Topic: Post for EDH/Commander Part 5: Nissa Revane looks for a job.
Devonin Member
posted June 29, 2012 04:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by MAB_Rapper: Ok, the problem is that I am not 100% sure how many duals I will be running or which colors I will be focusing on yet. I was thinking of cards like this: Reap and Sow
Some cards that can get you -any- land that cost 3 or more: Beseech the Queen Hired Giant Primeval Titan Realms Uncharted Reap and Sow Shard Convergence (Not Forests though) Spoils of Victory
WeedIan Member
posted June 29, 2012 09:13 PM
Repear and sow is fine.Harrow. There's a blue spellshaper that turns a card int your hand into a harrow. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
ryan2754 Member
posted June 30, 2012 07:39 AM
Dreamscape Artist.__________________ -Schmitty 85th in Refs [282] on MOTL (2 behind Gamma_1) 2nd in Refs [282] in OH-IO (72 behind souladvocate) 2nd in Posts [7466] in OH-IO (only 600 behind Val) “If Brad Stevens is the future of coaching in college basketball, the sport is in a good place.” - Rick Pitino
revenger Member
posted June 30, 2012 10:45 AM
So like I am thinking instead of a edh w/b, i might try u/b. now i need an excellent u/b commander, preferrable cheaper than 6cc. (how is Vela?) suggestions... something like u/b control without rares. __________________ Motl member since November 1, 2000Your 2008 and 2010 Motl Siskel & Ebert award winner! 34th in refs on Motl! First in refs in state of Arizona! I offer 3rd party trades. Email me if interested.
choco man Member
posted June 30, 2012 04:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: So like I am thinking instead of a edh w/b, i might try u/b. now i need an excellent u/b commander, preferrable cheaper than 6cc. (how is Vela?) suggestions... something like u/b control without rares.
Dralnu, lich lord Lots of good unc/com that you can flash back.
iccarus Member
posted June 30, 2012 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by choco man: Dralnu, lich lordLots of good unc/com that you can flash back.
Just make sure you have boots/greaves to keep him safe. Granted, not a lot of burn in EDH. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
choco man Member
posted July 01, 2012 08:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by iccarus: Just make sure you have boots/greaves to keep him safe. Granted, not a lot of burn in EDH.
Don't even cast him if there's burn on the table. It's easy to kill artifacts.
Undomian Member
posted July 02, 2012 09:49 AM

I finally got around to adding Deadeye Navigator to my deck, and though I expected it to be good, I didn't expect it to basically win me the game. Navigator + Primeval to rip every land out of my deck, and Navigator + Mystic Snake to counter every spell my opponents tried to play... I never even felt threatened.
WeedIan Member
posted July 02, 2012 12:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Undomian: I finally got around to adding Deadeye Navigator to my deck, and though I expected it to be good, I didn't expect it to basically win me the game. Navigator + Primeval to rip every land out of my deck, and Navigator + Mystic Snake to counter every spell my opponents tried to play... I never even felt threatened.
Its almost too good, its crazy how good he is in EDH. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
choco man Member
posted July 02, 2012 02:25 PM
Play more mass-LD.
iccarus Member
posted July 02, 2012 02:34 PM
Is he really that good? I just assumed it was a cheaper Mistmeadow Witch. That guy was useful, but never really an "OMG, I win the game" card. Does the 2 mana discount make that much of a difference?EDIT: Ah, I see some key differences in the wording now. Looks like I need to get around to ordering some AVR cards finally. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by iccarus on July 02, 2012]
Bagbokk Member
posted July 02, 2012 08:13 PM
Ugh. The balance between "winning" and "having fun" especially in multiplayer is killing my brain. Hard to explain, but don't really know what to do about it.
WeedIan Member
posted July 03, 2012 12:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bagbokk: Ugh. The balance between "winning" and "having fun" especially in multiplayer is killing my brain. Hard to explain, but don't really know what to do about it.
If you can infinite combo don't always just do it. That way you can have the power to end the game if someone else plays jerky cards. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
Bagbokk Member
posted July 03, 2012 01:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: If you can infinite combo don't always just do it. That way you can have the power to end the game if someone else plays jerky cards.
Yeah, that's what I thought too. I guess, at some point, it just feels like I know I can win, but I'm toying with them and just deciding when I want to win. At that point it doesn't necessarily become fun anymore, it's just like "oh, can I do something interesting to win? If not, I'm going to do X-combo to win anyway. If you try something on your turn, I'm going to Y-combo in response to win anyway." Guess I could just stop worrying so much and try to just play and have fun, just hard to think otherwise, haha.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bagbokk on July 03, 2012]
WeedIan Member
posted July 03, 2012 02:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bagbokk: Yeah, that's what I thought too. I guess, at some point, it just feels like I know I can win, but I'm toying with them and just deciding when I want to win. At that point it doesn't necessarily become fun anymore, it's just like "oh, can I do something interesting to win? If not, I'm going to do X-combo to win anyway. If you try something on your turn, I'm going to Y-combo in response to win anyway."Guess I could just stop worrying so much and try to just play and have fun, just hard to think otherwise, haha.
Instead of making decks that are just all the best cards. Make interesting decks. Play a deck that is all cantrip cards that sometimes don't do much (remove a single card in a graveyard draw a card is a good example) but are very useful. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
Bagbokk Member
posted July 03, 2012 09:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: Instead of making decks that are just all the best cards. Make interesting decks.Play a deck that is all cantrip cards that sometimes don't do much (remove a single card in a graveyard draw a card is a good example) but are very useful.
That's not what I'm doing, though, and I'm having a pretty hard time balancing "interesting" with "best." I'm not doing anything dumb like renaminating Jin-Gitaxias. I'm trying to build decks that are good, but I want to use as many P3K generals as I can. Unfortunately most of them are terrible and have absolutely no effects that are usable as a commander. My XHD deck has no infinite mana combos right now (it may eventually) and it doesn't play Stax/lockdown style which is probably the least fun of any type of deck ever. It's more just the style of that deck happens to be able to tutor for answers to pretty much anything and then recur them as necessary, and I guess that part gives me a little pause as to its funness. But that's the whole point of him as a commander. My in-development Sun Quan deck runs mostly Coastal Piracy and "when x does combat damage, stuff happens" (mostly card drawing, since that's like 90% of the blue effects that happen on combat damage) along with a few fat creatures to kill stuff. It also runs Deadeye Navigator plus "when x comes into play, stuff happens." Inevitably that's going to include Palinchron which leads to infinite mana, but I might also run Draining Whelk which leads to infinite counterspells, and that might make things a little less fun. I feel a little better about it since it takes a bit of setup and requires the creatures to stay alive (making it relatively on par with the other combos people are running here). I don't see that as just making a deck out of all the best cards, but I could be wrong? I have a pretty difficult time looking at a legendary creature and thinking about stuff that can be done with them. Maybe I have limited creativity, but I've also played Magic extremely on-and-off which means I'm missing entire blocks of knowledge about cards.
[Edited 3 times, lastly by Bagbokk on July 03, 2012]
Undomian Member
posted July 04, 2012 06:18 AM

quote: Originally posted by Bagbokk: I'm trying to build decks that are good, but I want to use as many P3K generals as I can.
I played Diaochan, Artful Beauty for awhile, and she wasn't at all bad in some sort of monored control shell. Admittedly, it was monored control in EDH, so it was far from the best, but it was still a 'fun' experience.
choco man Member
posted July 04, 2012 12:16 PM
Palinchron almost has no legitimate use other than to help generate infinite mana. Unless infinite mana is your theme, I don't see a reason to include it.
Bagbokk Member
posted July 04, 2012 12:29 PM
quote: I played Diaochan, Artful Beauty for awhile, and she wasn't at all bad in some sort of monored control shell. Admittedly, it was monored control in EDH, so it was far from the best, but it was still a 'fun' experience.
Do you have a rough list for this? Diaochan and Hua Tuo are probably the only other two that I flagged as potentially having some use in Commander. White has almost nothing; Kongming is the only real one that does anything and it's just a +1/+1 all creatures effect. Bleh. quote: Palinchron almost has no legitimate use other than to help generate infinite mana. Unless infinite mana is your theme, I don't see a reason to include it.
I try to have 2-4 different things happening within the deck if I can fit them (and part of this is my limited card pool currently). There's only so many "when this deals combat damage to player, (stuff)" and 90% of the "stuff" is draw a card. I also have about 6 merfolk and Wanderwine Prophets to go with the unblockable theme, which if I can get out a few of them and attack I should be able to kill a couple of people. But that's why I'm running Deadeye Navigator blink; if I wanted to just run a full blink deck, I've seen U/W lists for it, but I thought there was enough space to include it in here too. I mean, as more cards come in I can replace stuff that doesn't work out or stuff that's too powerful. Maybe I'll be wrong in practice, but theoretically the infinite mana generated by Deadeye and Palinchron sounds at least on par with combos other people are running (Bruna commander + Mirror-Mad Phantasm + Auras. It one-shots people, but it requires getting and using the Phantasm, and it requires Bruna to be able to stay on the field for at least one turn). Unlike XHD where the chances of me being able to recur a tutor are insanely high early on, Mono-U doesn't really have any way to tutor for these two guys to get them out even if I'm running Brainstorm/Ponder/other cantrips. Even then I need the third combo piece to put the infinite mana to use. I think this is my one "reactionary combo" play: if someone is going to kill me and I have these pieces out on the board, I'm going to combo out and Stroke of Genius them. I'll take it out if it's dumb.
[Edited 6 times, lastly by Bagbokk on July 04, 2012]
WeedIan Member
posted July 04, 2012 01:19 PM
If i'm stuck on ideas i always persure the EDH forums to see any things people have done before because its all been done before nothing is new  __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
Bagbokk Member
posted July 05, 2012 12:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: If i'm stuck on ideas i always persure the EDH forums to see any things people have done before because its all been done before nothing is new 
Yeah, I do that from time to time. Whenever I think of something that sounds pretty fun. Hell, I do that with normal decks too. On a side note, screw trying to balance my decks. Mine is a neutered version of XHD and one of the guys put in Grafdigger's Cage just because I was going to play. If I have a Chains of Mephistopheles + Anvil of Bogardan combo out, assuming I have 5 mana, Corpse Dance, and a tutor (other than Vampiric) in the graveyard I should basically win if someone else can't do anything with what they have on the board and in-hand (including tutor for any responses to that), right? I can just Corpse Dance XHD and recur tutor for anything in my library while no one in the game will draw a card as long as that combo is out in play.
[Edited 2 times, lastly by Bagbokk on July 05, 2012]
WeedIan Member
posted July 05, 2012 01:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bagbokk: Yeah, I do that from time to time. Whenever I think of something that sounds pretty fun. Hell, I do that with normal decks too. On a side note, screw trying to balance my decks. Mine is a neutered version of XHD and one of the guys put in Grafdigger's Cage just because I was going to play.
Really? He sideboarded for EDH? If you dont' play GY hate its your own fault.
Bagbokk Member
posted July 05, 2012 01:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: Really? He sideboarded for EDH?If you dont' play GY hate its your own fault.
Yep. I have no problem if it's already in the deck and I just got screwed by it (honestly, it sucks, but it wouldn't be that gamebreaking if I didn't have ~20 filler cards in my deck). He did Trinket Mage for it really early on. I'm not running Bitter Ordeal or anything at the moment, partly because I don't own one anymore, but not sure I could have stopped that. The part where he basically sideboarded for EDH is a big enough dick move that I'm not going to bother watering down my decks to maintain balance, other than for my PERSONAL enjoyment.
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Bagbokk on July 05, 2012]
Sovarius Member
posted July 05, 2012 03:39 PM
Did the group ever make it clear if you could use a sideboard or not? Maybe he's just to it.Unless you mean he dug through his collection, not an actual sb.
WeedIan Member
posted July 05, 2012 07:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sovarius: Did the group ever make it clear if you could use a sideboard or not? Maybe he's just to it.Unless you mean he dug through his collection, not an actual sb.
Even so this isn't like he was playing an EDH tourney he was playing for fun saw the general and sideboarded. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 11th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
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