gawain: I just came to a realization.Look at the last two NK's....Jack Spade, and Jaz. I called them BOTH as Cits before they were killed, and they turned out to be Cits.
1. JackSpade was a lynch, Jaz was a NK. Either you're lying or misinformed. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're mistaken and don't realize what you're posting. 2. If you're Mafia, you know that Jaz was a Citizen from the beginning. It's not a stretch that you could "predict" that she was a Citizen. 3. If you're Mafia, you know that JackSpade was a Citizen from the beginning. Also, not an amazing feat that you called him as a Citizen. 4. If you're Mafia, you can say that JackSpade was a Citizen and know that you can use this later in the game (now) as "proof" that you're pulling for the Citizens. Mafia do this ALL THE TIME. If you defend a Citizen who is going down or crusade against a Mafia who is going down, it gives you credibility. 5. If you're Mafia, you can say that Jazaray was a Citizen, and kill her in her sleep and claim you were innocent. quote:
Think long and hard about this, those of you that truly are Cits...what kind of Mafioso double bluffs a double bluff? Have you EVER seen a scumbag with stones like that???
Uh, I've had far better stones as have others when you point the finger right at another Mafia. That's far more gutsy than defending two Citizens, especially when both die in a timely manner to "prove" your innocence. It's also more courageous to tell another Mafia to stack up evidence against you and try to defend yourself, knowing it could be YOU who is the one facing the angry mob. quote:
That said, think about it...if I were scum, why would I put myself out there TWICE for two players whose roles had not been claimed or confirmed?
If you played a part in a murder, why would you go out to a party instead of being the first one at the scene who calls the cop? Let me think long and hard about that... Oh, yes. So you HAVE AN ALIBI. You murder Jazaray then say, "hey, couldn't be me. I thought she was a Citizen. If I killed her, wouldn't I be running away from the authorities with a bloody knife in my hand?" quote:
Look long and hard at those who are quick to indict me, 'cause they smell the scent of the easy kill and are moving in hard.
Ah, we're back to the conspiracy theories again. junichi is the Mafia leader pulling the strings and WCFmo, thror, and I are his minions convincing everyone else that we're Citizens while we go after you to cover our tracks. The seams of our clever web of lies are beginning to unravel and the only way we can avoid it if all the Citizens and "Citizens" band together to get rid of junichi.
LA3 Member
posted November 19, 2010 03:52 AM

After reading here is my theory Confirmed citizens-Thror Yaku WCFmo Possible Roles Monty Juni Mafia OGB Gaw Not sure of Ray Hili I think OGB is still mafia, because he's been on my tail trying to make me crack and get you to vote me out. Sorry OGB wont work I more suspicious of Gawain if you point to one my latest posts on about going out the deep end in posting. This is exactly what he is doing trying to save his skin. My vote will be most likely Gawain As to the other two mafia i can't say Now monty declared he had a role, but wouldn't disclose it, my bet is that he is the survivor most likely. edit-grammar
[Edited 1 times, lastly by LA3 on November 19, 2010]
WCFmo Member
posted November 19, 2010 08:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by yakusoku:
As far as the three of us deciding on a single person, there's lots of ways to do that. We can list our top three and if any one name appears on all lists, that seems like the easy choice. If one name appears twice, that still seems like a fairly obvious choice. We can even do ranked voting and if the first choices don't give us a result, go to second and third choices. My top 3 at this point would be: 1. Gawain 2. OGB 3. rayragnarok I'd be fine with choosing any of these three.
If I only stick to the 4 (GAW, HILI, OGB, RAY) I would say this 1. GAW 2. HILI 3. OGB 4. RAY 2 & 3 are somewhat interchangeable. If you add in other people, I'm somewhat suspicious of Monty. Mostly trust JUNI (he's like monty last game, if he's a mafia we are boned). If someone has lied about their role I would imagine it's Monty, as he had the easiest one to lie about but he said it himself - he now has a useless role after his other masons got killed R0). Monty - did you guys talk much before the first NK, I assume not? I'm not quite ready to say LA3 is a cit yet but I have lower suspicions of him then the other 5 unknowns. I think I would like to vote for GAW this round, assuming we get a next round, who should be my pick? I think it was THROR who said JUNI. I'm more than willing to take suggestions. I'm at work, when I get home I post the ugly looking post I was working on last night before GAW imploded. Edit - pick for cop night action
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on November 19, 2010]
junichi Moderator
posted November 19, 2010 09:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo:
I think I would like to vote for GAW this round, assuming we get a next round, who should be my pick? I think it was THROR who said JUNI. I'm more than willing to take suggestions.Edit - pick for cop night action
I actually wanted to talk about this previously, but I didn't bring it up because it sounds awkward coming from me. For your next pick, I am perfectly fine with you choosing me, but if you do trust me, then I do have a suggestion. Let say we lynched Gawain this round, and he is not the mafia leader. That means there is still a mafia leader among Hili, OGB, Monty, and LA3. Ray can't be a mafia leader, since I've already checked him last round and he had no NA. Out of the remaining 4, OGB is as good as dead, and it seems like he has given up already, so all we have to probe next round is really 2 of the 3 people, which will cover a lot of ground. If we get lucky, we might be able to sniff out 2 mafia in one round. (If my target has a NA, and your target is a mafia) However, this plan will not work as well if Gawain is the mafia leader, since his role might pass on to Ray after his lynched, and there will be more grounds to cover. As I've said, this plan requires people to trust me, which I don't have high expectation on, and it is completely reasonable to not trust me, since I'm not confirmed yet. My 0.02
__________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
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