Topic: Post for EDH/Commander Part 5: Nissa Revane looks for a job.
mcelraca Member
posted November 26, 2012 10:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mr. Ruboonia: Need a new, fun commander. I would prefer something tribal. I have already looked at Vampires and Zombies and none are super interesting. Any ideas?
Jarad Golgari Lich Lord might be fun for an Elf tribal. The only thing is Jarad kind of puts you a position to also have the deck be graveyard manipulation which you may or may not be interested in. I personally have two tribal decks, vampires (Olivia) & Slivers (Sliver Overlord). Vampire deck - the cards all play well together and very little thinking is usually involved. Sliver deck - Is much more challenging to play, 5 color fixing, the heart of the deck is that it can answer to whatever your opponent plays by using overlord to search out the slivers you need. This is personally my favorite tribal edh deck because I always feel like I have the most control of what is happening in the game. RANDOM EDIT: My absolute favorite Sliver EDH moment, Flashing in quicksliver and Sliver legion into play to counteract someone's Craterhoof Behemoth in what would have been a game ending assault.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by mcelraca on November 26, 2012]
AGO Member
posted November 26, 2012 10:40 AM
I am think I want to build a Zur EDH deck. Is he solid in 1vs1 and Multi? Are there any Enchantments that are auto include?
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 10:42 AM

quote: Originally posted by AGO: I am think I want to build a Zur EDH deck. Is he solid in 1vs1 and Multi? Are there any Enchantments that are auto include?
Yes and lists are common and easily found online. That said, Zur is *everywhere*. It's an extremely linear deck and is pretty weak to anything that gets past the counterwall. If you want to be bored out of your mind and bore your opponent out of his mind, then Zur is the deck for you.
Lord Crovax Member
posted November 26, 2012 11:28 AM

quote: Originally posted by AGO: I am think I want to build a Zur EDH deck. Is he solid in 1vs1 and Multi? Are there any Enchantments that are auto include?
Also expect to get hated out by everyone and anyone who knows what they are doing. __________________ I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 01:01 PM

quote: Originally posted by Lord Crovax: Also expect to get hated out by everyone and anyone who knows what they are doing.
The worst part is the shuffling. Between what, eight fetchlands, like every tutor ever printed and zur himself, it's just endless. Only play Zur in competitive 1v1. That said, the strategies to get rid of him are well-known and antiblue sideboards will also hose you - Blue is absurdly absurd in 1v1 for obvious reasons. Hope you enjoy playing against Pyroblast, REB and Active Volcano in every game. Or Carpet of Flowers.
Lord Crovax Member
posted November 26, 2012 01:27 PM

quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: The worst part is the shuffling. Between what, eight fetchlands, like every tutor ever printed and zur himself, it's just endless. Only play Zur in competitive 1v1. That said, the strategies to get rid of him are well-known and antiblue sideboards will also hose you - Blue is absurdly absurd in 1v1 for obvious reasons. Hope you enjoy playing against Pyroblast, REB and Active Volcano in every game. Or Carpet of Flowers.
or Choke, not to mention Disruption in form of cheap discard and/or removal that might not normally see play. In preparation for a 1v1 event I add Choke in every Green SB, so many blue decks try to run a Dual/Shock/Fetch package and Choke just shuts them down. __________________ I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 03:59 PM

quote: Originally posted by Lord Crovax: or Choke, not to mention Disruption in form of cheap discard and/or removal that might not normally see play.In preparation for a 1v1 event I add Choke in every Green SB, so many blue decks try to run a Dual/Shock/Fetch package and Choke just shuts them down.
When Edric was legal I mainboarded submerge. Blue is so commonplace in my meta that it's at the point that I might as well maindeck antiblue. There's almost no deck that doesn't play blue, so it's never a dead draw. Anti-island and anti-nonbasic hurts me, though, since my deck is UR.
Link139232 Member
posted November 26, 2012 04:38 PM
I'm playing in a high stakes EDH tournament in January for some power cards and could use some advice.I need a deck that I can destroy with. It will be a few Swiss rounds of 1v1, then seated into pods of 4 player games. If you kill someone before turn 4, you actually lose points, same if you take a turn that lasts more than 6 minutes. I don't know a whole lot about the format. I built 3 decks: Maralen EDH - Ad Nauseam combo deck using Exsanguinate and Tendrils for the kill. Thinking about catching people offguard by playing a UB general like Wrexial and possibly running a Pact of Negation. Maralen is pretty bad, so yeah. Can always play the mind game of "wtf, no blue sources" so people don't attack me. Unfortunately, not being able to quick kill will make it harder for me because of blue mages getting permission. Oona Combo - Infinite mana combo with Power Artifact and Grim Monolith, then use Oona to exile all decks. It is permission heavy and lots of tutors. Its also expensive, as I want to run a Timetwister, but might be able to get away with something else. Jhoria - I think it's... Fun. Suspend an Obliterate, then Omniscience. Good game? But, something about it seems that it's not cut-throat competitive enough. I might not check this forum frequently, so if someone wants to help via PM, that would be great for discussion!
Lord Crovax Member
posted November 26, 2012 05:00 PM

Animar combo (Imperial Combo) Maelstrom Wanderer (Valukat Combo)Those are both solid 1v1 and probably work very well in a FFA format to... __________________ I shall have the souls of all who defy me. "Lord Crovax"
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 05:15 PM

quote: Originally posted by Link139232: Jhoria - I think it's... Fun. Suspend an Obliterate, then Omniscience. Good game? But, something about it seems that it's not cut-throat competitive enough.
I play Jhoira. You don't want Omniscience. You're already avoiding paying for something. Just suspend the card you would play with omniscience. The value of Jhoira is that players will always try to remove her no matter what. So she's basically a 1UR duress that you can cast over and over again. Once you hit 7-8 mana you can start casting huge bombs for full price. That said, play her on turn 4 or 5, so if they try and terror her you can suspend something. Obliterate is key, because it can't be countered. Decree of Annihilation is excellent, because it lets you geddon at EOT so they can't counter the huge dude you suspended. Upheaval in 1v1 is great too, since it's amazingly cheap. You'll often want to suspend the huge dude for the turn *after* Obliterate would come in, so that they can't float mana for a STP or counterspell. Watch the way things are worded. Myojin don't get their counters, but you get Emrakul's free turn and he comes in with haste, so you get to annihilator them twice. Their board will most likely be empty if Emrakul resolves. Fury Charm, Rift Elemental and maybe timespinning are all playable. The charm is usually a shatter but can also protect Jhoira from a shock or something. And it lets you bring in big dudes when the opponent doesn't expect you to. Ditto for rifty except that he's in play. The deck suffers from not really having much accel and fixing is either slow or has some sort of drawback. Soft counters like force spike and miscalculation are better than counterspell or hinder or something. You can play those too, but it's a lot harder to reliably have UU on turn two than 1U. Exclude is often much better than any of the "counter anything" type spells since most decks still have to try and win through beatdown. You'll want to load up on burn as most creature decks don't expect a lot of it and you can start going at the face. Volcanic Fallout is an all-star since it can't be countered and hits Geist. Sudden shock is quite good, too. And burn can also just be your alternate win con. Granted I play in a very, very counter-heavy meta. But anything that says "can't be countered" is worth its weight in gold. Sudden Boomerang (or whatever it's called) is also teh pwnzor. Trickbind. Good. It stops all animate dead effects now due to the new wording, so you can uncounterably counter half of a reanimator deck. It stops storm if somebody attempts to make it work. It's also a 1U stone rain if opponent plays a fetch. Hell, you can even counter an opponent's activation of Jhoira, which RFGs forever whatever they wanted to suspend. Aside from the obvious eldrazi, you'll want your win cons to be cheap enough that you can hard cast them with counters up. Steel Hellkite is a good one. Tidespout Elemental (5UUU, all spells you play are boomerangs) is boss too.
AGO Member
posted November 26, 2012 07:23 PM
Scratch the Zur idea then!Guess I'll just stick with my current general Memnarch. Are there anymore good hosers like Back to Basics, Land Equilibrium, Invoke Prejudice, Propaganda that can help me slow people down? My deck is basically a steal everything deck packed with Time Warps and the such.
dwiz Member
posted November 26, 2012 07:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by AGO: Scratch the Zur idea then!Guess I'll just stick with my current general Memnarch. Are there anymore good hosers like Back to Basics, Land Equilibrium, Invoke Prejudice, Propaganda that can help me slow people down? My deck is basically a steal everything deck packed with Time Warps and the such.
Acid Rain
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 07:32 PM

quote: Originally posted by dwiz: Acid Rain
BTB is banned in 1v1. Sunder bounces all lands. Upheaval bounces everything. Evac bounces all creatures. Various other mass bounce. Nev's Disk and varients.
caquaa Member
posted November 26, 2012 09:10 PM
IMO I'd run edric. He should run very well in 1v1 because you can just get way too far ahead in the game too easily. In multiplayer he has some built in politics. Some time warps and triumph of the horde should be enough to put a multiplayer game away. You just need to find out in advance what going on w/ the rules. Make sure its a 10 poison kill, no odd cards banned, etc. Its one of the most frustrating things w/ EDH is they encourage you to make up your own rules so it becomes difficult to know what to expect.quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: BTB is banned in 1v1.
1) dumb card to be banned. It does exactly what its designed to do, force you to play basics. 2) no one said hes using 1v1 banned list from what I see quote: Originally posted by AGO: Scratch the Zur idea then!Guess I'll just stick with my current general Memnarch. Are there anymore good hosers like Back to Basics, Land Equilibrium, Invoke Prejudice, Propaganda that can help me slow people down? My deck is basically a steal everything deck packed with Time Warps and the such.
you sound very boring to play with. Maybe you should continue working to find something new.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by caquaa on November 26, 2012]
Volcanon Member
posted November 26, 2012 10:26 PM

quote: Originally posted by caquaa: 1) dumb card to be banned. It does exactly what its designed to do, force you to play basics. 2) no one said hes using 1v1 banned list from what I see.
Edric is also banned in 1v1 because of more or less why you said he should play him. Why wouldn't you use the 1v1 banned list? It's much more rational to use than the multiplayer banned list. Unless you like 1-mana and 0-mana double time walks. Turn 1 sol ring is gee gee especially if it's chained into other fast mana. Island-sol ring-signet, next turn bribery. Good game. I think BTB is banned because it more or less destroys a format that otherwise is nearly always multicolor. Blue is already strong enough.
Mr. Ruboonia Member
posted November 27, 2012 01:32 AM
Olivia V or Rubinia Soulsinger or Elesh Norn or Niv Mizzet?
choco man Member
posted November 27, 2012 04:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mr. Ruboonia: Olivia V or Rubinia Soulsinger or Elesh Norn or Niv Mizzet?
Get a Rubinia altered into Ruboonia and then you're set!
[Edited 1 times, lastly by choco man on November 27, 2012]
Mr. Ruboonia Member
posted November 27, 2012 01:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: Get a Rubinia altered into Ruboonia and then you're set!
Rubinia used to be one of my favorite cards in the mid-90's. You guessed correctly-she is indeed the reason for my MOTL handle. It's kind of funny that instead of just disappearing, never to be remembered again, the elder dragon legends are back in the spotlight because of commander. 
FleeceItOut Member
posted November 27, 2012 02:50 PM

quote: Originally posted by Mr. Ruboonia: Olivia V or Rubinia Soulsinger or Elesh Norn or Niv Mizzet?
given these choices i'd play uhhhh Elesh Norn
choco man Member
posted November 27, 2012 05:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Volcanon: Rofflelol. Edric interactive? He spits some terrible 1-drops into play then hides behind a counterwall.
How would you argue that Geist of St. Traft is anymore interactive? Let's move this to the EDH thread since we've already answered the original poster's question. Geist is hexproof, which is a one of the least interactive abilities a creature can have.
AGO Member
posted December 03, 2012 11:02 AM
Would elf tribal be competitive at all in a casual setting? My friends like to play Niv, Kemba, Slivers and such.
choco man Member
posted December 03, 2012 11:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by AGO: Would elf tribal be competitive at all in a casual setting? My friends like to play Niv, Kemba, Slivers and such.
Elf tribal is one of the better tribes. You even get to choose from G, BG, or WG.
revenger Member
posted December 03, 2012 11:13 AM
I can't seem to find a commander I really like. I have 2 edh decks, w/g and W/r. Trostani and Gisela, respectivly. Trostani i am ho hum about. Gisela is expensive to get into play, but i like her abilities. My fave colors are w/b but their commanders choices I am not to keen about. So, suggestions or ideas would be appreciated!__________________ Your 2008 & 2010 Siskel & Ebert award winner!32nd in refs on Motl! #1 Ref's for Arizona! I offer 3rd party trading services. Email if interested. Sites NOT recommended for MTG trading: (Ripped), (ripped)
Nyarlathotep333 Member
posted December 03, 2012 12:03 PM

quote: Originally posted by revenger: I can't seem to find a commander I really like. I have 2 edh decks, w/g and W/r. Trostani and Gisela, respectivly. Trostani i am ho hum about. Gisela is expensive to get into play, but i like her abilities. My fave colors are w/b but their commanders choices I am not to keen about. So, suggestions or ideas would be appreciated!
I have fun with a Teysa, Orzhov Scion deck. But I play EDH very casual. So far I haven't won a ton of games with her, but I'll admit that I haven't spent much time tuning that deck either. So far my favorite deck is one I put together with Skeleton Ship. It's a counter deck that uses proliferate effects a lot. Though I do use creatures with wither, I decided that I did NOT want to win using poison counters so I've excluded poison/infect kinds of creatures from the deck. Also, is it just me or does anyone else really, really want a BGU Zombie commander? I don't even care if it's all that great, just as long as I can us it for my Zombie Tribal deck (currently BU with Grimgrin).
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Nyarlathotep333 on December 03, 2012]
choco man Member
posted December 03, 2012 05:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: I can't seem to find a commander I really like. I have 2 edh decks, w/g and W/r. Trostani and Gisela, respectivly. Trostani i am ho hum about. Gisela is expensive to get into play, but i like her abilities. My fave colors are w/b but their commanders choices I am not to keen about. So, suggestions or ideas would be appreciated!
All of the bw commanders involve sacrifice mechanics, too much of the same thing. Hoping Gatecrash brings something new because I also like bw. A lot of commander is being able to find the right general. I'm fortunate that I'm a timmy and have lots of things to like. Really, the only thing missing is an Enchantress general. I suppose you can find stuff you like to play and just use the general for colors for the time being. Is that how your Trostani and Gisela deck got construcetd?
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