Topic: Mafia 13 : The Turkey Conspiracy
JackSpade Member
posted November 11, 2010 11:18 AM

At the moment the I have two suspicions to work on. First has to be Yak: I understand your posts usually have a lot of info (post counts, summaries, etc.) but that posts on page 4 just seems like too much. Its so long and full of summary, which are inherently biased, that it seems like you're trying to hard to appear to be on the cits side. Its like you're trying very hard to be Yak instead of just being Yak. Like others, I am also suspicious of Fwyb. Its hard to tell if thats a cit or mafia play he made. He does have an awkward style which would it explain it, but something about his post feels... forced? At the moment my vote will probably be going for one of those two.
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 11:59 AM
Really Zak, a vote with absolutely no explanation whatsoever? That's not obvscum or anything. EDIT: Oh and another post for Jack out of the blue. At least this has something of substance in it. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
[Edited 1 times, lastly by ryan2754 on November 11, 2010]
WCFmo Member
posted November 11, 2010 12:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by JackSpade: Its like you're trying very hard to be Yak instead of just being Yak.
That sentence made me lol. It seems like your post is doing an awful amount of fence sitting and just going with the flow. Where'd you go this weekend if you were on vacation? Also, your next-to-last post suggested you suspected Ryan and Gawain, now you suspect YAK and FWY? You seem to be latching onto whatever suspicion you can. @ RYAN & FWY - according to Monty's profile, he's in Oklahoma. CST. Also, I'm not too bothered by the "suspect list thing" but his reaction to it. I try to stay out of it when it comes to FWY since our argument in MOTL Salvation ended up we were both cits. FWY, this game it seems you are hiding something, is everyone off their rocker? @ ZAK - I'm still waiting for a response. Is thror your top suspect now? Right now, voting FWY. However, ZAK I expect an answer before the lynch please. I have to get back to work, and I'll be out tonight, but I will try to be on before @ Ryan's last post - why didn't you get onto JUN about his vote w/ no explanation? __________________ My first signature.
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 12:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: That sentence made me lol. It seems like your post is doing an awful amount of fence sitting and just going with the flow. Where'd you go this weekend if you were on vacation? Also, your next-to-last post suggested you suspected Ryan and Gawain, now you suspect YAK and FWY? You seem to be latching onto whatever suspicion you can. @ RYAN & FWY - according to Monty's profile, he's in Oklahoma. CST. Also, I'm not too bothered by the "suspect list thing" but his reaction to it. I try to stay out of it when it comes to FWY since our argument in MOTL Salvation ended up we were both cits. FWY, this game it seems you are hiding something, is everyone off their rocker? @ ZAK - I'm still waiting for a response. Is thror your top suspect now? Right now, voting FWY. However, ZAK I expect an answer before the lynch please. I have to get back to work, and I'll be out tonight, but I will try to be on before @ Ryan's last post - why didn't you get onto JUN about his vote w/ no explanation?
i completely agree with WCFmo about jack. You make a very good point about his constant scampering around with posts and suspicions out of the blue. I mean, I'm all for changing suspects based on new information, but this seems off. I thought junichi's vote was warranted with a suspicion in a previous post. I then realized that that post I was thinking about was yaku's (when he posted his suspicions of Gawain, fwy and Monty). Mea culpa. jun, will you please explain your vote? At this point, seeing the voting records, I think it would be a good idea for fwy to claim his role. I don't want another mistake like what happened last game. Fwy, please tell us your role, if you have any other pertinent information, and who you are suspicious of in your next post. EDIT: clarity. I keep conusing jack and zak and keep confusing junichi and yaku. 3 exams in the next 4 days is really frying my brain __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
[Edited 3 times, lastly by ryan2754 on November 11, 2010]
junichi Moderator
posted November 11, 2010 12:22 PM
My reason is same as day 1, I dislike people using real life event as an excuse for not contributing.__________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
LA3 Member
posted November 11, 2010 01:03 PM

Seeing how the voting is wide spread I voted rayRay-dont jump on me I just pick a random name scanning what's been posted. No ill will here
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 01:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by LA3: Seeing how the voting is wide spread I voted rayRay-dont jump on me I just pick a random name scanning what's been posted. No ill will here
Is this f'in serious? You are telling me off of six pages of information you can't find one person that you consider suspicious. Good Lord - I remember why I disliked playing with LA3. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
OGB Member
posted November 11, 2010 01:13 PM

quote: Originally posted by ryan2754: At this point, seeing the voting records, I think it would be a good idea for fwy to claim his role. I don't want another mistake like what happened last game.Fwy, please tell us your role, if you have any other pertinent information, and who you are suspicious of in your next post.
Did I miss something here? I re-read the thread, and can't find where fwy says he has a role. Or are you just asking for him to post this because you feel he'll be lynched based on the votes? Then we have this... quote: Originally posted by LA3: Seeing how the voting is wide spread I voted ray Ray-dont jump on me I just pick a random name scanning what's been posted. No ill will here
What? So you've posted several times with "I'll have to post more later" and then you vote random? Why promise us more if this is all we're going to get? I have more red flags for you than usual. I was going to submit my vote for JackSpade because of his early game play, but I'm submitting for LA3 because of this post. __________________
rayragnarok Member
posted November 11, 2010 01:29 PM

quote: Originally posted by LA3: Seeing how the voting is wide spread I voted rayRay-dont jump on me I just pick a random name scanning what's been posted. No ill will here
lol, i wouldn't. i hate the "im voting you because you voted me, only a mafia could think that i'm a mafia"
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by rayragnarok: lol, i wouldn't. i hate the "im voting you because you voted me, only a mafia could think that i'm a mafia"
Does anybody else think this might be a little bit of buddying? Seems really fishy. EDIT: OGB, I'm doing this because from the votes that have been declared he has the possibility of having the most votes. Thus, I want to avoid what happened last game, and would like him to claim. This might not be necessary however, because the recent post by LA3 is just plain bad. To the point where I really want to change my vote. Could this be LA3 (a lackey mafia player) taking the sword for fwy (who may be their RBer, etc.) Wow, there is so much buddying and possible WIFOM to go around. I still would like a claim from fwy before all this is said and done. Again, sooner rather than later. But it doesn't look like I'm going to get my wish. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
[Edited 1 times, lastly by ryan2754 on November 11, 2010]
LA3 Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:11 PM

Give me a break how many freaking times do i have to say i am busy during the day with limited internet access.You know what i'll save you all the trouble I QUIT
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by LA3: Give me a break how many freaking times do i have to say i am busy during the day with limited internet access.You know what i'll save you all the trouble I QUIT
Is this serious? Why does everyone take everything so personally? EDIT: I understand that limited internet assess can keep you from posting. But my concern is that you have been posting better, than all of a sudden come out with a RANDOM vote. Which has nothing to do with your internet access. Thus, it just seems off. If you have limited access, you can still make a fair assessment of the game and vote someone you find suspicious, and say it in as many words as you did with your random vote. That's whats weird, LA3. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
[Edited 1 times, lastly by ryan2754 on November 11, 2010]
LA3 Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:32 PM

not changing my mind, so dont try itif you can't accept how i play then this game is not for me. I've stated my case already within this round nothing more to say enjoy the game to all who enjoy playing it
Montague Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:34 PM

I sympathize with LA3. I'm not going to defend myself from not being able to post often either. I've done it time and time again, I even said before the game started that I didn't know what my schedule was. I would very much like to vote Ryan or yak, pretty much to shut them Up. If I had to bet on it I would say that there is a good chance one of them is mafia. Instead I'm going to vote ray. I have a hunch. Plus, his little "I'm going to vote one of these players because they haven't been helpful" a couple of pages back deserves a vote for some irony.
thror Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:35 PM
Ok, looks like pretty much everyone has a tentative vote in mind. Nobody else has found juni suspicious, and I dont feel like wasting a vote, so I either vote Ray and see what happens, or find a new suspect. I can see arguments for voting Jack right now. That last post of his felt like a whole lot of 'agree with everyone and make a safe vote'. My records don't show tentative votes from Fwy or Monty at the moment. We have about 6 hours before deadline, would you two care to share anything? @Ryan - I dont see how pestering Fwy for his role can really accomplish much. We're under 'open claim' rules, so he could just claim cop to save himself, and then we either trust him or the real cop comes out and we risk him. The claim/counterclaim tail chasing wont do us any good with this little time to go imo. Man, what I wouldn't do for another 12 hours. Submitting a vote for Jack. __________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted
JackSpade Member
posted November 11, 2010 02:36 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Also, your next-to-last post suggested you suspected Ryan and Gawain, now you suspect YAK and FWY? You seem to be latching onto whatever suspicion you can.
Isn't that what we're all doing? Can your really claim to be suspicious enough of one person that you're sure they're mafia. Isn't that how a lot of rounds go, with some cit getting lynched because someone was "sure" that they're mafia. I'm reading and rereading stuff trying to find something that pops out at me and then post it to see if anyone has any similar thoughts or reaction, that's how I play. And LA3, i don't blame you for quitting. Its frustrating to constantly have your playstyle picked apart by anyone who doesn't agree with it. You've all played with LA3 before you know he likes to be quiet early on and is hard to read and you still jump all over him for playing his game. Just let him play his game and stop trying to put him down.
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 03:28 PM
thror, yeah sure, he can claim cop. We then spare him a round. In the later rounds, the cop will eventually come out with his results, and we bag 1 if not two mafia. I agree it's now too late, however, so yeah. Also, in a perfect world, if he claimed cop (fwy), I would have asked him who he chose first round, and why. Then next round, the same thing. If he is not the real cop, there are bound to be discrepancies.I'm sticking with my fwy vote. I know I may have pushed LA3 off the deep end, and I apologize. It's hard to tell tone on the internet, and I think people when they post some ill-chosen word choices (like my f'in), people think they are getting berated. People are starting to put words in my mouth. LA3, you know I have never liked your playstyle (I am saying this with the most moderate and friendly tone, seriously) and I'm sure you don't like mine because I do seem to light a fire under your ass when we play together, and I'm sure it is excessively frustrating. But that's not at all the reason I find you suspicious. You play the way you play, and I play the way I play - we might not like the way the other plays, but that's life. I mean, I know anything else I say won't change your mind, but yeah. I honestly hope there are no hard feelings between you and I, because I'm sure you are a decent human being. Again, I am not suspicious of LA3 because of his playstyle and inability to post - I understand that it happens, as is the case of Monty this game as well. If I am "putting people down" in my posts by saying that their random vote is bogus, then whatever - agree to disagree, as I don't find me saying your random vote and defense of said vote is bogus the same as a personal attack. I made no personal attacks at LA3 or his playstyle. It's just thoroughly frustrating in a game built on attack and defense, accusations and rebuttals, when someone reads six pages of material and can't find one single person suspicious. Again, I can deal with people being relatively quiet, if they make hearty posts or explain their suspicions etc. I can't deal with empty promises and people who have no suspects, in a game that's built on said "suspicions". If that makes me the bad guy, then so be it. If this (his playstyle) was the reason I found LA3 suspicious, I would have to include other players in this as well. I thought LA3 was doing a good job, and I didn't necessarily find him at all suspicious this game UNTIL he made a random vote. I've said most of his posts since being called out about it have been good and answering/asking questions. What I found strange was a completely random vote out of the blue, then his defense was unstable internet access, which the two are not mutually inclusive. He could have made a short post, saying I'm voting X for reason Y, instead of a random vote, in just as many words, with limited access (Monty has done this). With limited access you can still make real, reasoned out votes. I found the random vote suspicious, not the him not posting thing - this game he's done a better job. He's clearly frustrated, and I'm upset with myself that I push people so hard, but it's a game. This being said, most of the time, when people show this amount of frustration, they are usually citizens. If people wanna pin that on me, that's fine, I can take it. I just try to call it like I see it and I found it crazy suspicious (the random vote). __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
fwybwed Member
posted November 11, 2010 03:35 PM

Hmmm LA3 I understand how you feel the last game I didnt really reply to WCFmo's weak reasons for suspicion...With Yak busting out of the gates thinkin his low posters are all mafia is a very sad play.. but then you have WCFmo and Ryan following the lead... I am the Serial Killer... My choice of BernieB was nothing personal as everyone seems to think along these was actual alphabetical....I was going to wait it out and pick out the wagoners...(Mafia) have done nothing this game but open up a whole can of nothing....your post count helps no one and does a disservice to us as cits. WCFmo your weak analysis is very disturbing you are a liabilty to us. You have very odd ways of percieving a person as Mafia... eg. - Last one to post before the kill = possible Mafia lol - A person who post out the time line they have spoken = Mafia - A poster with low post count = Mafia Ryan WOW - You totally lost mucho veteran points with me dude... ITS ROUND 1.... I hope others change their votes so i can get in atleast 2 more NKs with a Doc save.... I would ask for that much from the 3 weaker players And I have not posted ANYTHING that would make me even CLOSE to a MAFIA!!! I will never again defend any post counts that come my way in future games ESPECIALLY IN ROUND 1... Yak and WCFmo you 2 need to slow your macho rolls a bit... You cant read people like you think you can and are to dependable on bad stats...
thror Member
posted November 11, 2010 04:07 PM
4 hours till deadline. If fwy is really the SK, the mafia have MUCH more to fear from him than we do right now.@ Fwy - who are you voting for and why? Cursory glance shows: 4-5 votes for Fwy 2-3 votes for Yak/Ray 1 vote for Gawain/Thror/LA3/Jack At this time, I am considering changing my vote from Jack to Ray, in an effort to give fwy another shot @ NK'ing mafia. Does anyone else agree/disagree? __________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted
fwybwed Member
posted November 11, 2010 04:15 PM

quote: Originally posted by Ray: not posting any suspects seems like it would be very covenant for a mafia. then he can just hop on whatever pile is best for mob and claim that it was his plan all along. also this reminds me of how last game he said he was "possibly" going to vote for WCFmo but then he voted for OGB. these weird half-baked ploys of his seem to don't seem to us any good.
Ill be voting rayrag... I didnt post any suspcions yet as its only round one. would have liked to see more rounds to help verify any that i may have had. Ray is jumpin on the weak ryan analysis right way and following it up with his own...with including my OGB vote from last game which was a correct pick on my part... you should mention that Ray...That OGB was in fact MAFIA... and I wasnt lol 
Zakman86 Member
posted November 11, 2010 04:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by ryan2754: Really Zak, a vote with absolutely no explanation whatsoever? That's not obvscum or anything. EDIT: Oh and another post for Jack out of the blue. At least this has something of substance in it.
If you go back and read my one post of substance, it's not random. In other news, I'm asking for a replacement, I don't have time to play this game right now since I no longer have access to an unclassified PC at work on a regular basis.
ryan2754 Member
posted November 11, 2010 04:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by fwybwed: Hmmm LA3 I understand how you feel the last game I didnt really reply to WCFmo's weak reasons for suspicion...With Yak busting out of the gates thinkin his low posters are all mafia is a very sad play.. but then you have WCFmo and Ryan following the lead... I am the Serial Killer... My choice of BernieB was nothing personal as everyone seems to think along these was actual alphabetical....I was going to wait it out and pick out the wagoners...(Mafia) have done nothing this game but open up a whole can of nothing....your post count helps no one and does a disservice to us as cits. WCFmo your weak analysis is very disturbing you are a liabilty to us. You have very odd ways of percieving a person as Mafia... eg. - Last one to post before the kill = possible Mafia lol - A person who post out the time line they have spoken = Mafia - A poster with low post count = Mafia Ryan WOW - You totally lost mucho veteran points with me dude... ITS ROUND 1.... I hope others change their votes so i can get in atleast 2 more NKs with a Doc save.... I would ask for that much from the 3 weaker players And I have not posted ANYTHING that would make me even CLOSE to a MAFIA!!! I will never again defend any post counts that come my way in future games ESPECIALLY IN ROUND 1... Yak and WCFmo you 2 need to slow your macho rolls a bit... You cant read people like you think you can and are to dependable on bad stats...
Fwy, I never agreed with people that we should look at post counts - I said the very opposite - that post counts are stupid because they don't show anything but number which is deceiving. Why did I lose points? What kind of points? Because I accuse people Round 1? I thought that was the point of the game. Hell, I'm surprised he actually said he was SK. I don't know whether to keep fwy around, and let him kill based on his own hunches, or to get rid of him now so he doesn't hit any of the town's PRs. Fwy, what do you mean by "Ray is jumping on weak ryan analysis then following it up on his own?" Zak, my bad. I didn't read far back enough to your page 3 post when you said he was sneaky. I've thought enough that I am going to keep my vote on fwy. Eliminating an entire killing faction gives us some much needed extra rounds, and less chance of hitting town PRs. Vote stays. __________________ -Schmitty 5th in Refs [188] in OH-IO (Catching up to xion_black) 2nd in Posts [5494] in OH-IO (Have a long way to go to catch Val)
fwybwed Member
posted November 11, 2010 05:00 PM

quote: Originally posted by Ryan: Fwy's reason for not posting his suspicions/list is bad. The mafia can do that for everyone. But if the cit's don't know your suspicions, how can you ever persuade them to get a certain suspect lynched. I just don't understand, and your reasoning behind not having a list stinks. I change my suspect list all the time. That's the point of this game.
Then we have Ray after: quote: Originally posted by Ray: not posting any suspects seems like it would be very covenant for a mafia. then he can just hop on whatever pile is best for mob and claim that it was his plan all along. also this reminds me of how last game he said he was "possibly" going to vote for WCFmo but then he voted for OGB. these weird half-baked ploys of his seem to don't seem to us any good.
@ryan: Your choice to still vote for me and the reason behind it stinks of mafia... You would rather have me out then have a chance to hit mafia... wow....
yakusoku Member
posted November 11, 2010 05:09 PM

quote: Originally posted by fwybwed:
With Yak busting out of the gates thinkin his low posters are all mafia is a very sad play..
I didn't just go after low posters. Or else back then, I would have gone after Jack and thror along with you, and you could just artificially bump up your posts. My problem was that the three people I singled out seemed to have only a few WEAK posts. I ignored the top 50% of posters and paid attention to the bottom 50%, but after that, I looked at who seemed to say something important. I'm sorry I ever brought up the post count and I've asked in previous games if it was helpful or hurtful, and gotten no response, so I just automatically repeated it. Apparently, it's very unpopular this game, so I haven't done it for quite some time. I didn't like that you didn't do two things: 1) You said you saw repetitive posts and a couple that stand out, but never said what those were. Questioning them doesn't automatically "out" you as a SK. 2) I asked you about "With 4 members in the mafia this should be cinch to nab at least 1" very early, then said I still didn't know what you meant, and even now, I still haven't gotten any explanation. 4/14 isn't a cinch to nab one. I brought up two points which I never saw you address and THAT is what made me suspicious about you. Not that you had so few posts, but that your early posts all seemed to be just filler but didn't give us any insight as to whom you suspected. If you simply made ONE more post with two sentences: "When I said it was a cinch, I meant..." and "I've seen {player} just repeat another person's post" I honestly would have downgraded you. But you never did. quote:
And I have not posted ANYTHING that would make me even CLOSE to a MAFIA!!!
My point is that you never posted anything convincing to me that you were a helpful citizen. So, you wanted to be a quiet citizen. The problem is that Mafia also hide by pretending to be quiet citizens. Also, if we're all quiet and don't say anything, that just favors the Mafia. If you had a theory about this person or that who is repeating posts, then I would have liked you to post it, otherwise, you seemed to be posting just to post, with comments that others have said or that were obvious comments. I don't see the point in posting to say, "I have no theory." You said you were worried about the Mafia using that against you, but most of us are putting up lists. The Mafia can't use it against EVERYONE. It's like being part of an army and we're up against a single sniper. If you're afraid of being the first guy to die and wait for someone else to go first and everyone else does that, we get picked off one by one. We all just need to charge and one of us dies and the rest kill the sniper.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by yakusoku on November 11, 2010]
fwybwed Member
posted November 11, 2010 05:35 PM

quote: Originally posted by Yak: My point is that you never posted anything convincing to me that you were a helpful citizen.
Ok yak...its round 1....I want you to tell me what would you expect from a player round one and what type of post would you expect.... Show me the type of post and post it in post form please lol
Wow so weak.... I never posted to show mafia but i never posted pro cit either WEAK!
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