Topic: Post for EDH/Commander Part 5: Nissa Revane looks for a job.
daner Member
posted August 16, 2012 11:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by Skwirlnutz: What is a good Reanimator package to have in an edh deck?I wanna build an Olivia EDH deck with red Looting effect with some reanimation, any suggestions on both?
Animate Dead, Diabolic Servitude, Dread Return, Reanimate, Rise from the Grave, Makeshift Mannequin, Living Death, Chainer, Dementia Master, and something like Puppeteer Clique can be really good if your opponent has a lot of thrifty creatures. IMO the best cards for reanimation are Recurring Nightmare(banned for obvious reasons), Dread Return, Chainer, Dementia Master and Living Death if you are straight B/R reanimate. Personally if you are going for a reanimate type deck I'd go B/W. Leaves you open to a lot more reanimation effects. Unburial Rites, Ressurection, Miraculous Recovery, Reveillark, Karmic Guide plus many more.
evilempire22 Member
posted August 16, 2012 06:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by daner: Animate Dead, Diabolic Servitude, Dread Return, Reanimate, Rise from the Grave, Makeshift Mannequin, Living Death, Chainer, Dementia Master, and something like Puppeteer Clique can be really good if your opponent has a lot of thrifty creatures. IMO the best cards for reanimation are Recurring Nightmare(banned for obvious reasons), Dread Return, Chainer, Dementia Master and Living Death if you are straight B/R reanimate. Personally if you are going for a reanimate type deck I'd go B/W. Leaves you open to a lot more reanimation effects. Unburial Rites, Ressurection, Miraculous Recovery, Reveillark, Karmic Guide plus many more.
Missing Victimize! --Evil __________________ I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
Skwirlnutz Member
posted August 16, 2012 07:34 PM
Thanks guys! I do know that white and black would be much better for obvious reasons, however I wanna use Olivia Valdaren as the General. So the Idea is to use a bunch of wheel effects and be able to reanimate and creatures I lose. On another note, I'm thinking about adding Chancellor of the Annex to my Kaalia deck, anybody think its a good idea or naw?
[Edited 1 times, lastly by Skwirlnutz on August 16, 2012]
revenger Member
posted August 16, 2012 08:19 PM
Exhume? __________________ Motl member since November 1, 2000Your 2008 and 2010 Motl Siskel & Ebert award winner! 33rd in refs on Motl! #1 Ref's for Arizona! I offer 3rd party services. Email me if interested.
iccarus Member
posted August 16, 2012 09:51 PM
Totally punted a four player game tonight. I went aggressive with my Karador deck after getting taken up to 18 general damage early on by the Rafiq player. Pretty much dominated the table and had my recursion engine going, along with swords of F/I, F/F, and L/S in play. All that was left was me and one guy who had Avacyn and Akroma in play. After taking out Momir Vig on my turn, I forgot to slide my swords back over to my only flyer (2/1), which had been holding back the damage. Of course, on the last possible turn he untaps and drops Wordslayer, then equips it to Akroma. Oops. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
caquaa Member
posted August 16, 2012 11:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by iccarus: All that was left was me and one guy who had Avacyn and Akroma in play. After taking out Momir Vig on my turn, I forgot to slide my swords back over to my only flyer (2/1), which had been holding back the damage. Of course, on the last possible turn he untaps and drops Wordslayer, then equips it to Akroma.
would it actually have mattered? sounds like he had enough to get some trample damage through any how.
iccarus Member
posted August 17, 2012 07:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by caquaa: would it actually have mattered? sounds like he had enough to get some trample damage through any how.
Yes. I could have boosted its toughness well past six. I had three swords in play and Batterskull still in the library, with an active Stonehewer in play. Batterskull alone would only take him up to five though. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
stu55 Member
posted August 17, 2012 09:07 AM

I want to build a deck but I dunno what I want..I use to have a Braids, Zur, Grand Arbiter, Sharuum, and Karador deck...
WeedIan Member
posted August 17, 2012 09:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by stu55: I want to build a deck but I dunno what I want..I use to have a Braids, Zur, Grand Arbiter, Sharuum, and Karador deck...
What in magic do you do enjoying the most? That's what i try and build EDH on because its a format about having fun. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 2nd in posts in Canada 10th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
iccarus Member
posted August 17, 2012 09:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: What in magic do you do enjoying the most?That's what i try and build EDH on because its a format about having fun.
Agreed. Most of my decks tend to gravitate towards similar themes or strategies and I pick generals that compliment that. For example, I typically prefer to win through combat. My decks are heavy on creatures and everything has a valuable activated ability or ETB trigger. Almost everything you mentioned stu leads me to think you like control or prison-style decks. __________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
ryan2754 Member
posted August 17, 2012 09:53 AM
I love the Blue Braids. He's so fun!
choco man Member
posted August 17, 2012 03:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by stu55: I want to build a deck but I dunno what I want..I use to have a Braids, Zur, Grand Arbiter, Sharuum, and Karador deck...
Try Heartless Hidetsugu. I'd be interested to see how your decklist turns out comparatively.
Skwirlnutz Member
posted August 17, 2012 05:36 PM
Right now I'm slowly building an Olivia deck. But my name focus is my Darien deck, any suggestions on how to damage myself? Or get people to "come at me bro!"
revenger Member
posted August 17, 2012 09:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Skwirlnutz: Right now I'm slowly building an Olivia deck. But my name focus is my Darien deck, any suggestions on how to damage myself? Or get people to "come at me bro!"
Lotsa painlands? ancient tomb. I'm thinking with red, they can deal damage to emselves and have cards they force ur opponent to attack u. But youll need life gain or damage prevention (cop:red?) b4 ya commit suicide. __________________ Motl member since November 1, 2000Your 2008 and 2010 Motl Siskel & Ebert award winner! 33rd in refs on Motl! #1 Ref's for Arizona! I offer 3rd party services. Email me if interested.
Skwirlnutz Member
posted August 17, 2012 11:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: Lotsa painlands? ancient tomb. I'm thinking with red, they can deal damage to emselves and have cards they force ur opponent to attack u. But youll need life gain or damage prevention (cop:red?) b4 ya commit suicide.
So far I got: Jinxed choker Jinxed idol Mana crypt Ancient tomb Mana vault I'm wanting to add about 10 cards or so that Hurt me while I have a bunch of cards out that make people wanna attack me.
JackSpade Member
posted August 18, 2012 05:13 AM

quote: Originally posted by Skwirlnutz: Right now I'm slowly building an Olivia deck. But my name focus is my Darien deck, any suggestions on how to damage myself? Or get people to "come at me bro!"
I play those colors and nothing puts a big ol' target on my back like Bloodchief Ascension (throw in a Spiteful Visions for the lulz). That or Stranglehold ( <3 Stranglehold).
choco man Member
posted August 18, 2012 06:17 AM
tarnished citadel city of brass grand coliseum staff of nin
revenger Member
posted August 18, 2012 05:47 PM
Is Lyzolda the blood witch any good as a commander?__________________ Motl member since November 1, 2000Your 2008 and 2010 Motl Siskel & Ebert award winner! 33rd in refs on Motl! #1 Ref's for Arizona! I offer 3rd party services. Email me if interested.
WeedIan Member
posted August 18, 2012 08:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: Is Lyzolda the blood witch any good as a commander?
She seems fine. Just need red/black things. __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 2nd in posts in Canada 10th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
choco man Member
posted August 18, 2012 09:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by revenger: Is Lyzolda the blood witch any good as a commander?
in the very least, she's got a good game versus the best commander (Edric)
iccarus Member
posted August 24, 2012 07:51 AM
After reading Sheldon's last article, I'm really hoping the RC leans towards unbanning Kokusho. I'm not looking to break him in half, but I have at least one deck (Karador) where I would really like to have him in my tool box.__________________ Wisconsin - smells like dairy air!I collect Granite Gargoyles. Send them my way.
WeedIan Member
posted August 26, 2012 07:47 AM
We were having this discussion yesterday.Does anyone else here change their EDH decks or have multiple EDH decks for the power level of their play groups? __________________ Member Since 03/28/2001 12000+ posts 1st in posts in Ontario 2nd in posts in Canada 10th in posts on MOTL 5th in Refs in Ontario Pushing to get to top 100 in MOTL Refs
caquaa Member
posted August 26, 2012 08:01 AM
I have my Ghave deck that is full of goodies and sometimes it accidentally combos off and kills people or makes them die of boredom. Something about tapping your cradle for 30+ mana and going through the iterations of Ghave stuff people dislike.I also have an Intent deck. Its meant to just play off the top of the deck. key card for the deck is omen machine. I often switch to this deck when people get annoyed at my Ghave deck or I know the people there have poor decks. I don't really even remember what is in the deck. I do know I have stolen all the dual lands and shock lands form it for other things, so it runs a bunch of basics, 2 fetches, and 2 innistrad lands. I also found 2 empty sleeves in the deck box last I played and I didn't bother to put anything in their place. If anyone had a problem w/ me playing 98 cards I would happily switch to my complete Ghave deck, heh. I did just throw animar back together. I might run it a tad more often just due to the keldon firebombers I randomly added. its a fair geddon!
Pail42 Member
posted August 26, 2012 09:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by WeedIan: Does anyone else here change their EDH decks or have multiple EDH decks for the power level of their play groups?
I don't do it with EDH, but that's mostly because all my decks have been horrible. When I was playing regularly at my LCS I almost always had a non-competitive deck to play against people in case everybody there was bad.
ryan2754 Member
posted August 26, 2012 11:40 AM
I have 2 decks. One is a good one - RWU Combo. One is mono-colored white, with Lin Sivvi as general. A lot slower, and power level is less than the combo. So yeah, I have two different power levels depending on who I'm playing.__________________ -Schmitty 85th in Refs [282] on MOTL (2 behind Gamma_1) 2nd in Refs [282] in OH-IO (72 behind souladvocate) 2nd in Posts [7466] in OH-IO (only 600 behind Val) “If Brad Stevens is the future of coaching in college basketball, the sport is in a good place.” - Rick Pitino
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