Topic: Mafia 13 : The Turkey Conspiracy
LA3 Member
posted November 16, 2010 06:22 AM

@OGB -not enought evidence in my opinionAs towards my vote i have no idea where i am leaning, yet Possibly someone in my cannot read pile Getting ready to start at work, so i'll post near the end of job shift.
Jazaray Moderator
posted November 16, 2010 08:02 AM

Sorry it took me a bit to post but there was a LOT to read. Wow. 8 pages before the first lynch guys? And it's 8 pages mostly arguing over whether there's a vig or an sk.. How exactly did that help any? I don't think that you guys should have continued with the lynch on fwy, once he came out that he was the SK, and I'm kind of suspicious of anyone who continued to vote for him after he came out. It made no sense to lynch him, when he was a known quantity, and he could have been a major help with scum hunting. @Gawain - I hate math too. REALLY hate it. So, I'm going to be watching Ray, WCF, and Yak. I find their play suspicious with regards to fwy. Out of the three of them, I find Ray most suspicious, his posts seem off to me. Second is wcf. He's getting very defensive for not much reason. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
LA3 Member
posted November 16, 2010 09:55 AM

I would love to openly declare, but i can't at this time. JackSpade Ray or Zak/Jazmay have roles OGB Monty Gawain are citizens ones i can't get reads on are WCFmo Yaku HilikuS Junichi Thror i would also love to provide evidence, but i only get a thirty minute lunch.
rayragnarok Member
posted November 16, 2010 10:40 AM

quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: It made no sense to lynch him [fwyb], when he was a known quantity, and he could have been a major help with scum hunting.
i completely disagree. he was the SK, and given his judgment i'm sure he would have hit a cit. just because he wants the mafia dead before he wants the cits dead, that doesn't make him our friend. killing him insured that we didn't kill a cit round 1, which is better then i've seen done in r1 so far, and it basically gave us more rounds. the longer the game is the more information there is for the cits to use.
[edit: add the fallowing]
@ gawain, 3.5 is definitely the best edition of d&d, and i agree, 4.0 blows, its like d&d for middle schoolers. i'm most suspicious of jack right now. its fine that he was out of town er whatever, but after he returned his posts just didn't feel like they did last game, i know that how people are going to play will vary a bit game from game if they are growing as a player, as they should, but to me he sounds like he's a different person. last game he wasn't afraid to draw attention and he was the COP, if he was a cit i don't know why he would be now.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by rayragnarok on November 16, 2010]
LA3 Member
posted November 16, 2010 11:47 AM

I submitted my vote for JackSpade the fact he's been very quietIts one thing to have real life events, but it doesn't take but five minutes to check and post in the forums. I do have access to internet, but not while i'm busy doing work edit-forgot to list vote name
[Edited 1 times, lastly by LA3 on November 16, 2010]
thror Member
posted November 16, 2010 12:46 PM
Im going to echo the sentiment from Ray and LA3. I'm voting Jack again this round. His post @ the top of page 6 didn't sit well with me round 1. And, while this round has been much quieter than last, it just feels like Jack is trying to blend in.{VOTING : JackSpade} __________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted
hilikuS Member
posted November 16, 2010 12:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by rayragnarok:
i completely disagree. he was the SK, and given his judgment i'm sure he would have hit a cit. just because he wants the mafia dead before he wants the cits dead, that doesn't make him our friend. killing him insured that we didn't kill a cit round 1, which is better then i've seen done in r1 so far, and it basically gave us more rounds. the longer the game is the more information there is for the cits to use.
I gotta agree with Jack and Jaz here as well. While he was the SK, and was essentially the enemy, my impression did come off as someone who was trying to help the town. Fwyb needed to be killed, but I felt like we may have been able to sneak a possible doc save or at least make the mafia think about who they'd have to lynch. At the early stage in the game, from my perspective at least, the SK is on the citizens' side of the fence. He's essentially hunting mafia just like any other cit (early game). Later game that may have changed, which is why I was puzzled why fwyb would come out as the SK (unless he was bluffing). I feel like he essentially killed himself off. Now, he is a serial killer, and those people are crazy, but still. I understand that many do not trust fwy's judgment as a player, but I tend to. His posts can be hard to read, but generally when I do read them I get something out of them. He has as much of a chance as anyone to be right, which I would concede, but I don't feel his judgment is any worse than others. That said, if you told me something like, we should kill the SK because the probability of any single player pinning a mafia is much lower than the alternative, I would agree. Fwyb was going down, just I think he didn't have to go down immediately. quote: Originally posted by thror: Im going to echo the sentiment from Ray and LA3. I'm voting Jack again this round. His post @ the top of page 6 didn't sit well with me round 1. And, while this round has been much quieter than last, it just feels like Jack is trying to blend in.{VOTING : JackSpade}
This post doesn't sit right with me. I'm not a fan of the evidence against Jack as he has said, his play change is due to his schedule. I think this might be a bandwagon push towards a citizen, and I'm not too keen on those. Last game Jack was the cop, and his play ended up drawing him suspicion. His play change could easily also be because of a role, but who's to say he's got a negative one? I guess it's just my gut saying last time everybody was sure of Jack's identity as mafia, and that got our cop lynched. I'm going to submit for thror, based on his late jump on to the Spade wagon. __________________ Originally posted by Gawain: Have you HAD gravy???
[Edited 1 times, lastly by hilikuS on November 16, 2010]
thror Member
posted November 16, 2010 01:09 PM
Thats fine, hili. But I would like to point out that I'm not jumping on the Jack wagon late imo. I voted Jack last round, and haven't seen a reason not to vote for him again this round.__________________ "He fights you not because you have wronged him, but because you are there."[16:17] <@BrassMan> what do you need new tech for? [16:18] <@BrassMan> gush is unrestricted
Liq Member
posted November 16, 2010 01:30 PM
Votes due Today.Get them in. Remember I will accept {VOTE:SUSPECT} until Chrome fixes the problem. Edit:
quote: Originally posted by JackSpade: @Liq: So is it Turkey or Turnkey? I thought you were going for a Celebration of the Genocide of the Indigenous People Day reference. Was it just a typo or are you being clever?
Both. __________________ <Jazaray> LIQ! <Jazaray> you broke MOTL <Liq> totally <BoltBait> Don't make me kick you <Slinga> Have no fear, MOTL's janitor is here! <nderdog> So we're all agreed, it's Liq's fault, right? <Leshrac> let me deal with that * Liq has been banned
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Liq on November 16, 2010]
Montague Member
posted November 16, 2010 01:46 PM

I'm definately down for a vote for either Jack or Junichi, as those are my two biggest suspects. I am going to submit for Jack, as he has more people going that way this round. We should probally stay clear of voting 8 different ways this round IMO.
JackSpade Member
posted November 16, 2010 02:03 PM

@ WCF: I didn't answer where I went last weekend cause, and no offense meant, its kinda creepy that you're asking that, its kinda private. I do understand you may be trying to figure out if that's just a "play" on my part. If that's the case you can look back to before the game started i asked Liq when the first round would end because I was worried i might not make it back in time. As to my description of my play style, the things that pop out at me obviously include other peoples thoughts. Maybe, im just not smart enough but other people's post heavily influence my thoughts/suspicions. This is a team game is it not? You're suspicions of me tend to be based on my game style and no offense but you don't really have much of a basis for that. I'm still trying to figure out how to play. Judging by the fact that i keep coming under suspicion im not doing a very good job. The early game is still a mystery to me as I see it as everyone latching on the smallest thing, seems like more like guesswork than anything else. If you keep thinking im Mafia ill remind you that you kept thinking the same thing last game.@LA3: Im trying. @ray: I didn't think i was trying to avoid anything, it was just most of the posts where either directed at specific people or about the whole vg/sk debate. That combined with me being busy didnt leave me with much time to think of anything important to say but i felt i needed to say something, even if it was just regurgitating others thoughts. @thror: so that 1 post makes you vote for me? What about my posts since then? Do you see anything else? Your reasoning seems kind of inadequate. You're just continuing your vote from last round. And you not seeing a reason to not vote for me, have you tried looking for reasons to vote for other people? I just fail to see a good reason to vote for me. @hili: Thror isn't actually jumping on the bandwagon, he started it voting for me the first round. I do see what you're saying, he is jumping on me at an opportune time and in effect he is jumping on the bandwagon. As far as my own suspicions, at the moment i am most suspicious of Ray and Yak. Going back to the mafia kill, Ryan made sense to kill from their perspective in that he was so talkative. But i think it would have made more sense for the mafia to kill Ray. With him and Fwyb, the two main vote receivers, both dead we would have been left with a bunch of single vote piles. This may be too much conjecture on my part, but its the only original idea i can come up with at the moment. As for Yak:
quote: Originally posted by yakusoku: All that being said, I'm not comfortable with the fact that Jack declared for me or fwy and then ultimately voted for me without saying so. Unfortunately for you, that puts you in the position of being the final and deciding vote, because Jack decided in the end not to vote for fwy.
I didn't realize I was supposed to state my vote for everyone's knowledge before hand. I recall reading one of fwybs post where he point out that he doesn't like to post his suspicions because they may be used against him. My mistake if i violated the standard operating procedure for voting. I see how mafia could hide their moves doing that, but to my way of thinking that also deprives them of voting info that they can use to stack their votes, something which is much easier for them to do this game with 4 members. Your last sentence here really jumps out at me Yak. Its like your telling WCF "hey i just voted for you becasue of jack, its his fault hes the one you should be looking at". Its a very leading statement, as if you want me and WCF to start going at it. I do think there's some Mafia leading going on with the bandwagon on me. Its still tough to tell who is doing the leading however. WCF i dont think is mafia, he just tends to get tunnel vision. I do think something is fishy with Ray and/or Yak. And my vote will be going for one of those two. And not to beat a dead horse to death but ill say one last thing about the SK kill. When you say that with more rounds we have more info to figure out who teh mafia are you're assuming that the cits players are better at this game than the mafia players. I would argue as the rounds go on the mafia knows to take out the skilled cit players and that gives them the advantage with more players. To give a poker example if your playing against a pro player you don't try to prolong the game you try to get your money in there quickly and hope luck wins it for you. This is what makes me suspicious of the fwyb pile. ... and yay for my longest post ever
Gawain Member
posted November 16, 2010 03:12 PM

Well, that required a bit of catch up.I'm still suspicious of Junichi, and though I seem to have allayed his suspicions of me somewhat, he STILL hasn't posted anything substantive about any other players, or anything else going on in the game. I'm inclined to give Jaz a pass on posting only once so far, just because I KNOW how much of a bitch it is to read back through that much material, and actually absorb it at the same time. Yakusoku is climbing back up my suspicion list as well, for a few reasons: 1) Gone a bit quiet again lately, which could be due to any number of issues, but it feels to me like a move that a Mafia might make to avoid attention, when such a successful bandwagon is being formed against Jack Spade (ensuring another round of survival). 2) As far as I can tell, he's PART of that bandwagon. 3) I don't really get scum vibes off of Jack...yet. He has been on the defensive a lot, which is fairly typical scum behavior (at least for relatively inexperienced baddies), but he has also come under a LOT of fire, so in those circumstances, I might be a bit defensive too. Further, I know how truly logical Yaku is, and not only that, how knowledgeable when it comes to many different scholarly pursuits, especially mathematics. So, why change up the play style to suit the seemingly arbitrary and potentially whiny preferences of his fellow players? I would say there's a fair chance it is to appease his greatest detractors (worked on me for a bit). I realize Jack is likely getting lynched this round, but I don't really subscribe to a Jack vote personally. It's a toss up between Yaku and Junichi for me, but I'm going to go ahead and vote Yaku for now. I'll check back in over the course of the night to see if there's new info, but I'm having a get together/drinking tonight, so I'll be fairly useless after a certain point; wanted to try to post something substantive before that. {VOTE: Yakusoku}
Jazaray Moderator
posted November 16, 2010 03:42 PM

I don't think that Jack is mafia, he hasn't played very much and he seems like he's still trying to find his place here. As for killing off the SK, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that. I think that fwy could have really helped us out for at least a couple of rounds. As far as my vote this round, I'm going to declare for Ray. Something about his posts don't sit well with me. @ Gawain: Yes, it's actually very difficult to absorb 8 pages worth of what amounts to mostly useless posts. @Ray and Gawain: Yeah, I'll agree that 3.5 is pretty good. I liked 2nd ed. better though, it was much less complicated to me. I'm in a 3.5 game on Friday nights now, and I'm still learning the ins and outs. All those feats and skills and when you get them and how you can use them..Uggh. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
WCFmo Member
posted November 16, 2010 03:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain:
I'm inclined to give Jaz a pass on posting only once so far, just because I KNOW how much of a bitch it is to read back through that much material, and actually absorb it at the same time.
Why? I mean, when zak left he was posting at least once a page or so, while I understand there is a learning curve to the game some what for players taking over other players roles...just wanted a bit more than that. Furthermore, I worry that ZAK could have easily tried to quell suspicions on himself by myself and others by trading in his spot. The last thing ZAK was doing was buddying up to Ryan (this is paraphrased -ZAK: "ryan, this is our first game together;" me: no, links to MOTL Salvation; ZAK: I don't count that as a game). quote: Originally posted by JackSpade: @ WCF: I didn't answer where I went last weekend cause, and no offense meant, its kinda creepy that you're asking that, its kinda private.
Just probing you . Also, you did miss my second question down though. RE: Keeping FWY alive, I wasn't online for his reveal and the vote so this is pure speculation. I'm not sure he would have been an asset to the cits anyway, I mean he routinely suspects the same people (i.e. PD, etc). Jack if you want evidence of tunnel vision, look no further than FWY. I have to go eat dinner with the gf. My vote will going toward either Jack or Jaz this round. __________________ My first signature.
Montague Member
posted November 16, 2010 04:06 PM

quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: I don't think that Jack is mafia, he hasn't played very much and he seems like he's still trying to find his place here.
This makes me feel like Jaz knows something that we don't. It makes me a little nervous.
OGB Member
posted November 16, 2010 04:10 PM

I'm submitting my vote for Jack, based on last round's suspicion of him. Note that I am still very much suspicious of LA3 and his flip-floppery.Voting JackSpade __________________
Gawain Member
posted November 16, 2010 04:57 PM

quote: Originally posted by WCFmo: Why? I mean, when zak left he was posting at least once a page or so, while I understand there is a learning curve to the game some what for players taking over other players roles...just wanted a bit more than that. Furthermore, I worry that ZAK could have easily tried to quell suspicions on himself by myself and others by trading in his spot. The last thing ZAK was doing was buddying up to Ryan (this is paraphrased -ZAK: "ryan, this is our first game together;" me: no, links to MOTL Salvation; ZAK: I don't count that as a game).
It's not like Zak to quit the game to hide his role; he's not that much of a coward, and wouldn't cop out like that. Further, Jaz tends to start out slow and build up steam, so she's definitely not OOC as of yet. Lastly, there really WAS a lot to absorb, and I know she's busy with other things too, so while I'm not saying she's not Mafia, I'm also not suspicious of her per se at this time.
yakusoku Member
posted November 16, 2010 05:08 PM

I didn't realize I was supposed to state my vote for everyone's knowledge before hand.
I'm not asking for that. I'm asking that AFTER you send in your vote, can you let us know what it is? You said you'd vote for me or fwybwed, then we didn't find out how you voted until Liq posted the votes. I'm not asking your to declare all your suspicions early, especially if there's no evidence, but you could have just as easily said you'd vote for one of two people and waited until everyone else declared their votes and decided at the last minute. That's shady behavior. quote:
Gone a bit quiet again lately, which could be due to any number of issues, but it feels to me like a move that a Mafia might make to avoid attention, when such a successful bandwagon is being formed against Jack Spade (ensuring another round of survival).
I wrote a big post and got some feedback, but not so much as to generate lots of conversation, and no one directly opposing my ideas. quote:
So, why change up the play style to suit the seemingly arbitrary and potentially whiny preferences of his fellow players?
Check out previous games. I ask if people like the post count, and most of the time, no one says anything. This time around, people seemed to really hate it. They felt it was causing baseless accusations and then there were complaints that I was using them for my own agenda. So, I stopped it. I don't think it's arbitrary, but I'm also not going to carry on with something that takes extra time and effort just to get everyone upset about me. So, when I post lots of information, according to you, I'm putting up a deceptive smoke screen and when I don't, I'm acting strangely. Again, with the darned if you do, darned if you don't. You seem to be gunning especially hard this game and I'm convinced this behavior is more suspicious than Jack's. {VOTE: Gawain}
junichi Moderator
posted November 16, 2010 05:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain: Well, that required a bit of catch up.I'm still suspicious of Junichi, and though I seem to have allayed his suspicions of me somewhat, he STILL hasn't posted anything substantive about any other players, or anything else going on in the game. I'm inclined to give Jaz a pass on posting only once so far, just because I KNOW how much of a bitch it is to read back through that much material, and actually absorb it at the same time. Yakusoku is climbing back up my suspicion list as well, for a few reasons: 1) Gone a bit quiet again lately, which could be due to any number of issues, but it feels to me like a move that a Mafia might make to avoid attention, when such a successful bandwagon is being formed against Jack Spade (ensuring another round of survival). 2) As far as I can tell, he's PART of that bandwagon. 3) I don't really get scum vibes off of Jack...yet. He has been on the defensive a lot, which is fairly typical scum behavior (at least for relatively inexperienced baddies), but he has also come under a LOT of fire, so in those circumstances, I might be a bit defensive too. Further, I know how truly logical Yaku is, and not only that, how knowledgeable when it comes to many different scholarly pursuits, especially mathematics. So, why change up the play style to suit the seemingly arbitrary and potentially whiny preferences of his fellow players? I would say there's a fair chance it is to appease his greatest detractors (worked on me for a bit). I realize Jack is likely getting lynched this round, but I don't really subscribe to a Jack vote personally. It's a toss up between Yaku and Junichi for me, but I'm going to go ahead and vote Yaku for now. I'll check back in over the course of the night to see if there's new info, but I'm having a get together/drinking tonight, so I'll be fairly useless after a certain point; wanted to try to post something substantive before that. {VOTE: Yakusoku}
The reason why I haven't post anything about any other player besides you, is because you stood out the most to me, and I wanted to get some reaction from you so I can have a better read. I do find it out of character that Yaku would do a retaliatory vote. He seems to be chill most of the time, so I'm not sure if he is just frustrated, or is this just a setup between you two. Anyway, I'm going to jump on the bandwagon for Jack. I would rather have a quiet player go, than someone else who talks often. __________________ 40 Eye of Ugin and 4 foil Eye of Ugin for Black Lotus!?"lol you'll see when these go for 50 bucks a piece in a couple months, you're just jealous. !" - Marciano 315 03/17/2010
WCFmo Member
posted November 16, 2010 08:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gawain: It's not like Zak to quit the game to hide his role; he's not that much of a coward, and wouldn't cop out like that. Further, Jaz tends to start out slow and build up steam, so she's definitely not OOC as of yet. Lastly, there really WAS a lot to absorb, and I know she's busy with other things too, so while I'm not saying she's not Mafia, I'm also not suspicious of her per se at this time.
She came out pointing out pretty much the suspicions as ZAK minus thror plus yak, at least I think that's a little odd. Is that not odd to you? Also, her comment to you seemed like she was buddying you, maybe so you can both go after YAK together next round? EDIT - Her response... quote: Originally posted by Jazaray:
@ Gawain: Yes, it's actually very difficult to absorb 8 pages worth of what amounts to mostly useless posts.
I submitted for JACK, but I'm switching my vote to JAZ if I can __________________ My first signature.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by WCFmo on November 16, 2010]
Jazaray Moderator
posted November 16, 2010 10:38 PM

I'm buddying up to Gawain because I said I hate math too? How exactly does that work? I suppose I'm buddying up to Ray too, because I agree that 3.5 is a good system? To be honest, after reading all those pages, I couldn't tell you who Zak was suspicious of, unless I went back and looked again. So, Zak's suspicions have nothing to do with mine. I may have taken over for him, but I have a separate mind, and opinions. Right now WCF, it seems like you're trying very hard NOT to be on the Jack wagon. It seems as though you're grasping at any reason to get off of it. Why is that? Why would you switch your vote, at a very late time in the game, to someone who has no other votes on them, rather than continue with the band wagon on Jack, if you thought Jack was SOOOOOO suspicious? I'm sorry I'm not posting as much as you think I should, but it's not MY playstyle to post a whole lot at first. Not to mention I had EIGHT PAGES of posts to read! I had to take TJ to scout camp on Friday night, I'm not home at ALL on Saturdays (we leave at 9am, and get back about 11pm), and I take the kids to bible study on Sundays, not to mention I spent 3 hours the other night, and 3 hours today trying to get the Secret Santa assignments done. It wasn't easy, it was my first time doing it, and I messed up a lot trying to figure it all out. In fact, I'm STILL not sure I got it all right. So, forgive me for not posting on page 8 to make your "at least post 1 post per page" rule. Thanks, Jazaray
__________________ A Plastered Dragon Original Limerick: There was a nice lassie named Jaz Many wished to have what she has, A delicate face, A soft warm embrace, And a whole lot of bedroom pizzazz.WeedIan: Jazaray is like MOTL's Mom. Have dinner with Jaz
WCFmo Member
posted November 16, 2010 11:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jazaray: I'm buddying up to Gawain because I said I hate math too? How exactly does that work? I suppose I'm buddying up to Ray too, because I agree that 3.5 is a good system?
Didn't you just get on to me for being defensive? The point is that you are subtly supporting GAW's view against YAK and then say that YAK is suspicious, seems like a very subtle way to say hey GAW your right about YAK, at least that's what it appeared that way to me. quote: Originally posted by Jazaray:
It seems as though you're grasping at any reason to get off of it. Why is that? Why would you switch your vote, at a very late time in the game, to someone who has no other votes on them, rather than continue with the band wagon on Jack, if you thought Jack was SOOOOOO suspicious?
Because I vote for the person I think is more likely mafia. You were the one who said you don't think JackSpade is suspicious, personally his demeanor this game HAS BEEN suspicious but that doesn't make him mafia. However, you came out basically saying (after it was apparent he would be lynched) that he wasn't mafia. See Monty's quote below VVV quote: Originally posted by Montague: This makes me feel like Jaz knows something that we don't. It makes me a little nervous.
If both of you are mafia, you'd probably jump on Jack's bandwagon so as to appear like a cit. However, you say right away that he doesn't appear like he's mafia after everyone has pretty much decided he was the next lynch...that's one more thing that bothers me.
quote: Originally posted by Jazaray:
I'm sorry I'm not posting as much as you think I should, but it's not MY playstyle...... So, forgive me for not posting on page 8 to make your "at least post 1 post per page" rule.
Yes, I know you did the secret santa thing and I don't expect you to post once per page (I was saying this b/c Zak appeared to be posting enough but asked for a replacement anyways) but I would have expected something similar to this VVVV quote: Originally posted by JAZ: Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I haven't been around. My training for being a Crew Leader for the Census Bureau started on Monday. I was out all day Saturday, and then spent Sunday trying to get everything read for Monday and taking the kids to their bible class, then rushed around with them, trying to find a b-day present for Tom (his bday was Monday). I had forgotten it was Sunday, so most of the stores were closed, we ended up going to CVS.It's been pretty exhausting for me, as I haven't really worked in the past two years. Here's an example: Monday - Got up, went to training, got out, rushed to go sign the kids up for camp, went home, slammed down dinner, took the kids to karate, took Amala's friend home from karate, went home, helped the kids finish their homework. Amala didn't get done until after 11pm with hers. After I sent her to bed, I went right to bed myself. Honestly, I really could have gone to bed at 10 I was so beat! I haven't even read anything on this since Sunday, I just got home from taking the boy to scouts and I really don't think I have the time to catch up, or the ability right now. I'm really tired as it is.
Gawain, I'm sure you could sympathize, heh. I'm really liking it so far though, I can't wait to start training my crew! Anyways, what this all boils down to, is, could you guys find a replacement for me? If you can't, I'll try my best to catch up when I can, I just don't think it's something I can do at this moment. LMK, ok Josh? I'm really sorry, if I had known that it was going to be this grueling, I wouldn't have signed up for the game. Thanks, Jazaray __________________ My first signature.
Tranderas Member
posted November 16, 2010 11:14 PM
So, Liq messaged me in MOTL's IRC channel to say that MOTL isn't working for him and that he will post the results as soon as possible. He apologizes for the delay!
Liq Member
posted November 17, 2010 12:50 AM
Finally was able to access MOTL. Spent the last 5 hours trying to see the site.Fake edit: only 10 minutes of access. wtf!!? Voting Results: - Gawain - yakusoku (1)
- hilikuS - thror (1)
- JackSpade - yakusoku (2)
- Jazaray - rayragnarok (1)
- junichi - JackSpade (1)
- LA3 - thror (2)
- Montague - JackSpade (2)
- OGB - JackSpade (3)
- rayragnarok - JackSpade (4)
- thror - JackSpade (5)
- WCFmo - Jazaray (1)
- yakusoku - Gawain (1)
The Turnkey Conspiracy Part 2.5The emergency personel returned posthaste. This time it was different. Evidence needed to be collected and statements taken. ryan2754's death wasn't simple or clean cut as BernieB's was. Or so it seemed. A stun gun was found in JackSpade's locker. He was quickly taken downtown for questioning. Those with Night Actions, your PMs are needed. {Summary: JackSpade lynched. Status Citizen} __________________ <Jazaray> LIQ! <Jazaray> you broke MOTL <Liq> totally <BoltBait> Don't make me kick you <Slinga> Have no fear, MOTL's janitor is here! <nderdog> So we're all agreed, it's Liq's fault, right? <Leshrac> let me deal with that * Liq has been banned
LA3 Member
posted November 17, 2010 02:47 AM

i switched my vote from jack to thror because of this statement by throrIm going to echo the sentiment from Ray and LA3. I'm voting Jack again this round. His post @ the top of page 6 didn't sit well with me round 1. And, while this round has been much quieter than last, it just feels like Jack is trying to blend in to me the first part is a copout-echo the sentiment-. Thats a good line possibly used by mafia I Have a gut feeling not all mafia voted for jack @thror- nothing against you but when you also say jack is trying to blend in-we all know he;s been quiet this round. If i survive the NK, i'll post thoughts tonight
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